Bridegrooms by Surname Letter P
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper
of Dec. 29, 1922, page unknown:
[ PATTERSON is the Groom. ]
Miss Frances THORLEY of Eldersville and Mr. Robert PATTERSON, formerly of Sturgeon, were married Saturday, December 23, 1922. Miss THORLEY was for three years a teacher in the Southside, McDonald, school. The ceremony took place in the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. J. A.
CAMPBELL, pastor of the Wallace Memorial United Presbyterian church, Washington, D. C. Mr. PATTERSON was in public school work for a number of years, assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Bridgeville for eleven years, cashier of the First National Bank of Cecil for five years. In 1919 he organized the Marianna State Bank at Marianna, Washington county, Pa., and held the position of cashier for one year. At present he is employed with R. W.
EVANS & Co., Investment bankers of Pittsburgh. Miss THORLEY taught three years in the Southside, McDonald; six terms in South Fayette township, four at Pleasant Valley. She graduated from Slippery Rock in 1915. Taught two years in
DUFF's college in McKeesport and the last two years in MILLER's business college in New York City.
[ Robert PATTERSON to Frances Thorley, 23 Dec 1922 ]
patterson_thorley_12-29-1922_record (CT-L)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Stewart PATTERSON to Lizzie Willison, 23rd. of month, 1892, no month available
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Wedding Shower
* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Outlook of newspaper of 19 Jun
1914, page unknown:
Mrs. R. R. CUMMINS and Miss Carrie SHAFFER entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the former's home last Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Mary GIBSON, whose marriage to Thomas Shaffer PATTERSON of Elizabeth will take place June 24 at the home of Miss GIBSON's sister, Mrs. J. B. WALLACE. Those attending the shower from out of town were: Mrs. Edward BRIMNER of Burgettstown, Mrs. J. D. GIBSON of Elizabeth and Mrs. Andrew YOUNG of McDonald.
[ Thomas Shaffer PATTERSON to Mary Agnes Gibson, 24 Jun 1914 ]
patterson_Gibson_shower_6-19-1914 (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record of newspaper of
26 Jun 1914, page unknown:
At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. B. WALLACE, on Wednesday, June
24 [1914 ], at 3:30 o'clock, occurred the marriage of Miss Mary Agnes GIBSON, daughter of Andrew C. GIBSON of Fairview, and Thomas Shaffer PATTERSON of Elizabeth. The bridal party marched to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march played by Mrs.
R. M. DONALDSON. The bridesmaid was Miss Alice McCOY of Grove City, a cousin of the bride, and the best man was Walter PATTERSON of Charleroi, a cousin of the groom. The flower girls were Eleanor GIBSON and Ruth PATTERSON, nieces of the bride and groom. Andrew GIBSON, a nephew, was ring bearer, the ring being concealed in a white lily. The impressive ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. J.D. GIBSON of Elizabeth, a brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev.
J. G. REANEY, under a bell of asparagus springery and pink roses. The bride was gowned in white crepe meteor, trimmed in pearls and princess lace and carried white roses showered with lilies of the valley. The bridal veil was caught up with real rosebuds. The bridesmaid wore a gown if silk lace net over pink messaline, trimmed with pink rosebuds, and carried sweet peas tied with pink chiffon. After congratulations a five-course lunch was served. The aides were Misses Carrie SHAFFER, Wilma ROESLER, Margaret McCOY and Mrs. R.R. CUMMINS. The color scheme was pink and white. Mr. and Mrs. PATTERSON left Wednesday evening for a trip to Atlantic City, New York, Boston and other Eastern points, and will be at home to their friends at State College after October 1. The bride was formerly our popular postmistress and the groom is an instructor at State College. About sixty guests were present, coming from Charleroi, Butler, Elizabeth, Sharpsburg, Grove City, Bruin and Petrolia.
[ Thomas Shaffer PATTERSON to Mary Agnes Gibson, 24 Jun 1914 ] patterson_gibson_06-26-1914_record
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of April 5, 1935, page unknown:
Saturday afternoon, March 30, 1935, Raymonde E. THIBON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles THIBON of Howard street,
became the bride of Mr. W. Allan PATTISON, son of Mrs. Annie PATTISON of Clinton. The ceremony was performed by
Dr. Alexandre MAGE in the Irons Memorial French U. P. church. Those present at the dinner, which
followed, were the
parents of the bride and the bridegroom, the bride's sister Miss Lorraine
THIBON, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne PATTISON, Miss
Thelma CENIS, Mr. and Mrs. Marius DATHUEYT and daughters Odette [DATHUEYT]
and Evelyn [DATHUEYT]. After a Southern wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. PATTISON will live in Clinton.
[ W. Allan PATTISON to Raymonde E. Thibon, 30 Mar 1935 ]
pattison_thibon_04-05-1935_ro (SF)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (SF) = Some weddings typed by Susan Freer.
This page includes: Robert PATTERSON to Frances Thorley, 23 Dec 1922
Stewart PATTERSON to Lizzie Willison, 23rd. of month, 1892, no month available
Thomas Shaffer PATTERSON to Mary Agnes Gibson, 24 Jun 1914
W. Allan PATTISON to Raymonde E. Thibon, 30 Mar 1935
This page was added July 6, 2007 ; updated Sept 26 2007 ; updated June 12, 2009
; updated Sept. 23, 2009 ; updated Oct. 30, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023