Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA newspaper of 25 Oct 1902, page unknown:
St. Alphonsus' church at nine o'clock Wednesday morning was the scene of a brilliant wedding, when Miss Mary COLLINS, of McDonald, and Edward J. MURPHY, of McKeesport, were married, Rev. Father Brennan, pastor, celebrated the impressive nuptial mass. The church was handsomely decorated with white and yellow chrysanthemums and palms, while the spacious auditorium was filled with invited guests. The gowns were handsome affairs, that of the bride was white silk grenadine over white taffetta, the bodice composed entirely of lace, the skirt was cut with a very long train, trimmed in small ruffles, and wore a long veil of white tulle caught with white ostrich plumes and aigrette. The maid of honor being her sister, Miss Bertha, who wore a white chiffon gown over white mull; and the bridesmaids, Miss Josephine CONNEELY, of Bradford, wore yellow batiste over yellow taffetta, and Miss Alice GREED, of Sharpsburg, wore white batiste over white taffetta, and both wore large picture hats. The maids and maid of honor carried white and yellow chrysanthemums. L. F. O'BRIEN, of McKeesport, was groomsman; Peter KUHN, of McKeesport, and Frank CHAMBON, of this place were ushers. After the ceremony, the bridal party returned to the home of the bride, where a very elaborate wedding breakfast was served by JOHNSON, the caterer. Later in the day Mr. MURPHY and his bride left for New York and other eastern cities, and will be at home in McKeesport after November first. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly presents.
[ Edward J. MURPHY to Mary Collins, no date, in 10-25-1902 paper
murphy_collins_10-25-1902 - 1&2 (S)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
James MURPHY to Elenora Bruce, no date, in 2-14-1903 paper
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* Researchers should check to see if the marriage actually took place.
The McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper; no date or year available, no page
Licensed to marry: Patrick MURPHY and Sarah McCAHILL, both of Willow Grove.
[ Patrick MURPHY and Sarah McCAHILL, LICENSE ONLY, no date or year available
] murphy-mccahill_license_out (S)
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From a McDonald, PA newspaper of May __, 1894, page unknown:
On the 14th, by Rev. Dr. IRONS. Wm. MURPHY and Margaret LEES, both of
McDonald [Pa].
[ Wm. MURPHY to Margaret LEES, 14 May 1894 ] murphy_lees_may-14-1894
(F) Also typed by
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Aug. 3, 1928, page unknown:
Miss Margaretta BYERS of McDonald and Mr. Walter W. MURRAY of New Kensington
were united in marriage Tuesday, July 24, 1928, in Wellsburg, W.Va. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Milton ALLISON. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BYERS
of Grant avenue, and is a graduate of the McDonald high school. The bridegroom
is associated with his father in the State Construction Co., the road building
concern that resurfaced Lincoln avenue last year. Mr. and Mrs. MURRAY will go to
housekeeping in New Kensington about September first.
[ Walter W. MURRAY to Margaretta Byers, 24 Jul 1928 ]
murray_byers_08-03-1928 (AD)
* (AD) = Some weddings typed by Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Edward J. MURPHY to Mary Collins, no date, in 10-25-1902 paper
James MURPHY to Elenora Bruce, no date, in 2-14-1903 paper
Patrick MURPHY and Sarah McCAHILL, LICENSE ONLY, no date or year available
Wm. MURPHY to Margaret Lees, 14 May 1894
Basil A. MURRAY to Margaret Jean Scott, 21 Aug 1924
Walter W. MURRAY to Margaretta Byers, 24 Jul 1928
This page was added July 18, 2007 ; updated Sept 9, 2008 ; updated Oct. 30, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023