Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Feb.
26, 1943, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. James W. DONALDSON, Sr., of R. D. 1, McDonald, announce the marriage of their daughter, Blanche Elaine, to Staff Sgt. David C.
McCARTY, stationed at Amarillo (Texas) airfield, son of the J. Kerr McCARTYs
of 216 Fourth street, McDonald.
The wedding took place at 7:30 o'clock, Wednesday, February 17, 1943, in
the Post chapel, the single ring ceremony being performed by Lt. Alfred Leland
JAMISON, chaplain.
The bride wore a navy suit of French gabardine with matching accessories.
Her corsage was of orchids. For her "something old" she wore the baby locket given her the day she was born. The attendant, Miss Patricia
Amarillo, Texas, wore a pink sheer wool dress with matching accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Staff Sgt. Joseph
LA COST of Manitowoe, Wis., served as bestman.
Mrs. J. Kerr McCARTY, mother of the bridegroom, Staff Sgt. Edward
SHIVELY, and Sgt. Jesus GARCIA witnessed the ceremony.
The wedding dinner was served at "The Cantine" after the ceremony.
Staff Sgt. and Mrs. McCarty will reside in Amarillo, Texas.
[ David C. McCARTY to Blance Elaine Donaldson, 17 Feb 1943 ] mccarty_donaldson_02-26-1943_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Sept. 5, 1947, page unknown:
At a quiet home wedding Friday evening, August 29, 1947, Miss Jane Lee
RIGGLE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. RIGGLE of Moninger, became the bride of John E.
McCARTY, son of Mrs. J. K. McCARTY of McDonald and the late J. Kerr
The Rev. H. A. BRUDER, pastor of the First United Presbyterian Church of Washington, officiated at the single-ring ceremony, performed at 7:30 o?clock.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attired in a gray crepe street-length dress, and wore a shoulder corsage of pink camellias.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. McCARTY of Washington were the couple?s only attendants. Mrs.
McCARTY, the former Mary Lou KAUFFIELD of Houston, chose a blue crepe street-length dress for the occasion and wore a shoulder corsage of camellias. Mr. McCARTY is a brother of the bridegroom.
The bride?s mother chose a summer print for her daughter?s wedding and Mrs. McCARTY wore a black and white print.
Each wore a shoulder corsage of gardenias.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the bride?s home with thirty members of the immediate families present. Mrs. Hazel AUFMANN and Mrs. Ida CHAPMAN, sisters of the bride, served as aides.
The bride is a graduate of Chartiers high school, class of 1942, and is an employee of the Trans-World Airlines at Pittsburgh. The bridegroom is a graduate of McDonald high school and attended Penn State college.
After a short wedding trip the couple will reside in McDonald.
[ John K. McCARTY to Jane Lee Riggle, 29 Aug 1947 ]
mccarty_riggle_09-05-1947_ro (LD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of April 21, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Marie SHUMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. SHUMAN of Akron, Ohio, and Mr. John Kerr
McCARTY, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr McCARTY of Fourth street, McDonald, were united in marriage at seven o?clock Saturday evening, April 15, 1939, in the Church of the Annunciation, Akron, Ohio, the Rev. Father Smith performing the ceremony.
The bride wore a skyblue suit with gray silver fox fur and a pink flowered hat. Her corsage was of pink rosebuds and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Dorothy RIBELIN of Akron, wore a navy blue suit with a matching hat. Her corsage was of pink rosebuds. Mr. David C.
McCARTY, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the home of the bride. There were 49 guests with six seated at the bride?s table.
Mrs. McCARTY is a graduate of the Central high school, Akron. Mr. McCARTY, a 1934 graduate of McDonald high school and Penn State college, is bookkeeper and teller of the McDonald Savings and Trust
co. [sic].
[ John Kerr McCARTY to Marie Shuman, 15 Apr 1939 ]
mccarty_shuman_04-21-1939 (LD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Aug. 23, 1946, page unknown:
At an informal ceremony solemnized in the First United Presbyterian church, Houston, Saturday evening, August 17 [1946], at 7:30 o?clock, Miss Mary Lou KAUFFIELD of R. D. 1, Canonsburg became the bride of Richard B.
McCARTY, son of Mrs. J. Kerr McCARTY of McDonald.
The Rev. Joseph H. RODGERS, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of McDonald, performed the single ring ceremony in the presence of the immediate families and close friends of the couple. The church altar was adorned with ferns and bouquets gladioli and was lighted with twin candelabra.
Wedding music played by Mrs. Jean Scott MAMRACK, church organist, included: ?The Sweetest Story Ever Told,? Schubert?s Serenade, ?I Love You Truly,? ?Oh Promise Me,? the Bridal Chorus from
Lohengrin, with Wagner?s ?Mid Summer Night?s Dream.? as the processional.
Mendelssohn?s Wedding March was played following the exchange of vows.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street length gown of white waffle weave with white accessories and carried a colonial bouquet. Her only attendant, Miss Jane Lee RIGGLE, chose a poudre blue street length dress with white accessories and also carried a colonial bouquet.
Mrs. KAUFFIELD, mother of the bride, wore a gray and white print dress with white accessories, with corsage of red rosebuds, and Mrs. McCARTY, mother of the bridegroom, wore a wine-colored dress, with white accessories and a corsage of white rosebuds.
Byron COLLINS, McDonald, served at Mr. McCARTY?s bestman, and the ushers were John and Dee
McCARTY, brothers of the bridegroom.
Supplementing the ceremony, a reception was held in the church
diningroom. Covers were laid for 35 guests, the bride?s table being centered with the three-tiered wedding cake, with arrangements of summer flowers and twin cathedral candles in crystal holders complementing the table appointments. Among the guests were Mrs. Katherine
SCHOBERT, great-aunt of the bride, and her daughter, Miss Irma SCHOBERT of Pittsburgh. Other out-of-town guests were from McDonald.
Later Mr. and Mrs. McCARTY left on a short honeymoon trip, after which they will be at home in the Keystone
apartments, Washington.
The bride, a graduate of the Chartiers township high school, is now an employee of the Gardner garage, Washington.
Mr. McCARTY, following his discharge from the Army Medical corps last spring, is enrolled at Washington & Jefferson college in the pre-medical course. He entered the service in March 1942 and served two years overseas with the Army Medical corps.
Prior to her marriage the bride was honored at two miscellaneous gift showers with Miss Jane Lee RIGGLE, Houston, and Mrs. Mildred CHRISTOFF, Canonsburg, hostesses.
[ Richard B. McCARTY to Mary Lou Kauffield, 17 Aug 1946 ]
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 (LD)
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: David C. McCARTY to Blance Elaine Donaldson, 17 Feb 1943
John K. McCARTY to Jane Lee Riggle, 29 Aug 1947
John Kerr McCARTY to Marie Shuman, 15 Apr 1939
Richard B. McCARTY to Mary Lou Kauffield, 17 Aug 1946
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated July 26, 2009 ; updated Oct. 17, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023