Bridegrooms by Surname Letter P
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Oct. 10,
1924, page unknown:
A pretty wedding took place in __ Alphonsus' church at half-past seven __ Wednesday morning, October 8, 19__ when Miss May Gertrude HEALY, daug_ter of John HEALY of the Southside, a__ Mr. Henry Leopold
PIRMEZ, also of t__ Southside, were united in marriage. T__ Rev. Fr. Joseph A. BURGOON perform__ the ceremony with nuptial high ma__. The bridal party entered the church __ the strains of Mendelssohn's
weddi__ march played by Miss Jeannette RANDOU__. The bride was given in marriage by h__ father. The bride wore a gown of
whi__ crepe de chine and valenciennes lace, wi__ a coronet veil caught with orange
blo_soms. She carried a bouquet of whit_ roses and madonna lilies, showered wit__ lilies of the valley. Her only
ornamen_ was a string of pearls, the bridegroom'_ gift. Mrs. Leo P.
McCAFFERY of Carnegi_, a sister of the bride, as matron of honor wore a gown of fawn-colored crepe
de chine trimmed with silver spanish lace over a foundation of salmon-colored crepe de chine. Her hat of fawn-colored
velvet matched her gown, and a shower bouquet of premiere roses completed her costume. Mr. PIRMEZ was attended by Mr. Leo P.
McCAFFERY. At the offertory Miss Mary MURPHY sang "Ave Maria." Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast for the bridal party and a few intimate friends was served at the home of the bride's father. Mr. and Mrs. PIRMEZ will reside in the Southside.
Henry Leopold PIRMEZ to May Gertrude Healy, 8 Oct 1924 ]
pirmez_healy_10-10-1924 (WD)
The above article probably reads: A pretty wedding took place in
St. Alphonsus' church at half-past seven __ Wednesday morning, October 8,
1924m when Miss May Gertrude HEALY, daughter of John HEALY of the Southside,
and Mr. Henry Leopold PIRMEZ, also of the Southside, were united in marriage.
The Rev. Fr. Joseph A. BURGOON performed the ceremony with nuptial high mass.
The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding
march played by Miss Jeannette RANDOU__. The bride was given in marriage by
her father. The bride wore a gown of white crepe de chine and valenciennes
lace, with a coronet veil caught with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet
of white roses and madonna lilies, showered with lilies of the valley.
Her only ornament was a string of pearls,
the bridegroom's gift. Mrs. Leo P. McCAFFERY of Carnegie, a sister of the
bride, as matron of honor wore a gown of fawn-colored crepe d__ chine trimmed
with silver spanish lace over a foundation of salmon-colored crepe de chine.
Her hat of fawn-colored velvet matched her gown, and a shower bouquet of
premiere roses completed her costume. Mr. PIRMEZ was attended by Mr. Leo P.
McCAFFERY. At the offertory Miss Mary MURPHY sang "Ave Maria."
Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast for the bridal party and a few
intimate friends was served at the home of the bride's father. Mr. and
Mrs. PIRMEZ will reside in the Southside.
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Miss Elizabeth HORVATH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen HORVATH of
Imperial [Pa], and Mr. Stephen PIRRUNG of Mt. Oliver, son of Mr. and Mrs. David PIRRUNG of
Imperial [Pa], were united in marriage at 9:00 o'clock Tuesday morning, June 4, 1940, in St. Columbkille's
church [sic], Imperial [Pa], by the Rev. Fr. S.C. KUPIEC.
The bride wore a white marquisette gown and a long tulle veil with a pearl crown. She carried white roses and baby breath. Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Frances HORVATH, who chose pink lace and net with matching accessories. She carried yellow roses. Mr. Jack SCHWALM of Mt. Oliver served as bestman.
A wedding breakfast in the home of the bride's parents supplemented the ceremony and a reception was held in the home that evening.
Mrs. PIRRUNG is a 1935 graduate of Findlay high school and Mr. PIRRUNG is a graduate of St. Nivianz School, Wisconsin. They will reside in Mt.
Oliver [Pa].
[ Stephen PIRRUNG to Elizabeth Horvath, 4 Jun 1940 ] pirrung_horvath_06-07-1940-r-o
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Oct. 18,
1923, page unknown:
[ PISTARKY is the Groom. ]
On Monday morning, October 15th at 10 o'clock Miss Anna KOHKOWSKI, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alec KOHKOWSKI of Sturgeon became the bride of Mr. Michael
PISTARKY, son of Mr. Emil PISTARKY of Oakdale, in St. Patrick's church,
Noblestown, the Rev. Father COX officiating. The bride was beautifully dressed in white canton crepe and wore a veil of the same trimmed with lilies of the valley. She carried a large bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley. The bride was attended by the following bridesmaids: Mary PRECUCH of Sturgeon, Teresa DUTZLER of Cuddy, Anna HARALLIA of Cuddy, Bertha MATTHIEU of McDonald, Sophie
KOHKOWSKI, a sister of the bride and Anna MARJUZIAK of Noblestown. The bridesmaids were dressed in white canton crepe with hats to match and carried American beauty roses. The groom was attended by Mr. Michael WINGAR of Cuddy. After a short wedding trip the young couple will go to housekeeping in Sturgeon, the groom being employed at the Oakdale mine of Carnegie Coal company.
[ Michael PISTARKEY to Anna Kohkowski, 15 Oct 1923 ]
pistarkey_kohkowski_10-18-1923 (CT-L)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 28, 1946, page
Miss Betty Jane LATSHAW, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LATSHAW of Treveskyn, and Joseph PIVOVAR of North street, McDonald, were united in marriage at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, June 19, 1946, in the Bethany Presbyterian church, Bridgeville. The double ring ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. James G. POTTER. Wedding music was played by Miss Alma
The bride wore a white marquisette street-length dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Walter KIGHTLINGER, JR., of Oakdale, wore a pink dress with white accessories and a corsage of yellow rosebuds. William LATSHAW, brother of the bride, served as
A reception was held from two until 7:00 in the home of the bride's parents. The three-tiered wedding cake was topped with the same bride and groom decoration as was used on the 50th wedding anniversary cake of the bride's grandparents, the late Mr. and Mrs. S. C. EMLER, formerly of McDonald. The young couple left that evening for a honeymoon in a cottage along the Conoquenessing creek.
Mrs. PIVOVAR is a graduate of Oakdale high school. Mr. PIVOVAR is a graduate of McDonald high school and was recently discharged from the army, having served three years. He is employed at the Woodville State hospital.
[ Joseph PIVOVAR to Betty Jane Latshaw, 19 Jun 1946 ]
pivovar_latshaw_06-28-1946_ro Parts 1&2 (WD)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Henry Leopold PIRMEZ to May Gertrude Healy, 8 Oct 1924
Stephen PIRRUNG to Elizabeth Horvath, 4 Jun 1940
Michael PISTARKEY to Anna Kohkowski, 15 Oct 1923
Joseph PIVOVAR to Betty Jane Latshaw, 19 Jun 1946
This page was added July 6, 2007 ; updated Mar. 12, 2009 ; updated Aug. 21, 2009
; updated Oct. 1, 2009 ; updated Oct. 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023