Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Sept. 21, 1928
page unknown:
Miss Edna M. MITCHELL and Mr. Walter M. MORROW, both highly respected and well-known
young people of this community, were quietly married at ten o'clock Tuesday morning,
September 18, 1928, in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MITCHELL, in
Midway. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Charles L. PEACOCK, pastor of the
M. E. church [sic] of Midway. The ring ceremony was used. A wedding dinner supplemented the
ceremony, after which, Mr. and Mrs. MORROW left in their car, fully equipped in tourist
style, to visit in Washington, D.C., and other cities and points of interest. On their
return they will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John MITCHELL in Midway.
[ Walter M. MORROW to Edna M. Mitchell, 18 Sep 1928 ]
morrow_mitchell_09-21-1928 (CT-L)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Jules MORTELETTE to Julia Jiannino, 28 Sep 1920
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 31 May 1928, page unknown:
[ MORTELETTE is the groom.]
Coming as a surprise to their many friends is the marriage of Miss Helen M. MERVILLE of Grant street, McDonald and Rene A. MORTELETTE of Akron, son of the late P. J. MORTELETTE of Valley street, McDonald. The wedding was solemnized at the manse of the Methodist Episcopal church at Wellsburg, on August 23, 1927, with the Rev. R. P. ANDREWS officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. MORTELETTE will make their home in Akron where Mr. MORTELETTE is employed at the Metropolitan Barber shop.
[ Rene A. MORTELETTE to Helen M. MERVILLE, August 23, 1927 ]
Merville_Mortelette_5-31-1928-outlook (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of March
25, 1921, page unknown:
[ MORTELETTE is the Groom. ]
Miss Nellie READY of East Pittsburgh and Samuel MORTELETTE of Valley street, McDonald, were married Friday, February 4, 1921. Miss READY had been employed at the East Pittsburgh post office the past three years and is very well known up the Turtle Creek valley, being one of the most popular girls in that section. Mr. MORTELETTE has been employed at the Westinghouse Electric Co. for the past several years.
[ Samuel MORTELETTE to Nellie Ready, 4 Feb 1921 ]
mortelette_ready_03-25-1921 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA newspaper of 21 Mar
1921, page unknown:
Miss Margaret STEWART of Clinton avenue and Mr. Clair MORTIMER, of Gailey, were quietly united in marriage at 7 o'clock on Wednesday evening, August 3, 1921, at the home of the bride, by the Rev. C. M. RITCHIE. The young couple left immediate for their honeymoon to various points of interest in New York. Their many friends wish them much joy and happiness through live.
[ Clair MORTIMER to Margaret Stewart, 3 Aug 1921 ] mortimer_stewart_8-3-21
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
This page includes:
Walter M. MORROW to Edna M. Mitchell, 18 Sep 1928
Jules MORTELETTE to Julia Jiannino, 28 Sep 1920
Rene A. MORTELETTE to Helen M. Merville, 23 Aug 1927
Samuel MORTELETTE to Nellie Ready, 4 Feb 1921
Clair MORTIMER to Margaret Stewart, 3 Aug 1921
This page was added July 18, 2007 ; Update Oct. 28, 2007; updated May 5, 2009
; updated Sept. 3, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023