Bridegrooms by Surname Letter P
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov. 15, 1946,
page unknown:
Miss Martha Agnes KOPHAZI, daughter of Mrs. Anna KOPHAZI of R. D. 1, Bulger, became the bride of John
PARKO, also of R. D. 1, Bulger, at a single ring ceremony performed at nine o'clock Wednesday morning, October 30,
1946, in St. Ann's Roman Catholic church, Bulger. The Rev.
Fr. John ROBOCZEWSKI officiated.
The bride was attired in a gray suit with white accessories and wore a white rosebud corsage. Her sister, Miss Marguerite
KOPHAZI was the maid of honor and wore a turquoise suit with black accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. John
KANDRAY of Raccoon served as bestman.
After the ceremony a dinner was served in the bride's home. A reception was held in the evening.
Mr. PARKO at present is employed by the Penowa Coal Company. The young couple are residing in the home of the
bride's mother after a few days wedding trip.
[ John PARKO to Martha Agnes Kophazi, 30 Oct 1946 ]
parko_kophazi_11-15-1946_ro (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of dec.
11, 1942, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Martin MENEELY of R.D. 1, Clinton, announce the marriage of their daughter Thelma May to Pvt. Paul A. PARKS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert PARKS of R.D. 8, Sharpsburg.
The ceremony was performed at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, December 2, 1942, in St. Mary's church by the Rev. Fr. Joseph ROSSENBACH.
The bride wore white taffeta with a finger-tip veil. She carried a bouquet of white roses and chrysanthemums. Her attendant, Miss Dolores PARKS, sister of the bridegroom, wore pink satin and carried red roses. Charles PARKS served as his brother's bestman.
Mrs. PARKS is employed by the Electro Glass Co., Sharpsburg. Private PARKS is stationed at Camp Forrest, Tenn.
[ Paul A. PARKS to Thelma May Meneely, 2 Dec 1942 ] parks_meneely_12-11-1942-ro (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 30, 1896, page unknown:
PARSLEY - GOEBLER.-- On the 30th ult., Mr. Wm. PARSLEY, of McDonald, and Miss Marie
GOEBLER, of Allegheny City.
The ceremony was performed at the Lutheran church, Woods Run avenue, Allegheny City, on Wednesday evening, and afterwards there was a
reception and supper at the home of the bride, with fine music in
attendance. Bride and groom then came to McDonald and to the home Mr. PARSLEY had
prepared at the HUFFMAN place, on North Outlook Street. Mr. PARSLEY has for many years been one of the most useful and substantial citizens of
McDonald, and the OUTLOOK and hundreds of its readers unite in the best wishes for Mr. PARSLEY and his wife.
[ WM. PARSLEY to Marie Goebler, 30 Sep 1896 ]
from multiple-h_10-30-1896_outlook_.jpg
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of July 23,
1925, page unknown:
[ PARSONS is the Groom. ]
At 7:30 o'clock on Friday evening, July 17th at her home in North Third street occurred the marriage of Mrs. Mary J. WILLIAMS and Mr. Horace W. PARSONS of Lakeland, Florida. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate members of the family. Rev. E. Fay CAMPBELL of New Haven, Conn. officiated. Mrs. PARSONS was attired in a navy blue ensemble suit. Immediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. PARSONS left for a few days' stay at
Sagerstown, Pa. and will be at home in North Third street, McDonald.
[ Horace W. PARSONS to Mrs. Mary J. Williams, 17 Jul 1925 ]
parsons_williams_07-23-1925 (WD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Jan. 29, 1943,
page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. WINTERS of Logan, W.Va., announce the marriage of their daughter Irvine Marie to Lieut. William Earle PARSONS, on Monday afternoon, January 18, 1943, in the 117th Infantry chapel at Fort
Benning, Ga.
The bride is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Victor NONCLERG and a former resident of Cecil.
[ William Earle PARSONS to Irvine Marie Winters, 18 Jan 1943 ] parsons_winters_01-29-1943_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper
of Dec. 2, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Edith Mae SCOTT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles SCOTT of Johns avenue, McDonald, and Mr. Peter Charles PASCOE, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter PASCOE of North McDonald street, McDonald, were united in marriage at 3:45 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, November 23, 1938, in
the First Presbyterian manse, the pastor, the Rev. O. E. GARDNER, D.D. officiating The bride was attired in sheba blue crepe with brown
She wore a corsage of baby mums. The bridesmaid, Miss Florence CHARLIER of North McDonald street wore teal blue with wine accessories and a corsage
of baby mums. Mr. John PASCOE, brother of the bridegroom, was the best-
man. Mr. Roy HENNON of Liberty also witnessed the ceremony. Following the nuptials, a dinner was served in the SCOTT home. Green and white were
the predominating colors and a large wedding cake formed table centerpiece.
Mrs. PASCOE is a 1937 graduate of the McDonald high school. Mr. PASCOE a 1936 graduate of McDonald high, is employed by the Federal Supply Co.
Present at the dinner were Miss Alverda SCOTT of Hickory and Mrs. Peter PASCOE and sons John and Dale. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. SCOTT and son Billy,
Mr. and Mrs. John STEFFEN, Mrs. Edward BRABSON, Miss Florence CHARLIER and Roy HENNON.
[ Peter Charles PASCOE to Edith Mae Scott, 23 Nov 1938 ]
pascoe_scott_12-02-1938 (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Record of Jan
27, 1911:
Miss Lillian MILLER and Mr. John PASHER were quietly married at the
bride's home in Arabella street on Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock by
the Rev. D. L. HEADLEE. They left on the nine [o'clock] train for
Warren, Ohio.
[ Mr. John PASHER and Lillian MILLER, Thurs., no date, in Jan 27, 1911
newspaper ] pasher_miller_1-27-1911-record_header
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
This page includes: John PARKO to Martha Agnes
Kophazi, 30 Oct 1946
Paul A. PARKS to Thelma May Meneely, 2 Dec 1942
WM. PARSLEY to Marie Goebler, 30 Sep 1896
Horace W. PARSONS to Mrs. Mary J. Williams, 17 Jul 1925
William Earle PARSONS to Irvine Marie Winters, 18 Jan 1943
Peter Charles PASCOE to Edith Mae Scott, 23 Nov 1938
Mr. John PASHER and Lillian MILLER, Thurs., no date, in Jan 27, 1911 newspaper
This page was added July 6, 2007 ; updated July 11, 2009 updated Sept. 1, 2009
; updated Sept. 23, 2009 ; updated Oct. 6, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023