Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
[ McCALE is the GROOM.]
On Wednesday, June 14, 1922 at 9:30 a.m. in the Catholic church at Midland, Mary Johana HOGAN of Georgetown and Edward
McCALE of Pittsburgh were united in marriage the service being read by the Rev. Father MEYER. The bride gowned in white crepe de chine and white hat and carried cream bride's roses.
Her attendants, Mrs. BARRETT of Pittsburgh, as matron of honor and her sisters, the Misses Margaret and Mildred HOGAN as bridesmaids, were all gowned
in white crepe de chine with hats to match and carried white roses. Mr. BARRETT and Messrs. Charles and Thomas HOGAN, brothers of the bride, served as
best men. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Thos. HOGAN. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was held in the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. HOGAN of Georgetown. The home was beautifully decorated in pink and white, the wedding cake was decorated with minature
[sic] bride and groom and doves. Small tables throughout the lower floor seated 84 guests. Pink roses and little rose shaped baskets filled with candies were given as favors. After a short western trip the happy couple will reside in Pittsburgh where a beautifully furnished home awaits them. Mr. and Mrs.
McCALE were formerly of Oakdale and their many friends extend congratulations and best wishes.
[ Edward McCALE to Mary Johana Hogan, 14 Jun 1922 ] mccale_hogan_06-22-1922
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of April 21, 1927, page unknown:
[ McCANDLESS is the Groom. ]
A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James STEELE, of Sturgeon, when their daughter, Miss Anna Lorraine STEELE, became the bride of Robert Howard
McCANDLESS, of Butler, on Friday evening, April 15th, at six-thirty. The beautiful ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. John M. BETTS, of McDonald. The bride, who was givenin marriage by her father, wore a gown of Bors de Rose crepe and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and lilies-of-the-valley. Miss Mary CARROLL, of McDonald, as the bridesmaid, wore a gown of blue crepe and carried an arm bouquet of American beauty roses. James STEELE, Jr., brother of the bride, was best man. The wedding music was played by the bride's sister, Mrs. Herman YOST, of
Harmarville. After the ceremony, dinner was served with covers for twelve at the bride's table, which had as a centerpiece a large, white wedding cake. The colors were rose and blue with flowers suggestive of Easter. At a later hour the happy couple left by auto for Butler where they visited the parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
McCANDLESS. Among those who attended the wedding were: Miss Iola BRENNAN, Mrs. Thomas CARROLL and daughter Mary, Miss Della NEVILLE and Rio BETTS, all of McDonald; Miss Rose SMITH, of Midway; Arthur
McCLOY, of Canonsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Paul LYTLE, of Brentwood; Miss Ethel MORGAN, of
Dormont; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin MEYERS and Mr. and Mrs. Herman YOST, of
Harmarville; G.M. PETERSON, Mrs. Eston HEIRONIMUS and son Ross, of Oakdale; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
KNOTTS, of North Side, Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Harry DOWLER, of Sturgeon.
[ Robert Howard McCANDLESS to Anna Lorraine Steele, 15 Apr 1927 ]
mccandless_steele_04-21-1927 (LN)
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Image never received.
From the McDonald, PA (possibly Outlook?) newspaper of
Oct. 26, 1922, page unknown:
[ McCARNES is the Groom. ]
On Friday, October 20th at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Katherine GEORGE of Middlebourne, W. Va. occurred the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Hickman GEORGE and Mr. Allan Hunter McCARNES. The ceremony took place at 11 o'clock and was performed by the Rev. RISSE, pastor of the Methodist church of that place, the ring ceremony being used. The bride is a graduate of music of the Morgantown University. The groom is a son of Mr. Edward McCARNES, a prominent oil man of that section. Mr. and Mrs. McCARNES will go to house keeping in the J. B. SMITH home in North avenue.
