Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of June 27, 1941, page unknown: McELROY - STERRETT
Miss Jennie Ruth STERRETT, daughter of R. B. Sterrett of Quinter, Kansas, and the Rev. J.E. McELROY, son of J. J. McELROY, also of Quinter, Kansas, were united in marriage at six o'clock Thursday, June 12, 1941, in the Reformed Presbyterian church, Quinter, by the Rev. A.J. McFARLAND. The double ring ceremony was used.
The young couple will reside in Cecil, where the Rev. Mr. McELROY is pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian church.
[ J. J. McELROY to Jennie Ruth Sterrett, 12 Jun 1941 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 19, 1926, page unknown:
[ McEWEN is the Groom. ]
Miss Emma DEVROYE of Sturgeon and Ansel McEWEN of Federal were quietly married in Pittsburgh on Friday, September 10, 1926. They have gone to live in East
Liverpool, Ohio.
[ Ansel McEWEN to Emma Devroye, 10 Sep 1926 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
June 16, 1927, page unknown:
Mr. Earl McEWEN of Glendale and Miss Rose HARRIS of Oakdale, were united in marriage Wednesday, June 8th, at 2:30 P. M. at the United
Presbyterian parsonage by the Rev. M. W. RIDDLE. A wedding dinner followed at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Jane
In the evening Mr. and Mrs. George Kargle entertained in their honor. Mr. and Mrs.
McEWEN will make their home in Carnegie.
[ Earl McEWEN to Rose Harris, 8 Jun 1927 ]
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 9, 1937, page unknown:
An interesting June wedding took place at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, June 22, 1937, at the First United Brethren church, Connellsville, when Miss Thelma Etta HAMMAN, daughter of M.A. HAMMAN of 108 Watt street, Connellsville, was married to Ray S. McEWEN of Washington, Pa., son of Mr. and Mrs.
T. O. McEWEN of McDonald. The Rev. Elmer A. SCHULTZ, the church pastor, read the service. Marked by charming simplicity, the ceremony was witnessed by the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Heber CLARK of Uniontown. Mr. CLARK and the bridegroom were classmates at Bliss Electrical School, Washington, D.C.
Marriage vows were exchanged before a background of roses, daisies and coreopsis which were effectively arranged about the altar by a group of girl friends of the bride. After the ceremony, Mr. McEWEN and bride were met at the church by a few friends.
The bride was attractive in a two-piece white crepe dress, with a white halo hat and other white accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of briarcliff roses, baby breath, and pale blue delphinium, tied with silver ribbon. Her only ornament was a strand of pearls with a diamond clasp, the bridegroom's gift.
Mrs. McEWEN was graduated from the Connellsville high school with the class of 1927 and is one of Connellsville's best known young women. She is one of the most active members of the church in which she was married and has been prominently affiliated with the Sunday school. She was secretary of the
children's division for some time and is past president of the Otterbein Guild.
The bridegroom was graduated from Bliss Electrical School and attended Carnegie Institute of Technology.
Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McEWEN left by motor for a tour of the New England States. They will be at home after July 4 at 511 Allison avenue, Washington, where the bridegroom is employed by the Bell Telephone Co.
[ Ray S. McEWEN to Thelma Etta Hamman, 22 Jun 1937 ] mcewen_hamman_07-09-1937
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 6, 1940, page unknown:
St. Patrick's church, Noblestown, was the scene of a pretty wedding at nine o'clock Thanksgiving morning, November 28, 1940, when Miss Julia KADYK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley KADYK of Sturgeon, became the bride of Mr. John McFALL, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McFALL, also of Sturgeon. The Rev. Fr. C.M. KEANE of Noblestown performed the ring ceremony.
The bride wore a white brocaded satin gown with a shoulder length veil. She carried an arm bouquet of white mums. The bridesmaid, Miss Kathleen McGRAW, niece of the bridegroom, wore blue satin and carried yellow mums. The bride's brother, Walter KADYK, served as bestman.
A wedding breakfast was served in the KADYK home with sixteen seated at the bride's table, the centerpiece being a large wedding cake. The home was decorated with the season's flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. McFALL will reside in Sturgeon.
Those present from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. Charles DELAMONTAGUE of Harmarville, Thomas McGRAW of McKees Rocks, Peter McGRAW of Burgettstown, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley YURKUN, daughters Jeannette, Anna and Mildred, and son Victor and Miss Ann DIXON of Washington.
[ John McFALL to Julia Kadyk, 28 Nov 1940 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
July 10, 1897, page unknown:
Mr. George W. McFANN and Miss Edna HULL.
Bride and groom both formerly lived in McDonald. Mr. McFANN is a field boss for the Sun Oil Co. at Mermill, Ohio.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 10 Jul 1897
[ George W. McFANN to Edna Hull, no date, in 7-10-1897 paper ]
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* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: J. J. McELROY to Jennie Ruth Sterrett, 12 Jun 1941
Ansel McEWEN to Emma Devroye, 10 Sep 1926
Earl McEWEN to Rose Harris, 8 Jun 1927
Ray S. McEWEN to Thelma Etta Hamman, 22 Jun 1937
John McFALL to Julia Kadyk, 28 Nov 1940
George W. McFANN to Edna Hull, no date, in 7-10-1897 paper
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated June 6, 2009 ; updated July 27, 2009
; updated Oct. 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023