Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Jan. 26,
1926, page unknown:
[ MILLIGAN is the Groom. ]
Miss Cora M. Winters and Mr. James M. Milligan were united in marriage at the home of the bride in Bulger on Saturday afternoon, January 16, 1926, at three o?clock. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. R. W.
Nairn, pastor of the bride, in the presence of 24 relatives. The couple entered the room as the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin issued from the
victrola [sic]. The bride was attired in a gray crepe and wore a corsage of white Victoria roses. After congratulations a four course turkey dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Milligan have gone to housekeeping in McDonald. The bride was postmaster of Bulger for the last eight years.
[ James M. MILLIGAN to Cora M. Winters, 16 Jan 1926 ]
milligan_winters_01-26-1926_outlook (LD)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
[ MILLIGAN is the Groom. ]
Miss Frances ARMSTRONG and Mr. S. MILLIGAN were united in marriage on
New Year's day. The ceremony was performed in Pittsburgh. The young
couple will reside in Burgettstown where Mr. MILLIGAN is in the
electric business.
[ S. MILLIGAN to Frances ARMSTRONG, Jan. 1, 1920 ]
milligan_armstrong_1-8-1920-outlook (F)
* |
From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 26 April 1912,
page unknown:
Samuel MILLIGAN and Miss Flo PYLE were married Wednesday of last week at the Presbyterian parsonage at Burgettstown by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. HAYS. The groom is employed in the J. M. AIKEN lumber and feed business. Mr. and Mrs. MILLIGAN expect to start housekeeping in the J. B. PHYH residence on their return from a trip among relatives. The bride is well known here, having taught several terms in the Bulger schools.
[ Samuel MILLIGAN to Flo Pyle, no date, in 4-26-1912 paper ]
milligan-pyle-04-26-1912-rec (S)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Sept. 14, 1917, page unknown:
[ MILLIRON is the Groom. ]
Miss Mary CARL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto CARL of R. D. 4, McDonald [Pa] and Archie R. MILLIRON were united in marriage Wednesday evening, September 5, 1917, at eight o'clock. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Charles STUNKARD of Hickory at the bride's home, in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the young couple. After a wedding trip of a week or ten days Mr. and Mrs. MILLIRON will reside on Mr. MILLIRON's farm near Hickory.
[ Archie R. MILLIRON to Mary Carl, 5 Sep 1917 ] milliron_carl_09-14-1917_record
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Aug. 30, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Josephine DEANGELIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo DEANGELIS of Cecil [Pa], and Mr. Russell
MILLIRON, son of Mrs. Mary MILLIRON of Pittsburgh [Pa], were united in marriage at 8:00 a.m. Saturday, August
24, 1940, in St. Peter's church, Pittsburgh [Pa],
by the Rev. Father O'SHEA.
The bride wore a white lace gown with a finger-
tip veil and long white train and carried a bouquet of white tea-roses and lilies-of-the-valley. Her veil was held in place with a heart-shaped crown of seed pearls. The maid
of honor, Miss Rose DORISIO of Penowa [Pa], wore a pink gown with pink accessories with a short shoulder veil and a small head-dress. The bridesmaid, Miss Sarah DORISIO of Penowa [Pa], wore
a pink satin gown with blue accessories and a
short shoulder veil with a small head-dress. They carried bouquets of pink roses. The flower girl, Virginia DORISIO of
Penowa, wore white with
a short shoulder veil with a small head-dress. She carried pink tea-roses. All three are cousins
of the bride. Mr. Daniel DEANGELIS of Cecil [Pa], brother of the bride, served as
A wedding breakfast was served in the home of the bride. There were 35 guests.
The bride attended Cecil [Pa] high school [sic]. Mr. MILLIRON is a foreman in a box factory,
Pittsburgh [Pa]. The
young couple will reside at 513 Einlin street [sic], Pittsburgh [Pa].
[ Russell MILLIRON to Josephine DeAngelis, 24 Aug 1940 ] milliron_deangelis_08-30-1940-ro
parts 1 & 2 (SF)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of March
16, 1934:
On Thursday morning, March 8, 1934, in the Presbyterian manse at
Candor, Miss Mary NEAL of Candor and Walter T. MILLIS of Wilkinsburg
[Pa] were united in marriage by the Rev. Dr. H. A. MOSSER, pastor of the
Raccoon Presbyterian church. The bride was attired in black
chiffon velvet, having pearl and rhinestone trimming, with black
accessories to match. The bride is a graduate of Union high school
at Burgettstown and Western Pennsylvania hospital, Pittsburgh. The
bridegroom is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, having
received the bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering and
the master of science degree in physical engineering. He is also a
member of the Sigma Xi fraternity.
Immediately following the ceremony, the young couple left for their
new home in Newark, N.J.
[ Walter T. MILLIS to Mary Neal, 8 Mar 1934 ]
millis_neal_3-16-1934-ro (copy of article same date same paper )
* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: James M. MILLIGAN to Cora M. Winters, 16 Jan 1926
Samuel MILLIGAN to Flo Pyle, no date, in 4-26-1912 paper
Archie R. MILLIRON to Mary Carl, 5 Sep 1917
Russell MILLIRON to Josephine DeAngelis, 24 Aug 1940
Walter T. MILLIS to Mary Neal, 8 Mar 1934
This page was added July 18, 2007 ; updated Mar. 23, 2009 ; updated Aug. 8, 2009
; updated Oct. 19, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023