Bridegrooms by Surname Letter O

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Sept. 12, 1929, page unknown:
[ OSLER is the Groom. ]
Tuesday night of this week at 7:30 o'clock in the First Unitarian church of Pittsburgh, the marriage of Miss Genevieve WEBSTER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. WEBSTER of North Negley avenue, and
John Shipman OSLER, of Pittsburgh and Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs. George OSLER of Mellon street, was solemnized by the Rev. Frank E. SMITH. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore white satin made on princess lines, with a tulle train set into the skirt. Her tulle veil was held with a cap of duchesse lace belonging to her grandmother and she carried a shower of white ross and lilies-of-the-valley.
Miss Betty WEBSTER was her sister's maid of honor, appearing in orchid tulle and carrying lavender asters and yellow roses. Another sister, Miss Marguerite WEBSTER, as first bridesmaid, wore green moire and the other six bridesmaids wore gold colored frocks of moire and tulle. Their flowers were yellow roses, marigold, asters and larkspur. Robert YOUNG of Bellevue was best man. A dinner in the Stanton
Heights Golf Club followed the ceremony, with covers for twenty-six at the bride's table. Mr. and Mrs. OSLER are taking an eastern trip and after October 1st will be at home in Detroit. Mrs. OSLER has been art teacher in the McDonald schools for several years. Many of her friends from here were guests at the wedding ceremony.
[ John Shipman OSLER to Genevieve Webster, no date, in 9-12-1929 paper
] osler_webster_09-12-1929 (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of July 14, 1922, page unknown: WILEY - OSMOND
[ OSMOND is the Groom. ]
A very pretty quiet home wedding took place on Thursday evening, June 6, 1922, at eight o'clock when Miss Nellie Schubert WILEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark WILEY of Spring avenue, Oakdale and Marlow George OSMOND were united in marriage at the home of the bride on Spring avenue. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.R. McMUNN, pastor of the United Presbyterian church. Miss Anna WILEY, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid while Walter OSMOND served as best man. The bride was gowned in white taffeta, while the bridesmaid wore a gown of white net. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to twenty. The young couple are popular among the younger society circles and their many friends wish them much happiness. After a wedding trip to Atlantic City they will reside at the home of the bride's parents on Spring avenue. Miss Mary MARTIN of Pittsburgh was the only out-of-town guest.
[ Marlow (or Morrow) George OSMOND to Nellie Schubert Wiley, 6 Jul 1922
] osmond_wiley_07-13-1922 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of July 14, 1922, page unknown: WILEY - OSMOND
[ OSMOND is the Groom. ]
On Thursday evening, July 6, 1922, at eight o'clock, the wedding of Miss Nellie S. WILEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mart WILEY of Spring street, Oakdale, and Morrow G. OSMOND, also of Oakdale, was solemnized in the home of the bride's parents. The Rev. William R.
McMUNN, pastor of the First United Presbyterian church of Oakdale, officiated. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white taffeta. Miss Anna WILEY was her sister's maid of honor, and wore a gown of white crepe de chine. Walter OSMOND acted as his brother's best man. A reception and dinner supplemented the ceremony, covers being laid for twenty at the bride's table. Mr. and Mrs. OSMOND left the same evening for an extended trip to Atlantic City, and other points of interest on the Atlantic coast. On their return they will reside in Spring avenue, Oakdale. The bride is a graduate of Oakdale high school. Mr. OSMOND is employed as a painter by Mr. KENNEDY of Oakdale.
[ Marlow (or Morrow) George OSMOND to Nellie Schubert Wiley, 6 Jul 1922
] osmond_wiley_07-14-1922 (WD)
Also typed by (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of April
22, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Adelaide Frances Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ADAMS of Clinton
avenue, Oakdale, and Mr. Walter OSMOND, also of Clinton avenue, Oakdale, were
united in marriage at 10:00 o'clock Thursday morning, April 14, 1938, in the
Sixth U. P. church, Northside, Pittsburgh, the pastor, the Rev. Ralph
GROVES, officiating. Mrs. Marsha STEWART of Oakdale was the only attendant. The bride
wore blue crepe with matching accessories. She carried red roses.
Mr. and Mrs. OSMOND are both graduates of Oakdale high school. The young couple
will reside with the bride's parents.
