Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M

From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Sept. 15, 1922, page unknown:
[ MONTGOMERY is the Groom. ]
The First United Presbyterian church was the scene of the beautiful wedding on Monday, September 18th at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon when Miss Rosina Moorhead LAROSS became the bride of Lieut. James Mathrson MONTGOMERY of New York.
The church had been elaborately decorated in palms and ferns and a United States flag was draped upon the pulpit, over which a golden cord hung in a lover's knot. The music was furnished by Nirella's orchestra from Pittsburgh. Miss Rosanna LOCKHART, a school friend of the bride, sang "O Perfect Love" by Burleigh. As the wedding party entered the church the strains of the wedding march from Lohingrin guided them as Dr. W. D. IRONS, the officiating clergyman, entered from the study door, while Lieut. MONTGOMERY with his bestman, Dr. James FEILD of New York met him at the altar. Lieut. Com. J. B. HELM in full navy uniform led the wedding
procession. Mrs. Leonard Mark SANDSTON of Christchurch, New Zealand, a sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Miss Louise MONTGOMERY, sister of the groom, in turquoise velvet and Miss Lucile LAROSS, cousin of the bride, in yellow, acted as bridesmaids. All wore large black hats. Maragret
[sic] Virginia MOORHEAD, in pink canton crepe, a cousin of the bride, was the flower girl, and strew rose petals along the path of the bride. Melicent MOORHEAD, Jr. was the ring bearer.
The bride in white brodaded velvet with tulle veil caught with orange blossoms, carrying white roses and lilies of the valley, entered upon the arm of her father, Dr. William A. LAROSS. At the altar Dr. LAROSS gave his daughter to the groom. Dr. IRONS then performed the beautiful ring ceremony after which the naval officers formed an arch with swords under which the wedding party passed out. During the entire ceremony the orchestra played softly "O! Promise Me."
The ushers were Mr. Leonard Mark SANDSTON, brother-in-law of the bride and William A. LAROSS, Jr., a brother. A reception followed the ceremony, at which about fifty guests were in attendance. The house was beautifully decorated in flowers and ferns.
The bride and groom were conveyed by automobile to Pittsburgh from which place they left immediately for a trip in the Adirondacks. They expect to be gone a month, after which they will make their home in New York City.
[ James Mathison MONTGOMERY to Rosina Moorhead LaRoss, 18 Sep 1922 ]
Parts 1, 2, 3 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Sept. 15, 1922, page unknown:
[ MONTGOMERY is the Groom. ]
The marriage of Miss Rosina Moorhead LAROSS and Lieutenant Mathison James MONTGOMERY, Medical Corps United States Navy, was a notable event of Monday, September 18, 1922. The ceremony was performed at half after four o'clock by the Rev. William D. IRONS,
in the First United Presbyterian church of McDonald. The auditorium and balcony of the church began to fill at the hour of four. An organ prelude
was given. Miss Rosanna LOCKHART sang "O Perfect Love." When the first familiar strains from
"Lohengrin" issued from the organ, the Rev.
Dr. IRONS came with measured thread from the study to the altar banked high with palms and cibodium ferns. The groom and his best man, Lieutenant James FIELD of New York, wore the full dress uniform of the Medical Corps United States Navy. The bridal procession was led by
Lieutenant-Commander J. B. HELM, U. S. N. Melicent MOORHEAD, Jr., a cousin of the bride, carried the ring on a white satin pillow. The matron of honor, Mrs. Leonard Mark SANDSTON of Christchurch, New Zealand, the bride's sister, was followed by Margaret Virginia
MOORHEAD, a cousin, who from a basket of pink roses strewed petals. Miss Louise MONTGOMERY of Pitcairn, sister of the groom, and Miss
Lucille LAROSS of Allentown, the bride's cousin, as bridesmaids, preceded the bride, who was given in marriage by her father, Dr. William A.
LAROSS. The brief and beautiful marriage ritual of the United Presbyterian church
was spoken by Dr. IRONS while the harp gave forth sweet
and low "O Promise Me." The wedding party passed up the aisle and out of the church under an arch formed by Lieutenant-Commander HELM
and Lieutenant FIELD with crossed swords held aloft.
The bride wore a gown of ivory brocade chiffon with veil of tulle and headdress draped with bands of pearl and carried a shower bouquet of
roses, orchids, and lilies of the valley, her only ornament being a diamond platinum bar pin, the groom's gift.
Mr. Leonard Mark SANDSTON, the matron of honor, wore a gown of flame colored chiffon and gold lace, picture hat of black satin with
cascades of black lace, and carried Ophelia roses.
Miss Louise MONTGOMERY, bridesmaid, was attired in a gown of turquoise blue chiffon velvet, wore a black picture hat and carried a bouquet
of Columbia roses.
Miss Lucille LAROSS, bridesmaid, wore a gown of canary yellow chiffon and lace, black picture hat, and carried a bouquet of Columbia roses.
Miss Margaret Virginia MOORHEAD was in a frock of pink crepe de chine, with hat to match, and carried a basket of pink roses.
Miss Rosana LOCKHART, who sang, wore cream colored canton crepe and a black picture hat.
The ushers were: Lieutenant-Commander J. B. HELM, Mr. Leonard Mark SANDSTON and William A.
The ceremony was supplemented by a reception given at the home of the bride's father, Dr. W. A.
LAROSS. Covers were laid for fourteen at
the bridal table, the bride cutting the wedding cake with the groom's sword.
