Bridegrooms by Surname Letter P
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of March
28, 1940, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Sara KELSO and Leonard PLANTS took place Thursday, March 28, in the Raccoon Presbyterian manse at Candor. The ceremony was read by the Rev. James P. SHAW. Mr. and Mrs. PLANTS will reside in Hickory.
[ Leonard PLANTS to Sara Kelso, 28 Mar 1940 ]
plants_kelso_04-05-1940-ro (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper
of June 18, 1926, page unknown:
Weddings of the Week
The marriage of Miss Isabel CARMICHAEL, daughter of Robert CARMICHAEL of Raccoon, and Frank E. PLUMERET Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. PLUMERET of Sturgeon, was solemnized Wednesday evening, May 26, 1926, at seven
o'clock in the manse of the Rev. Isaac K. TEAL in Pittsburgh. A reception in the bride's home followed
the ceremony, with covers laid for eighteen at the bridal table. After a motor trip through Ohio Mr. and Mrs.
PLUMERET will make their home at Raccoon.
[ Frank E. PLUMERET, Jr. to Isabel Carmichael, 26 May 1926 ]
plumeret_carmichael_06-18-1926 (SF)
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From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 5 July 1912,
page unknown:
Seraphine PLUMERET and Miss Mary D. KING, both of Noblestown, were married Saturday, June 28. The attendants were Miss Tillie LEGRO and George SUTTON, both of Alliance, Ohio. They will reside at
[ Seraphine PLUMERET to Mary D. King, 28 Jun 1912 ] plumeret-king-07-5-1912-rec
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Feb.
12, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Emma J. MRENAK, daughter of Mrs. Josephine MRENAK of Imperial and Staff Sgt. Louis S.
POGAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew POGAN, Sr., of Oakdale, were married at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, February 6, 1943, in St. Columbkille's church, Imperial, the Rev. Fr.
L. R. KOLAKOWSKI officiating.
The bride, given in marriage by her brother, John C. MRENAK, wore a princess gown of white satin and
lace with a long train and a fingertip veil with orange blossom crown. She carried a bouquet of white roses and carnations with white satin ribbon and streamers.
The maid of honor, Miss Mildred POGAN, sister of the bridegroom, wore a gown of rose taffeta and a tiara with a short veil. The bridesmaids - Miss Angeline
POGAN, sister of the bridegroom, wore pink taffeta, Miss Hilda M. MRENAK, niece of the bride, wore blue taffeta, and Miss Anna RECHEK wore blue taffeta. Each wore a tiara with short veil and carried a bouquet of red roses. The flower girls, Shirley MAGLICH and Carolyn
MRENAK, nieces of the bride, were dressed in blue and pink taffeta gowns and wore tiaras. Frank
KERIN, Jr., nephew of the bride, was bestman and the ushers were Edward
MRENAK, nephew of the bride, and Louis and Andrew LANG.
A reception was held in the bride's home at Enlow. A large wedding cake formed the centerpiece on the bride's table. Many guests were present and a number of gifts were received.
Mr. and Mrs. POGAN left Tuesday for Ft. Monroe, Va., where Mr. POGAN is stationed.
[ Louis S. POGAN to Emma J. Mrenak, 6 Feb 1943 ] pogan_mrenak_02-12-1943_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept.
22, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Cecelia ROLEK of Canonsburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ROLEK of Howard street, McDonald, and Mr. Joseph POKRZYWA of Canonsburg were united in marriage at 3:30 p.m.
E.S.T. Sunday, September 17, 1939, in the Polish National Catholic church, Canonsburg, the Rev. Mr. ZIEMBA officiating.
The bride wore white lace over satin with a long lace-trimmed veil held in place with a pearl tiara. She carried white roses. The maid-of-honor, Miss Sophie
POKRZYWA, wore rose taffeta with a matching flower headband. She carried tea roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Irene
ROLEK, who chose cerise taffeta with a matching flower headband, and Miss Josephine
KOGUT, who chose robin egg taffeta with a matching flower headband. They carried tea roses. Mr. Stanley BOBAR of
Canonsburg served as bestman and Mr. Steve DUCHIE of Canonsburg and Mr. Andrew KERILSA of Carnegie were ushers. Mr. John GREKO of Houston played the wedding music and Mrs. Michael KUC sang. A wedding dinner was served in the Coffee Shoppe, Canonsburg, to forty guests, 25 at the bride's table. The young couple then came to the bride's home in McDonald where they were further entertained. The guests included the families of the bridesmaids, the Polish National church choir, and close friends of the young couple.
Mrs. POKRZYWA is a graduate of the Cecil high school. She took part in various church activities, was president of the Polish National Girls' Sodality, and is an official of the Polish National church choir. Mr. POKRZYWA is a graduate of the Canonsburg high school and is employed in the Standard Tin Plate mill, Canonsburg.
[ Joseph POKRZYWA to Ceclia Rolek, 17 Sep 1939 ] pokrzywa_rolek_09-22-1939-ro
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
John Raymond POLLACK to Georgia Bonaparte Schellinger, no date, in 8-18-1917 paper
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Leonard PLANTS to Sara Kelso, 28 Mar 1940
Frank E. PLUMERET, Jr. to Isabel Carmichael, 26 May 1926
Seraphine PLUMERET to Mary D. King, 28 Jun 1912
Louis S. POGAN to Emma J. Mrenak, 6 Feb 1943
Joseph POKRZYWA to Ceclia Rolek, 17 Sep 1939
John Raymond POLLACK to Georgia Bonaparte Schellinger, no date, in 8-18-1917 paper
This page was added July 6, 2007 ; updated Sept 13, 2008 ; updated Mar. 17, 2009 ; updated May 31, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023