[ Walter OSMOND to Adelaide Frances Adams, 14 Apr 1938 ] Osmond-Adams
4-22-1938_ro (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Nov. 27, 1942, page unknown:
[ O'STEEN is the Groom. ]
(Jacksonville Union News, Nov. 15)
The riverside Presbyterian church was the setting at 5 p.m. yesterday (November 14, 1942), for the wedding of Miss Mary Elizabeth O'STEEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Truby Bordine O'STEEN, and Thomas Brewster SKIFF, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Gage SKIFF, the Rev. Albert J. KISSLING officiating. The chancel of the church was banked with white
flowers and greenery and pyramid arrangements of white candles were used in the chancel and choir loft. Family pews were marked with clusters of white flowers and tulle. James BLACK, organist, played the traditional wedding marches, and during the ceremony, "Intermezzo" from "Cavaleria Rusticana"
The bride was given in marriage by her father and had as her attendants, Miss Jean O'STEEN, maid of honor, and Miss Betty BOLLING, bridesmaid. J. Roy DUGGAN was best man and the ushers were Cadet Truby Bordine O'STEEN, Jr., and Robert SKIFF.
The bride wore a wedding dress fashioned with elongated bodice of white lace with scalloped sweetheart
neckline and voluminous skirt of lustrous white satin terminating in a train. Designs of the lace were inset in the skirt and train and her fingertip veil fell from a lace coronet. She carried a white prayer book marked with a white orchid and cascade of tuberoses.
The attendants were gowned alike in dreams of American Beauty velvet made with sweetheart necklines and bracelet length sleeves, and carried cascade bouquets of white chrysanthemums.
Mrs. O'STEEN chose for her daughter's wedding, a dress of slate blue crepe with beading trim, with which she wore a small flower hat and corsage of pink camellias.
Mrs. SKIFF, mother of the bridegroom, wore a dress of black sheer with small flower hat and corsage of orchids.
Immediately after the ceremony, a reception was held for the members of the bridal party and out-of-town guests in the home of the bride's parents, 1537 Avondale avenue. Greenery and white flowers
interspersed with white candles were used throughout the home and the lace covered bride's table was centered with an arrangement of white flowers in a silver bowl. The tree-tiered bride's cake was placed at one end of the table and punch was served from a crystal punch bowl at the other. Assisting at the reception were Miss Monterey WHITTLESEY, Miss Edna Mae McINTOSH of Tallahassee, Mrs. Frank Aird GREY of Rocky Mount, N.C. and Mrs. Frank. W. PALMER of Alachua.
After spending some time with...[ Remainder is missing].
[ Troy O'STEEN to Suzanne Williams, 9 Jul 1917 ]
Part 1 & 2 (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of May
27, 1932, page unknown:
John L. OWENS of Washington and Miss Bessie A. FISHER of McDonald were married Monday, May 23, 1932, in the home of the Rev. H. Miller HERR, pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alliance church, Washington. They were accompanied by the bride's parents.
[ John L. OWENS to Bessie A. Fisher, May 23, 1932 ] owens_fisher_05-27-1932-rec-out
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Aug. 8, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Virginia SIMPSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. SIMPSON of Noblestown, and Cpl. William OWENS, son of Mr. and Mrs. William OWENS, Sr., of Oakdale, were united in marriage at 5:30 p.m. Monday, July 26, 1943, in the parsonage of the Third Presbyterian church, Staunton, Va., by the Rev. W.W.
The bride wore an aqua jersey dress with brown accessories and a corsage of white gardenias. The bridegroom's parents witnessed the ceremony.
Corporal OWENS served in the army in Bermuda for fourteen months and returned recently to the Woodrow Wilson hospital, Staunton, Va., for medical care.
Mrs. OWENS, a graduate of North Fayette high school, is an employee of the Koppera Co., Pittsburgh.
[ William OWENS to Virginia Simpson, 26 Jul 1943 ]
owens_simpson_08-06-1943_ro (LN)
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See also page orris_to_o-shea.htm
From The McDonald, PA Robinson Valley Outlook of 2 January 1892,
page unknown:
Recently at Toronto, Ohio, were married J. S. ORWICK and Mrs. Maggie C.
McCAUSLAND, formerly of McDonald, the widow of Drover McCAUSLAND who was murdered in Greene county some years ago.
[ J. S. ORWICK to Mrs. Maggie C. McCAUSLAND, widow of Drover McCAUSLAND,
no date, before January 2, 1892 ]
robinson-valley-outlook (S)
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
This page includes:
John Shipman OSLER to Genevieve Webster, no date, in 9-12-1929 paper
Marlow (or Morrow) George OSMOND to Nellie Schubert Wiley, 6 Jul 1922
Walter OSMOND to Adelaide Frances Adams, 14 Apr 1938
Troy O'STEEN to Suzanne Williams, 9 Jul 1917
Frank N. OVER to Mary Hughes, 21 May 1896
John L. OWENS to Bessie A. Fisher, May 23, 1932
William OWENS to Virginia Simpson, 26 Jul 1943
J. S. ORWICK to Mrs. Maggie C. McCAUSLAND, widow of Drover McCAUSLAND, no date,
before January 2, 1892
This page was added July 6, 2007 updated Mar. 12, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009 ; updated Oct. 6, 2009 ; updated Oct. 7, 2009 ; updated Oct. 16, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023