Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 17, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Margaret AUTEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. AUTEN of
Mooresburg, became the bride of Mel MOORHEAD, Jr., son of Mel MOORHEAD, Sr. of
McDonald, on Saturday evening, July 11, 1942, at six o'clock. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Robert J.
BEYER in the Mooresburg Presbyterian church. Miss Alice DEITERICK of Tamaqua
played the wedding music.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floral street-length dress
and carried a white colonial bouquet of roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mildred
AUTEN, who wore blue and carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses.
Miss AUTEN's five-year-old brother John was
ring bearer.
Mr. Moorhead was attended by the bride's grandfather, Mr. J. W.
DEITERICK of R. D. 1, Danville.
Mr. and Mrs. MOORHEAD, Jr., are now visiting in McDonald. Both taught school last year in Midway, the bride, music, which she will continue,
and the bridegroom, mathematics and science. Mr. MOORHEAD has enlisted in
the army air corps and expects a call to duty in the near future.
[ Mel MOORHEAD, Jr. to Margaret Auten, 11 Jul 1942 ]
moorhead_auten_07-17-1942_ro (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 9, 1944 page unknown:
Miss Dorothy V. PITTINGER of Pittsburgh and William B. MOOREHEAD of McDonald were united in
marriage Thursday, May 25, 1944, in the First Presbyterian church, Yuma,
Ariz, by the Rev.
Raymond C. ACHESON.
Mr. MOOREHEAD is employed by the Allison Division of General Motors at Yuma, Ariz. The
couple will reside in Lemoore, Calif.
[ William B. MOORHEAD to Dorothy V. Pittinger, 25 May 1944 ] moorhead_pittinger_6-9-1944-ro
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Dec. 17, 1943, page unknown:
Attends Cousin's Wedding
Miss Mamie BAMFORD of Midway attended the wedding of her cousin, Miss Martha BAMFORD
SMITH to Robert Lyle MORELAND at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, December 18, 1943, in the SMITH home.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Russell SMITH of Princeton place, Swissvale.
Mr. MORELAND, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers MORELAND of Morgantown, W.Va., is a student
at Princeton Theological seminary.
The wedding service was read by the bride's brother-in-law, the Rev. Walter J. RALSTON
of Youngstown, Ohio, formerly of Midway, assisted by the Rev. John S. MILHOLLAND, pastor of
the United Presbyterian church of Swissvale.
Mrs. Walter J. RALSTON, sister of the bride, was the matron of honor. Miss Jane ROSS of
Pittsburgh was the maid of honor. The bridegroom's brother, Captain William MORELAND,
Stationed at Fort Benjamin HARRISON, Indianapolis, Ind., served as bestman. Mr. and Mrs. MORELAND plan to live in Princeton while he completes his work in the seminary.
[ Robert Lyle MORELAND to Martha Bamford Smith, 18 Dec 1943 ] moreland_smith_12-17-1943-ro
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Jan. 25, 1908, page unknown:
Married, Alexander Morgan, of Jumbo and Annie Jackson of Canonsburg.
[ Alexander MORGAN to Annie Jackson, no date, in 1-25-1908 paper ]
morgan_jackson_01-25-1908_outlook (LD)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of May 21, 1926, page unknown:
[ MORGAN is the Groom. ]
A very pretty wedding took place at eight o?clock Thursday evening, May 13, 1926, when Miss Diana Nancy
McCABE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McCABE of Burgettstown, became the bride of Mr. Chester MORGAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. MORGAN of Oakdale. The ceremony was performed in the home of the bride?s parents by the Rev. Mr.
DETWEILLER, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Oakdale. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of beige georgette with hat, coat and slippers to match. Miss Geraldine MORGAN, sister of the bridegroom, was Miss McCABE?s bridesmaid, and she wore a gown of blue canton crepe. Arthur
McCABE, brother of the bride, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. McCABE [perhaps the writer meant the bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. MORGAN?] left the same evening on a Northern trip and upon their return will reside in Burgettstown. Mr. MORGAN is a graduate of Oakdale high school and is employed by the A. M. Byers Pipe Co. in the Southside, Pittsburgh. A reception in their honor was held at the MORGAN home in Oakdale on Saturday evening. One hundred and fifty guests were present. A color scheme of pink and white was
carried out. A large wedding cake was the centerpiece. Dancing and music were the diversions.
[ Chester MORGAN to Diana Nancy McCabe, 12 May 1926 ] morgan_mccabe_05-21-1926_outlook
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* Researchers should check to see if the marriage actually took place.
From The McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 2 February 1896,
no page known:
Licensed to marry: Mr. Hugh MORGAN, of South Fayette, brother of James MORGAN, the shoe man, and Miss Mary
[ Hugh MORGAN and Miss Mary McGUIGAN, LICENSE only, in Feb. 2nd, 1896
paper ] morgan-mcguigan_license_09-24-1892-out (S)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 4 September 1897, page unknown:
W. H. MORGAN, Primrose and Agnes C. HAYES, McDonald.
[ W. H. MORGAN to Agnes C. Hayes, no date, in 9-4-1897 paper ] morgan_hayes_9-4-1897-outlook
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: Mel MOORHEAD, Jr. to Margaret Auten, 11 Jul 1942
William B. MOORHEAD to Dorothy V. Pittinger, 25 May 1944
Robert Lyle MORELAND to Martha Bamford Smith, 18 Dec 1943
Alexander MORGAN to Annie Jackson, no date, in 1-25-1908 paper
Chester MORGAN to Diana Nancy McCabe, 12 May 1926
Hugh MORGAN and Miss Mary McGUIGAN, LICENSE only, in Feb. 2nd, 1896 paper
W. H. MORGAN to Agnes C. Hayes, no date, in 9-4-1897 paper
This page was added July 18, 2007 ; updated Sept. 9, 2008 ; updated
May 1, 2009
; updated Aug. 7, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023