Bridegrooms by Surname Letter P

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 4, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Maria Yvonne FRAZEE, daughter of Mrs. L. H. FRAZEE of Noblestown, and Ronald E. PREVOST of Primrose, were united in marriage at eight o'clock Thursday evening, June 26, 1947, in the Noblestown United Presbyterian church. The pastor, Dr. R. L. LANNING, performed the single ring ceremony before an altar decorated with ferns and lighted candelabra.
The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Ronald FRAZEE, wore a gown of white satin with sweetheart neck and long sleeves coming to a point overhand. Her net veil was fingertip length with imitation orange blossom headdress. She carried a bouquet of white rosebuds. Miss Aline FRAZEE, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, wore a blue satin gown with matching net hat and
mits. She carried a bouquet of spring flowers. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Olive PIAZZA, sister of the bridegroom, wore a gown of old rose satin with net hat and mits
[sic] to match, while Miss Marianne FRAZEE,
sister of the bride, wore a pink satin gown with matching hat and mits
[sic]. They carried bouquets of spring flowers. Merle PREVOST of Gladden Heights served as his brother's
bestman. Ushers were Lawrence and Charles FRAZEE, brothers of the bride, and Warren PIAZZA, brother-in-law of the bridegroom.
The wedding music was played by the church organist, Mrs. Frank W. KEENAN,
Noblestown. Miss Gloria EBEL of Noblestown sang "Because" and "Thru the Years" and Miss Gerry CHARLIER of McDonald sang "O Promise Me" and "I Love Thee."
The bride is a graduate of North Fayette township high school and is employed by the Mellon National Bank and Trust Co., Pittsburgh. The bridegroom graduated from Hickory high school and is attending Business Training College, Pittsburgh.
A reception for 125 guest was held in the church by members of the Lanning-Stewart Beacon Circle. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond FRAZEE of Crane, Texas, were among the out-of-town guests.
The young couple left on a honeymoon to Greenville, Ill.
[ Ronald E. PREVOST to Maria Yvonne Frazee, 26 Jun 1947 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of July 20, 1922, page unknown:
[ PRINCE is the Groom. ]
Coming as a complete surprise to their many friends announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Roseta M. REED and Mr. Elmer W. PRINCE, the ceremony being performed in Oakland, Maryland on Friday, June 20, 1922, by the Rev. D. F. FUNK of the Lutheran church. The young couple left their homes on the morning of that date and returned in the afternoon, planning to keep their marriage a secret, but later decided to make the announcement.
Mrs. PRINCE, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. REED of Pleasants street, Morgantown, W. Va., is one of a family of talented musicians and is a member of the choir of the First Presbyterian church of that city. She was graduated from the high school and has been a student in the university school of music. During the last two years she has been a teacher in the Riverside schools.
Mr. PRINCE is the son of S. M. PRINCE of Wilson avenue, South Park. He was also educated in the Morgantown high school and received a degree in Civil Engineering in the University College of Engineering. He is a member of the local chapter of Phi Delta Lambda. Immediately following his graduation he accepted a position at Manheim, W. Va.
At present Mr. and Mrs. PRINCE are residing in the PRINCE home in Wilson avenue, where they are receiving the congratulations of their many friends. Mrs. PRINCE, who formerly lived in Oakdale, and had many friends, also extend congratulations to the happy couple.
[ Elmer W. PRINCE to Roseta M. Reed, 20 Jun 1922 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 1, 1943, page unknown:
Mrs. Delia GILL of Station street, McDonald, announces the marriage of her daughter Miss Pauline to S. Sgt. William C.
PRINGLE, stationed at the Ardmore Army airbase, Okla., son of John
PRINGLE and the late Mrs. Charlotte PRINGLE, formerly of New Kensington. The couple were married at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening, September 27, 1943, in the parish house of St. Alphonsus church, McDonald.
The bride wore blue with wild grape accessories and a corsage of red roses. Her attendant, Mrs. John
WYKE of McDonald, wore beige with brown accessories and a corsage of red roses. Thomas
PRINGLE of Butler served as his brother's bestman.
[ William C. PRINGLE to Pauline Gill, 27 Sep 1943 ] pringle_gill_10-01-1943_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 20, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Rose STARGENSKY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph STARGENSKY of Cliff Mine, and Mr. Philip
PRUSYZNSKI, son of Mrs. Mary
PRUSYZNSKI of Pittsburgh, were united in marriage at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, September 14, 1940, in St. Columbkille's church, Imperial, by the Rev. Fr. S. C.
The bride wore a gown of white net and lace with a trailing veil. She carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley. The maid of honor, Miss Anna STARGENSKY
of Cliff Mine, sister of the bride, wore a blue satin gown and carried pink roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Anna
KARKASKY of the Southside, Pittsburgh, and Miss Marie BARTOS of Imperial, both of whom wore pink satin gowns and carried pink roses. Mr. Albert
LENGVARSKY of Cliff Mine was the bestman, and the ushers were Mr. Frank
MALOUSKI of Pittsburgh and Mr. Edward STARGENSKY of Cliff
Mine. The wedding music was played by the church organist, Mr. Joseph
KRAINSK, of Pittsburgh.
A reception was held in the STARGENSKY home. There were 200 guests with 25 seated at the bride's table.
Mr. PRUSYZNSKI, a graduate of Peabody high school, is employed in Lawrenceville, Pittsburgh. The young couple will reside in Lawrenceville.
[ Philip PRUSYZNSKI to Rose Stargensky, 14 Sep 1940 ] prusyznski_stargensky_09-20-1940_ro
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Ronald E. PREVOST to Maria Yvonne Frazee, 26 Jun 1947
Elmer W. PRINCE to Roseta M. Reed, 20 Jun 1922
William C. PRINGLE to Pauline Gill, 27 Sep 1943
Philip PRUSYZNSKI to Rose Stargensky, 14 Sep 1940
This page was added July 6, 2007 ; updated Apr. 15, 2009 ; updated Sept. 10, 2009
; updated Oct. 26, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023