Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper of June 29, 1928, page unknown:
The marriage of Melva M. Purdy, daughter of Mr. Andrew Joseph Purdy, and Mr. Harold McConnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McConnell, was an event of Wednesday, June 20, 1928 at noon, in the home of the bride?s father. The Rev. T. C.
Strangeway, pastor of the Clinton U. P. church, which church both bride and bridegroom attended, performed the ceremony under a bower of pink roses, ferns, and
negelia. The attendants were the four flower girls, nieces of the bride and bridegroom: Dorothy and Janet Bell and Betty and Alice McConnell. They carried baskets of flowers. The bride wore a simple white crepe gown with a jewelled buckle and carried white roses. Mrs. Merle McConnell played the wedding march. Only the families of the young couple were present. After the ceremony dinner was served. Fifteen were seated at the bride?s table. The four little flower girls were at a separate table. The flowers used were pink roses. The bride?s traveling dress was a dark blue ensemble suit with tan silk blouse and tan hat. Apparently the young folk of the party were reluctant to part with the newlyweds, hindering their departure by blocking the way with their cars. However, they made their getaway, followed by three cars, as they traveled over the Campbell?s Run past the Chartiers country club to Thornburg and other points until they lost sight of their pursuers at Coraopolis. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell are spending some time in Washington, D. C., Philadelphia and other places in the East.
[ Harold McCONNELL to Melva M. Purdy, 20 Jun 1928 ] mcconnell_purdy_06-29-1928
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* Article partly cut-off on the right side.
* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of September 18,
1914, page unknown:
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William PEACOCK, near Boyce, was the scene of a quiet, but pretty home wedding on Thursday evening, September 10, at 6:30, when their daughter Anna was united in marriage with Mr. John Phillips McCONNELL of Cecil township in the presence of the immediate families and a few intimate friends of the bride. The bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march played by Miss Jane MORGAN of Hickory. Standing before an embankment of ferns, the Rev. C. T. LITTELL of the Venice U. P. Church read the marriage service. The bride wore a gown of embroidered net trimmed with pearls and carried a bouquet of white roses showered with lilies of the valley. The bride was attended by Miss Edith HARPER of Venice. She wore a gown of pink charmeuse trimmed with pearls and carried pink roses. Mr. Logan McCONNELL was best man. Sara HUTCHISON, a little friend of the bride, acted as flower girl and carried a basket of pink and white asters. Following the ceremony a three couse dinner was served the bridal party and the guests. Covers were laid for ten at the bride's table. Mr. and Mrs. McCONNELL left on an extended wedding trip through the East. Mr. McCONNELL is a son of Mr. and Mrs. B. K.
McCONNELL. They will make their home on the McCONNELL farm in Cecil township.
John Phillips McCONNELL to Anna Peacock, 10 Sep 1914 ] McConnell_Peacock_9-18-1914
and McConnell_John_P_9-25-1914 (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 25 September 1914:
Mr. and Mrs. B. K. McCONNELL entertained seventy-five guests at their home in Cecil township Thursday evening of last week at 8 o'clock. This reception was given in honor of their son and bride, Mr. and Mrs. John P.
McCONNELL. Games and music were the amusements of the evening. The house was beautifully decorated in palms and ferns. Delicious refreshments were served at 10:30 o'clock, the colors being successfully carried out in pink and white.
John Phillips McCONNELL to Anna Peacock, 10 Sep 1914 ] McConnell_Peacock_9-18-1914
and McConnell_John_P_9-25-1914 (S)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
T. E. McCONNELL to Sarah McCullough, 9 Jun 1892
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Dec. 4, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Esther B. McELHANEY of Oakdale and W. Leonard McCONNELL of Burgettstown were united in marriage Tuesday evening,
November 24, 1942, in the home of Miss Sallie McCONNELL at Florence.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. L. BIDDLE,
pastor of the Florence Presbyterian church. The attendants were
Miss Mable E. WHITE and Harry PLOTTS. Several relatives and close friends also witnessed the ceremony.
Following the ceremony, a wedding supper was served. The young couple left for a wedding trip and upon their return will
reside near Florence.
[ W. Leonard McCONNELL to Esther B. McElhaney, 24 Nov 1942 ] mcconnell_mcelhaney_12-04-1942_ro
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: Harold McCONNELL to Melva M. Purdy, 20 Jun 1928
John Phillips McCONNELL to Anna Peacock, 10 Sep 1914
T. E. McCONNELL to Sarah McCullough, 9 Jun 1892
W. Leonard McCONNELL to Esther B. McElhaney, 24 Nov 1942
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; Updated Oct. 27, 2007 ; updated July 26, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023