Bridegrooms by Surname Letter O
O'Donnell-Kellerman Marriage see large file with multiple marriages multiple-j_12-05-1896_outlook_.JPG
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Dec. 5, 1896, page unknown:
O'DONNELL - KELLERMAN.- On the 26th ult., at St. Alphonsus Church, McDonald, Mr. J. O'DONNELL and Miss May KELLERMAN, both of McDonald.
Miss Ella SHERER, Sistersville, and Miss Mary DAUGHERTY, Mt. Washington, were bridesmaids, and Mr. W. E. KELLERMAN, brother of the bride, and Mr. T. HALLIGAN, Erie, were groomsmen. Nuptial High Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father McKENNA. Mr. and Mrs. O'DONNELL, after returning
from their wedding trip, will live at Sturgeon. The Silver Cornet Band and Guitar Club serenaded the young couple acceptably. At the reception given after the marriage, at the home of Mr. KELLERMAN, over 100 guests were present.
[ J. O'DONNELL to May Kellerman, 26 Nov 1896 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 2, 1921, page unknown:
[ OGLEBAY is the Groom. ]
Mrs. Jane BAILLIE of Columbus, Ohio, and Mr. Harry OGLEBAY of Cumberland, Md., were united in marriage on Thanksgiving evening, Thursday, November 24, 1921, at six o'clock, at the home of the bride's son, Mr. W. J. BAILLIE, in Fourth street. The Rev. J. H. DEBOLT, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of McDonald, performed the ceremony in the presence of a number of relatives. A turkey dinner followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. OGLEBAY will reside in Cumberland, Md.
[ Harry OGLEBAY to Mrs. Jane Baillie, 24 Nov 1921 ]
oglebay_baillie_12-02-1921 (CT-L)
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From one of the McDonald, PA newspapers of 1892,
no month, date, or page number known:
On the 22d. ult., at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Dr.
CATHCART, Mr. Dennis O'HARA and Miss Amanda C. KENNEWEG.
[ Dennis O'HARA to Amanda C. Kenneweg, 22nd. of month, 1892, no month available
] ohara-kenneweg_1892-paper (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 17, 1900, page unknown: MARRIED
OLIVER - WRIGHT.-- Harry W. OLIVER, of McDonald, and Carrie B. WRIGHT, of Midway.
Harry W. OLIVER to Carrie B. Wright, no date, in 11-17-1900 paper ]
oliver_wright_11-17-1900_outlook (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 13, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Wilma Jean Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lewis of the Southside,
McDonald, and Sgt. LeRoy OLIVER, stationed at Camp Joseph T. ROBINSON, Little Rock, Ark.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry OLIVER of Houston, were united in marriage at nine o'clock
Thursday evening, August 5, 1943, in the First Baptist church, McDonald, by the pastor, the Rev. D. B.
Preceding the ceremony Mrs. Jerry THORNTON sang "Because" and "O Promise Me," accompanied
at the piano by the bride's mother, whose place in the family pew was occupied by the
bride's maternal grandmother, Mrs. Thomas BEARD. As the strains of Lohengrin's wedding
march pealed out, the bridal party entered the church.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown with fingertip
veil arranged in a coronet of orange blossoms and seed pearls. She carried an arm
bouquet of roses. The matrons of honor, Mrs. Buford BYRON, sister of the bride,
and Mrs. Percy SPENCER, wore gowns of shell pink with shoulder veils. They carried
bouquets of white roses. The maid of honor, Miss Mary Margaret LEWIS, younger sister
of the bride, wore a gown of white organdy with a shoulder veil. She carried white
roses. The flower girl, Carmeline JONES, niece of the bridegroom, wore white and carried
garden flowers. Ronald RAGLAND, in white, carried the ring on a satin pillow. The
bridal procession was followed by Pvt. Edward PRATT of Montour 9, home on furlough from
Texas, and John DOBBINS, home on furlough from the Navy. They took their place with the bridegroom and the bestman, Sgt. Nicholas
JONES, of Houston, who is stationed in Chicago.
Mrs. LEWIS, mother of the bride, wore a blue satin chiffon gown with white accessories
and a corsage of white roses. Mrs. BEARD, the bride's grandmother, wore light blue with
white accessories and a corsage of white roses.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents.
Twenty-five guests were seated at the bride's table.
Mrs. OLIVER is a 1943 graduate of the Cecil township high school. She will reside with
her parents for the duration of the war. Her husband returned to camp on Saturday.
[ LeRoy OLIVER to Wilma Jean Lewis, 5 Aug 1943 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
July 17, 1897, page unknown:
Andrew OMOCK and Apolonia SEFCSIK, both of Reissing.
[ Andrew OMOCK to Apolonia Sefcsik, no date, in 7-17-1897 paper ] omock_sefcsik_07-17-1897_out
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 21, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Mae PHILLIPS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emile PHILLIPS of Cecil, and Mr. John
O'NEIL, son of Mr. and Mrs. John O'NEIL of Muse, were united in marriage at nine o'clock Saturday morning, June 15, 1940, in St. Mary's Catholic
church, Cecil, the Rev. Fr. John KOPERA performing the ceremony. The church was
decorated in white lilies and peonies.
The bride, who walked down the aisle on the arm of her father, wore a white
French marquisette gown with a long train and tulle veil cascading from a juliet cap.
She carried white roses, lilies of the valley, and babybreath, with long white streamers.
The maid of honor, Miss Catherine BURK of Steubenville, wore a white net gown with full skirt
and peach accessories. The bridesmaids were Miss Olga DACCORSO of Cecil, who wore
a pink net gown with a full ruffled skirt and pink accessories, and Miss Dora
CONOSCUITO, who wore a blue net gown with a full ruffled skirt and blue accessories. They
both wore short shoulder veils with a small headdress. Mr. William O'NEIL,
twin brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman and Mr. Frank
DACCORSO and Mr. Adam TEISSIER of Cecil were the ushers. Miss Mary
QUINN, the church organist, played the wedding music and sang.
A dinner was served in the Italian hall. There were 75 guests with eight seated at the
bride's table. A reception was held in the evening in Liberty hall with
approximately 300 guests present. The hall was decorated in pink and blue.
The young couple left for a trip for Virginia Caverns and to Washington, D.C., and
upon their return will reside at the bride's home. Mr. O'Neil is employed at the
National mine in Muse. Both he and his wife are graduates of Cecil high school.
[ John O'NEIL to Mae Phillips, 15 Jun 1940 ]
oneil_phillips_06-21-1940_ro (AD)
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: J. O'DONNELL to May Kellerman, 26 Nov 1896
Harry OGLEBAY to Mrs. Jane Baillie, 24 Nov 1921
Dennis O'HARA to Amanda C. Kenneweg, 22nd. of month, 1892, no month available
Harry W. OLIVER to Carrie B. Wright, no date, in 11-17-1900 paper
LeRoy OLIVER to Wilma Jean Lewis, 5 Aug 1943
Andrew OMOCK to Apolonia Sefcsik, no date, in 7-17-1897 paper
John O'NEIL to Mae Phillips, 15 Jun 1940
This page was added July 6, 2007 ; updated Sept 10, 2008 ; updated June 6, 2009
; updated Aug. 7, 2009 ; updated Sept. 1, 2009 ; updated Sept. 10, 2009 ; updated Oct. 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023