Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
Also in Observer newspaper, Washington PA, Oct. 4, 1902,
titled "Cupid's Conquests," page unknown:
From the McDonald, PA newspaper of 4 Oct 1902, page unknown:
A double wedding took place Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock in St. Patricks' Roman Catholic church at Noblestown. Miss Eugenia ZABE and W. J. MILLER being one of the bridal pairs and Miss Marie ZABE and J. D. MILLER the other. Miss Elizabeth MILLER and Miss Anna MILLER were the two maids of honor, and Andrew MILLER and Joseph KLAUS were the best men. A wedding breakfast at the MILLER homestead followed the double wedding. The ceremony was a prettily appointed one. The brides wore stylish gowns of white crepe de chine over white taffetta, made with full trains and trimmed with insertions of lace. They carried white roses. The two maids were in blue silk crepon and carried pink roses.
[ J. D. MILLER to Marie Zabe, no date, in 10-4-1902 paper ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 12, 1897, page unknown:
MILLER - BUCK - On the 20th ult., Rev. J. H. MILLER, an Ingleside alumnus, and recently installed pastor of Peters Creek U. P. Church, and Miss
Arminthe Buck, of Chase City, Va.
[ J. H. MILLER to Arminthe Buck, 20 May 1897 ]
miller_buck_6-12-1897 (CT-L)
Additional information from Carol Taylor-Lanza:
Rev. J. H. MILLER was a pastor of the Peter Creek United Presbyterian Church, Peters Twp.
PA at the time that my uncle was born in 1905. My grandparents lived in the Sexton home next to the church and were the caretakers of the church and cemetery for more than 30 years. My grandparents named my uncle "James Miller Taylor" after this same pastor.
From "A History of Christian Service Through The Peter's Creek United Presbyterian Congregation 1795-1970"
written on the 175th anniversary of the church: J. H. Miller was James Hunter Miller born near Frankfort Springs, Beaver County, PA on August 29, 1865. He taught for 4 years at public schools than attended Ingleside Academy, McDonald, PA and later Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio, graduating in 1893. He was installed as pastor of the Peters Creek
U. P. Church on June 8, 1897 and served until 1906. He went on to serve in Ottawa, Kansas, 1907 to 1911, Mays, Indiana, 1913 to 1917; Elizabeth, PA, 1918 to 1921; Peters Creek, 1921 to 1927; Sebring, Ohio, 1927 to 1934 when he retired to Pittsburgh. While he was at Peters Creek
U. P. Church, three of his children were born and the church built the manse.
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 24, 1947,
page unknown:
Miss Evelyn Lucille McCALMONT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don MCCALMONT of Hickory, and James Calvin MILLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E.
MILLER of R. D. 4, McDonald, were united in marriage October 17 in the manse of the Mt. Prospect Presbyterian church. The Rev. C. S. THOMAS,
pastor, performed the ceremony. Miss Dolores CARLISLE was the bride's maid of honor and Edwin MILLER, brother of the bridegroom, served
as bestman. Other guests at the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Henry AHRNS.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the home of the bride. The guests were: Rev. and Mrs. C. S. THOMAS, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. MILLER
and daughter Gladys, Mrs. Annie CARLISLE and the parents of the bride and her brother Donnie.
Mr. and Mrs. MILLER are at home in their apartment in the home of the bridegroom's parents.
[ James Calvin MILLER to Evelyn Lucille McCalmont, 17 Oct 1947 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of April 28, 1905, page unknown:
Mr. James M. MILLER and Miss Martha Campbell SCOTT were married yesterday evening at seven o?clock at the home of the bride?s sister Mrs. CARNAHAN at McKeesport. The groom?s
parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MILLER of Reissing will today entertain at a dinner followed by a deception in honor of the newly married couple. They will leave for California in the course of a week or two to begin life together on the Pacific coast.
[ James M. MILLER to Martha Campbell Scott, 27 Apr 1905 ]
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
John J. MILLER to Nora L. Moore, 22 Aug 1893
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 5, 1947,
page unknown:
Miss Adelia TURKALY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen TURKALY of Bulger became the bride of Paul MILLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred MILLER of Atlasburg, at a double ring ceremony performed Saturday, August 30, 1947, at 4:00 p.m. by the Rev. Jacob C. RUBLE, of Burgettstown. The bride was attired in a white street-length dress with white accessories and a corsage of orchids. She chose as her maid of honor Miss Doris VERNER of Pittsburgh, who wore a peach street-length dress with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses.
Stephen TURKALY, brother of the bride, served as bestman.
The bride's mother wore a navy blue dress with white accessories and the groom's mother was attired in a black print dress with black accessories. They each wore corsages of red roses.
Following the marriage ceremony a reception for 100 guests was held in the home of the bride. The wedding cake was three-tiered and was topped with a miniature bride and groom.
The bride attended Union high school for three years and was employed by the Reliable Trunk and Bag Co., Pittsburgh. Her husband is a graduate of Union high school, class of 1941.
[ Paul MILLER to Adella Turkaly, 30 Aug 1947 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of April
5, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Rita Marie DENNY, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George P. DENNY of Baltimore, Md.,
and the Rev. Raymond M. MILLER, pastor of the
McDonald [Pa] Lutheran church, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. MILLER of Baltimore, Md., were united in
marriage at seven o'clock Monday evening,
March 25, 1940, in St. John's Evangelical
Lutheran church, Baltimore, Md., the Rev.
Lloyd M. KELLER, D.D., the Rev. Wesley SADLER,
and the Rev. Robert E. LEE, officiating.
The bride wore an egg-shell colored satin gown
with a tulle veil. She carried a white Bible
with white silk ribbons and lilies of the valley.
The matron-of-honor, Mrs. C. Griffith BRATT of
Rockdale, Md., wore a peach net gown with blue
ribbons. The bridesmaids, Miss Sara HEPBURN
and Miss Dorothy EMICH, both of Baltimore, Md.,
wore blue net with peach ribbons. The Rev.
Cleon F. POWELL of Yale university served as
bestman and Mr. Reinhardt F. BAMBERGER of New
Wilmington, Del., and Mr. George G. DAUGHERTY of Reading, Pa., were the ushers. Mr. C. Griffith
BRATT, artist of Peabody Institute, Rockdale, Md.,
played the wedding music and Mr. Carlton BAKE [?], artist pupil of Peabody Institute of Music, sang.
A reception followed in the home of the bride's
parents. The young couple went on a short wedding trip and are now at home at 219 Station street,
McDonald [Pa].
[ Raymond M. MILLER to Rita Marie Denny, 25 Mar 1940 ] miller_denny_04-5-1940-ro
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: J. D. MILLER to Marie Zabe, no date, in 10-4-1902 paper
J. H. MILLER to Arminthe Buck, 20 May 1897
James Calvin MILLER to Evelyn Lucille McCalmont, 17 Oct 1947
James M. MILLER to Martha Campbell Scott, 27 Apr 1905
John J. MILLER to Nora L. Moore, 22 Aug 1893
Paul MILLER to Adella Turkaly, 30 Aug 1947
Raymond M. MILLER to Rita Marie Denny, 25 Mar 1940
This page was added July 18, 2007 ; updated Mar. 23, 2009 ; updated Aug. 22, 2009
; updated Aug. 27, 2009 ; updated Sept. 4, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023