After a month's tour in the Adirondacks, Dr. and Mrs. MONTGOMERY will live in New York.
The out-of-town guests at the reception were: Dr. and Mrs. W. H. MONTGOMERY of Pitcairn, parents of the groom, Mrs. Charles T.
MONTGOMERY and children and the Misses MONTGOMERY of Wilkinsburg, Mrs. Cook WHITE of Burgettstown, Dr. and Mrs. Scott L. KOCH of Pittsburgh,
Dr. and Mrs. SPEER and children of Brownsville, Miss Mary SCOTT of Joffre, Miss Martha PAXTON of Houston.
[ James Mathison MONTGOMERY to Rosina Moorhead LaRoss, 18 Sep 1922 ]
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* Differences in color from newspaper.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct.
4, 1940,
page unknown:
Miss Zelinda D. PIAZZA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. PIAZZA of
Noblestown, and Mr. Robert J. MONTGOMERY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. MONTGOMERY, Sr., of Midway, were united in marriage at two o'clock E.S.T. Saturday afternoon, September 28, 1940, in the Center
United Presbyterian church, Midway, the pastor, The Rev. Alfred HUBBARD, performing the ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a princess gown of white satin, with a long train, sweetheart neckline, and long tight sleeves. Her long tulle veil fell from a coronet embroidered with pearls. She wore a necklace of pearls and carried white lilies.
The matron of honor, Mrs. Domenic MAZZACCO of McDonald, sister of the bride, wore thistle taffeta trimmed in velvet of a deeper shade and a
matching hat of tulle with a short veil. She carried an arm bouquet of American Beauty roses. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Edward H. MONTGOMERY, Jr.,
of Weirton, W.Va., sister-in-law of the bridegroom,
who wore poudre blue taffeta with matching hat and carried Johanna Hill roses. Mrs. William D. PIAZZA
of Noblestown, sister-in-law of the bride, who wore pink taffeta with a hat of the same shade and carried American Beauty roses, and Miss Eleanor MONTGOMERY, sister of the bridegroom, who wore aquamarine taffeta with matching hat and carried pink roses. Fred
DEVANDRY, Jr., of Greentree, nephew of the bride was the ringbearer and carried
the ring on a heart-shaped pillow of white satin. Clemence WADE, cousin of the bridegroom, was the flower girl and wore a frock of pale blue taffeta
trimmed in pink and a tiara of pink rosebuds. Her
bouquet was of white pompoms and babysbreath. Mr. Edward H. MONTGOMERY, Jr., of Weirton served as his
brother's bestman. The ushers were Mr. William D.
PIAZZA, Mr. Gilbert D. PIAZZA, and Mr. Bruno D. PIAZZA of
Noblestown, brothers of the bride. Mrs. John KRAEER, Jr., of Midway played the wedding music. A program of nuptial music preceded the ceremony. The bride's mother wore a black velvet
gown with matching accessories and a shoulder corsage
of red roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a plum
crushed velvet gown with matching accessories and a
corsage of red roses.
A wedding dinner was served in the home of the bride's
parents with covers laid for one hundred guests. Twelve
were seated at the bride's table. A reception was held
in the evening in the Eagles hall, Sturgeon. The young
couple received a number of gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. MONTGOMERY will reside with the bride's
parents. Mr. MONTGOMERY is employed by the American Cyanamid and Chemical Corp., Bridgeville.
Robert J. MONTGOMERY to Zelinda D. Piazza, 28 Sep 1940 ]
montgomery_piazza_10-04-1940-ro (SF)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of April 1,
1921, page unknown:
[ MOODY is the Groom. ]
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ROSS of Imperial announce the marriage of their daughter Helen S. to Mr. Carl C. MOODY of Clinton on Saturday, March 19, 1921, at the home of the Rev. H. A. RANDLES in New Castle, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. MOODY left Thursday for a few days' visit to Philadelphia and other places of interest.
[ Carl C. MOODY to Helen S. Ross, 19 Mar 1921 ]
moody_ross_04-01-1921 (WD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~ or ~ Outlook ~ or ~ Record-Outlook newspaper
of Dec. 14, 1934, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Mildred McCARTNEY and Howard MOON took place at ten o?clock Thanksgiving morning in the manse of the Glenwillard Presbyterian church, with the Rev. Dr. Joseph L. GRIMM as
officiant. The bride is the daughter of Charles McCARTNEY of Glenwillard, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MOON of Carnot. They were attended Miss Catherine SHARF and Clyde MOON, a brother of the bridegroom. The wedding party included the father of the bride and the parents of the groom; Mrs. Anna
HARPER of Glenwillard and Mrs. Rachel McCARTNEY, grandmothers of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Carl
SHARF, Miss Gertrude KLINE, and Miss Eula Mae KLINE, all of Carnot. The wedding music was played by Miss Dorothy GRIMM.
[ Howard MOON to Mildred McCartney, 29 Nov 1934 ] moon_mccartney_12-14-1934
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: James Mathison MONTGOMERY to Rosina Moorhead LaRoss, 18 Sep 1922
Robert J. MONTGOMERY to Zelinda D. Piazza, 28 Sep 1940
Carl C. MOODY to Helen S. Ross, 19 Mar 1921
Howard MOON to Mildred McCartney, 29 Nov 1934
This page was added July 18, 2007 ; updated Oct. 24, 2007
; updated March 12, 2008
; updated Sept 9, 2008; ; updated June 15, 2009 ; updated Sept. 4, 2009 ; updated Sept. 29, 2009
; updated Oct. 13, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
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