Bridegrooms by Surname Letter P
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Dec. 2,
1921, page unknown:
[ PATTON is the Groom. ]
On Friday morning, November 25, 1921, at nine o'clock, in the home of Mr. W. H. COOK in Terrace street, McDonald, the marriage of his daughter, Miss Ruth M. COOK, and Edward PATTON of New Castle, took place. The ceremony was read by the Rev. John H. DEBOLT before an embankment of ferns and chrysanthemums, in the presence of the immediate members of each family. Miss Essel DRUSCHEL and Mr. Delos W. BURNSIDES, both of New Castle, were the only attendants. The bride was gowned in blue and wore a corsage of pink and white roses. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to about twenty guests. A color scheme of yellow and white was carried out at the table and throughout the house. Later in the day Mr. and Mrs. PATTON left for an Eastern wedding tour, which will include a visit to New York, Boston and Philadelphia. After December 15th they will be at home at 112 Terrace street, McDonald, Pa.
[ Edward PATTON to Ruth M. Cook, 25 Nov 1921 ] patton_cook_12-02-1921
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper
of Dec. 7, 1934, page unknown:
Announce Marriage of Sister.
Mr. and Mrs. George KOZAK of Muse announce the marriage of their sister Miss Helen Constance
KOZAK to John PAUKOUCEK of Harmarville on Thanksgiving day, Thursday, November 29, 1934.
The ceremony was performed in the Roman Catholic church in Aspinwall with only immediate members
and friends of the family present. Miss Mary KOZAK, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and
Miss Anna KOZAK, another sister, and Mrs. Edna TUBIO were the bridesmaids. Mr. Andrew SPEINER
was Mr. PAUKOUCEK's best man. The ushers were Joseph PUSCHAK and Joseph TUBIO. The young couple
will make their home in Harmarville.
[ John PAUKOUCEK to Helen Constance Kozak, 29 Nov 1934 ]
paukoucek_kozak_12-07-1934 (SF)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook of Feb. 24, 1906, page unknown:
Married, at Youngstown [Ohio] Saturday, Feb. 17 [1906], George A.
PAUL of Pittsburgh [Pa], and Miss Alice GIBSON of McDonald [Pa], Rev. W.
H. VINCENT officiating. Mrs. PAUL has been for some time the
accommodating operator of the P. & A. telephone exchange and has a
host of friends who wish her all possible happiness.
[ George A. PAUL to Miss Alice GIBSON, Sat., Feb. 17, 1906 ]
paul_gibson_2-24-1906-outlook (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 3, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Margaret BARKOSKI, daughter of Benjamin BARKOSKI of Tyre, and George
PAVLICH, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George PAVLICH of Bulger, were united in marriage on Saturday, September 27, 1947, in St. Columbkille
church, Imperial. The Rev. Fr. KOLAKOWSKI performed the double ring ceremony.
The bride was attired in a long white satin gown trimmed with lace and seed
pearls. Her double crown sweetheart veil was trimmed with lace and she carried
lilies of the valley. The maid of honor, Miss Della BARKOSKI, sister of the
bride, wore an aqua gown with matching headdress and carried red roses. The
bridesmaids, Miss Elfreda GERVAS of Tyre, cousin of the bride, and Miss Delphine BARKOSKI wore dusty rose gowns with matching headdresses and
Miss Florence GRESH of Tyre wore an aqua gown and they each carried bouquets of red roses. Edward
BARKOWSKI, brother of the bride, served as
bestman and Gene VALENTI of Tyre and Henry ZUMBACK of McDonald R. D. were ushers.
Following the ceremony a reception for 300 guests was held at Union hall,
Tyre. Upon their return from a brief wedding trip, the young couple will make
their home in Bulger. The bride is a graduate of North Fayette high school and
the bridegroom of Union high school, Burgettstown.
[ George PAVLICH, Jr. to Margaret Barkoski, 27 Sep 1947 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of June
(no date), 1936, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. R.M. McPEAK of Hickory announce the marriage on June 10 of their daughter Anna to Robert PAXTON of Houston, at Wellsburg, W.Va. The ceremony was witnessed by the bride's sister, Miss Alice
McPEAK, and Ralph BARBOUR.
[ Robert PAXTON to Anna McPeak, 10 Jun 1936 ]
paxton_mcpeak_06-no-date-1936 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Dec. 19, 1924, page unknown:
[ PAYNE is the Groom. ]
Miss June MILLER of McDonald and Mr. Roy Alexander PAYNE of Springdale were united in marriage in Washington
[Pa] on Thursday, December 11, 1924. Mrs. PAYNE had been employed in the Pitt restaurant for a number of months and is well known in McDonald.
[ Roy Alexander PAYNE to June Miller, 11 Dec 1924 ]
payne_miller_12-19-1924_outlook (CT-L)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (SF) = Some weddings typed by Susan Freer.
This page includes: Edward PATTON to Ruth M. Cook, 25 Nov 1921
John PAUKOUCEK to Helen Constance Kozak, 29 Nov 1934
George A. PAUL to Miss Alice GIBSON, Sat., Feb. 17, 1906
George PAVLICH, Jr. to Margaret Barkoski, 27 Sep 1947
Robert PAXTON to Anna McPeak, 10 Jun 1936
Roy Alexander PAYNE to June Miller, 11 Dec 1924
This page was added July 6, 2007 ; updated Oct. 24, 2007 ; updated July 13, 2009
; updated Aug. 2, 2009 ; updated Aug. 22, 2009 ; updated Sept. 23, 2009 ; updated Oct. 30, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023