Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 29, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Lois EWING daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert EWING of Imperial and Frank MOORE of
Coraopolis, son of Mrs. Mary MOORE of Greensburg, were married at 9:45 a.m. Saturday,
September 23, 1939, in the parsonage of the Valley Presbyterian church, Imperial, the pastor, the Rev. Clarence E. DAVISON, officiating.
The bride's dress was of white lace. She wore a white hat and a corsage of white gardenias.
The matron of honor, Mrs. Earl LANCE, wore black and red with a corsage of roses and baby
asters. Mr. Earl LANCE served as bestman.
A wedding dinner was served in the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Clyde ANDRE, in Natrona
heights, with 12 seated at the bride's table. Mr. and Mrs. Howard JONES and Mrs. Mary
MOORE of Greensburg; Mr. and Mrs. Earl LANCE, Mrs. Robert EWING, and Ross HALEY of Imperial, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde ANDRE, Mrs. Wilbert OAKES, Mrs. Lester EULER, Miss Alva ANDRE, Miss
Evelyn ANDRE, and Mrs. GARRET of Natrona heights.
Following a short wedding trip, the young couple will reside in Coraopolis. Mr. MOORE is
employed by the Manufacturing Gas Company.
[ Frank MOORE to Lois Ewing, 23 Sep 1939 ]
moore_ewing_09-29-1939-ro.jpg (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 11,
1902, page unknown:
[In Social Notes column]
A very pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday at high noon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James MOORE, near Venice, when their daughter, Miss Iva, was united in marriage to the Rev. J. Hunter MOORE, pastor of West Middletown
U. P. church, Rev. H. H. MARLIN, of the Fourth U. P. church, of Pittsburg, officiating.
A sumptuous wedding breakfast was served, after which the bride and groom departed for an Eastern wedding tour. Both bride and groom are well known to many McDonald people, whose names were included in the extensive guest list.
[ Rev. J. Hunter MOORE to Iva Moore, no date, in 10 11-1902 paper ]
social-notes (S)
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Note: Researchers should check to see if the marriage
actually took place.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Jan. 30, 1897, page unknown:
To be married on Feb. 4th Dr. J. M. MOORE and Miss Margaret, daughter of Rev. John MOSES, all of Midway.
[ J. M. MOORE to Margaret Moses, 4 Feb 1897 ] moore_moses_01-30-1897_out
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Feb. 27,
1897, page unknown:
MOORE-IRONS- On the 25th, at the home of the bride, by Dr. W. D. IRONS, father of the bride, assisted by his brother, Dr. J. D. IRONS, Mr. John
I. MOORE and Miss Mabelle O. IRONS. Mr. and Mrs. MOORE will live at Ingram.
[ John I. MOORE to Mabelle O. Irons, 25 Feb 1897 ]
moore_irons_2-27-1897 [ * The other Marriages can be found under the grooms names. ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Jan. 30, 1948, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles FARRAR of Midway announce the marriage of their granddaughter, Miss Audrey FARRAR of Oakdale, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. FARRAR, to John R. MOORE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. MOORE of Oakdale. The wedding took place at 4:30 p.m. Friday, January 23, 1948, in the manse of the Presbyterian church, Cumberland, Md., with the pastor, the Rev. William EISENBERGER officiating. Following the ceremony, the newlyweds left for a brief honeymoon. They are at home in the W. A. MOORE home in Oakdale.
[ John R. MOORE to Audrey Farrar, 23 Jan 1948 ] moore_farrar_01-30-1948_ro (WD)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
This page includes: Frank MOORE to Lois Ewing, 23 Sep 1939
J. Hunter MOORE to Iva Moore, no date, in 10 11-1902 paper
J. M. MOORE to Margaret Moses, 4 Feb 1897
John I. MOORE to Mabelle O. Irons, 25 Feb 1897
John R. MOORE to Audrey Farrar, 23 Jan 1948
This page was added July 18, 2007 ; updated Apr. 15, 2009 ; updated June 6, 2009
; updated Aug. 24, 2009 ; updated Sept. 4, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023