Bridegrooms by Surname Letter P
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Sept. 15,
1927, page unknown:
[ PETTIT is the Groom. ]
The marriage of Miss Stella G. SYNOSKI, of Oakdale, and Howard M. PETTIT, of McDonald, took place at the parsonage of the Rev. Dr.
W. D. IRONS on Wednesday, September 14, at 3:45 o'clock p.m. The bride was attired in a dark blue travelling
[sic] suit and wore a corsage of tea roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Almeda
GRABLE, of Pittsburgh, as bridesmaid, wore a dress of dark blue canton crepe and a corsage of tea roses. Mr. Walter PETTIT was his brother's best man. The bridal party left immediately after the wedding for a six o'clock dinner in the William Penn hotel, Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. PETTIT will take a northern automobile trip, visiting several places in Canada.
[ Howard M. PETTIT to Stella G. Synoski, 14 Sep 1927 ]
pettit_synoski_09-15-1927 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Joseph C. PETTIT to Hannah Baker, no date, in 8-14-1897 paper
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of July 17, 1897 page unknown:
On the 15th, at the home of the bride on North Ave., McDonald, by Rev. Mr. JORDAN, Mr. James PEW and Miss Georgia DUNCAN.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 17 Jul 1897
[ James PEW to Georgia Duncan, 15 Jul 1897 ]
pew_duncan_07-17-1897_out (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 21, 1936, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Besse LeOla LUTZ, daughter of Mrs. William A. LUTZ of Third street, and Paul L. PFEIFFER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman PFEIFFER of Indiana, Pa., was solemnized at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, August 15, 1936 in the parsonage of the Ingram
U.P. church by the Rev. S.H. JAMISON, a cousin of the bride. The ring ceremony was used and the attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
H.P. WILLIAMS, Jr., of McKeesport. Only the members of the immediate families witnessed the service. The bride is a graduate of Indiana State Teachers' college and has taught in the Oakdale grade school. The bridegroom is also a graduate of Indiana State Teachers' college and is an instructor in the commercial department of the Derry township high school. After September 1, Mr. and Mrs. PFEIFFER will be at home in Derry, Pa.
[ Paul L. PFEIFFER to Besse Leola Lutz, 15 Aug 1936 ]
pfeiffer_lutz_08-21-1936 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
PHILLIPPE - RANCO- Clovis PHILLIPPE, McDonald, and Celestine RANCO, Sturgeon.
[ Clovis PHILLIPPE to Celestine Ranco, no date, in 10-31-1896 paper ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Nov. 24, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Stella SOLTEZ of Raccoon [Pa] and Mr. Harry PHILLIPPE of Cleveland
[Oh] were united in marriage at 11 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 1939, in Old St. Patrick's church,
Pittsburgh [Pa], the Rev. Fr. J.R. COX officiating. The bride's gown was blue with a matching hat and corsage. The maid of honor, Miss Elizabeth KOVATCH of Bridgeville, wore blue with matching accessories. Mr. John
SOLTEZ, brother of the bride, served as bestman.
A wedding dinner was served Sunday in the bride's home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Fernand PHILLIPPE and daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
L. B. PHILLIPPE and daughter Aline of Sturgeon, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene CHABBRIER and Mr. and Mrs. Louis PEYRIC of Cecil, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
DELIERE, son Paul, and daughter June, Mr. and Mrs. Julian GOBLIC, Jr., Mrs. Martin SOLTEZ and John and Martin
SOLTEZ, all of Raccoon.
[ Harry PHILLIPPE to Stella Soltez, 18 Nov 1939 ] phillippe_soltez_11-24-1939-r-o (LN)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Howard M. PETTIT to Stella G. Synoski, 14 Sep 1927
Joseph C. PETTIT to Hannah Baker, no date, in 8-14-1897 paper
James PEW to Georgia Duncan, 15 Jul 1897
Paul L. PFEIFFER to Besse LeOla Lutz, 15 Aug 1936
Clovis PHILLIPPE to Celestine Ranco, no date, in 10-31-1896 paper
Harry PHILLIPPE to Stella Soltez, 18 Nov 1939
This page was added July 6, 2007 ; updated Mar. 13, 2009 ; updated June 6, 2009
updated June 12, 2009 ; updated Sept. 1, 2009 ; updated Sept. 10, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023