[ Allan Hunter McCARNES to Elizabeth Hickman George, 20 Oct 1922 ]
mccarnes_george_10-26-1922 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Oct. 27, 1922, page unknown:
[ McCARNES is the Groom. ]
On Friday, October 20, 1922, at 11 o'clock, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Katherine GEORGE, in Middlebourne, W.Va., took place the marriage of Miss
Elizabeth Hickman GEORGE and Mr. Allan Hunter McCARNES. The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. Mr. RISSE, pastor of the Methodist church of Middlebourne, the ring ceremony being used. The bride is
a graduate of the department of music of the Morgantown university. The groom is a son of Mr.
Edward McCARNES a prominent oil man of West Virginia and a former resident
of McDonald. The groom is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John COTTLE of McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. McCARNES
will go housekeeping in the J. B. SMITH residence in North avenue.
[ Allan Hunter McCARNES to Elizabeth Hickman George, 20 Oct 1922 ]
george_mccarnes_10-27-1922_record (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 21, 1905, page unknown:
David L. McCARREL, a physician of Hickory, Pa., and Miss Mary H., daughter of John A.
KITHCART, were married at the home of the bride?s parents at Steubenville, O., by Rev. S. L. BOSTON, of Pittsburgh, on Oct. 18th.
[ David L. McCARREL to Mary H. Kithcart, 18 Oct 1905 ] mccarrel_kithcart_10-21-1905_outlook
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Image never received.
From The McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of August
25, 1927, page unknown:
A wedding of interest to a wide circle of friends occurred Saturday afternoon
at 4:30 at the home of the bride's parents, when Miss Edna GIFFIN was united in marriage with Frank A.
McCARRELL, Rev. Charles STUNKARD, pastor
of the United Presbyterian church, performing the ceremony in the presence
of the immediate families. The bride, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. F.
GIFFIN, of Hickory, is a former teacher in the Vocational school. Mr.
McCARRELL, the son of Mrs. Jennie McCARRELL, of Hickory, is identified with the
Chaplin-Fulton Manufacturing company, of Pittsburgh, and has
resided in Hickory the last few years. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
McCARRELL left on an eastern motor trip, after which they will make their home in Hickory. Mrs.
McCARRELL is well known in McDonald having resided here for a number of years and is a niece of the
Misses WALLACE in Third street.
[ Frank A. McCARRELL to Anna Edna Giffin, 20 Aug 1927 ]
mccarrell_giffen_08-25-1927 (AD)
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From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of August
26, 1927, page unknown: GIFFIN - McCARELL
A pretty home wedding took place in Hickory Saturday afternoon, August
20, 1927, when Miss Anna Edna GIFFIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
GIFFIN, became the bride of Frank A. McCARRELL, also of Hickory. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev. Charles STUNKARD, pastor of the
Hickory United Presbyterian church, in the presence of the immediate
families. The couple had no attendants. The bride wore a gown of white
crepe with a corsage of mixed flowers. A wedding dinner, with covers
laid for twelve at the bride's table, supplemented the ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. McCARRELL are now on an Eastern wedding trip, after which they will
make their home, for the present, in Hickory. The bride has been a
successful teacher in the Hickory Vocational school. Mr. McCARRELL is an
employee of the Chaplin-Fulton Co. of Pittsburgh.
Frank A. McCARRELL to (Anna) Edna Giffen, August
20, 1927 ] mc-carell_giffin_08-26-1927-rec
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: Edward McCALE to Mary Johana Hogan, 14 Jun 1922
Robert Howard McCANDLESS to Anna Lorraine Steele, 15 Apr 1927
Allan Hunter McCARNES to Elizabeth Hickman George, 20 Oct 1922
David L. McCARREL to Mary H. Kithcart, 18 Oct 1905
Frank A. McCARRELL to Anna Edna Giffin, 20 Aug 1927
Frank A. McCARRELL to Edna Giffen, no date, in 8-25-1927 paper
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated May 26, 2009 ; updated July 26, 2009
; updated Aug. 10, 2009
; updated Aug. 20, 2009 ; updated Oct. 3, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023