Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of April 25, 1941, page unknown:
Esther Hatton, formerly of Oakdale, and James E. McCaffrey of McDonald were married Saturday, April 19, 1941 in Wellsburg and will reside in Midway.
[ James E. McCAFFREY to Ester Hatton, 19 Apr 1941 ] mccaffrey_hatton_04-25-1941-ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Aug. 13, 1925, page unknown:
Tuesday morning, August 4th at 9:30 o'clock in St. Agatha's church, Bridgeville, the wedding of Miss Alma Elizabeth LUTZ and Leo Francis MCCAFFREY, formerly a resident of Laurel Hill, McDonald, was solemnized by Rev. Michael WARD, assisted by Rev. Alvin FORNEY and Rev. Joseph
MITSCH. Miss Cecelia LUTZ was her sister's maid of honor and Miss Bernardine MCCAFFREY of Bridgeville and Miss Winifred MCCAFFREY of Crafton were bridesmaids. A nephew of the
bridegroom, James COLLINS served as best man. The ushers were Dr.
J. A. LUTZ and C. P. MAYER, Jr.
The bride wore a gown of charmeuse trimmed with medalions [sic=medallions]
of seed pearls and crystals and fastened at the shoulder with American Beauty crepe. She wore a necklace of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. Her veil was fashioned in coronet effect with pearls and crystals and she carried a prayer book adorned with a shower of ribbon and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wore a gown of green silk lace with a girdle of gold shaded ribbon and she carried a colonial bouquet of Ophelia roses. Miss Bernardine MCCAFFREY wore a gown of yellow crepe romaine with a girdle of orchid and Miss Winifred MCCAFFREY a gown of cream lace over satin, fashioned with clusters of flowers. The bridesmaids carried colonial bouquets of old fashioned garden flowers. The maid of honor and the bridesmaids wore black velvet picture hats with flowers and velvet streamers.
After the ceremony breakfast was served in the home of the bride. The tables were decorated with baskets of lilies and phlox, covers being laid for 40. Immediately after the breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. MCCAFFREY left for an Eastern motor trip and will be at home in Ohio street, Steubenville, Ohio, after September 1st.
[ Leo Francis McCAFFREY to Alma Elizabeth Lutz, 4 Aug 1925 ]
mccaffrey_lutz_08-13-1925 (SF)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 24, 1922, page unknown:
[ MCCAFFREY is the Groom. ]
A pretty wedding took place in St. Alphonsus' Catholic church at half-past eight o'clock Wednesday morning, November 22, 1922, when Miss Nora HEALY, a daughter of Mr. John HEALY of the Southside, and Leo Patrick
McCAFFREY, also of McDonald, were united in marriage. The nuptial mass was read by the Rev. Father Joseph A. BURGOON. The bride was charmingly costumed in a suit of navy blue velour trimmed with fur, with a hat of black satin trimmed with coq feathers, and wore a corsage of pink roses. Miss Nora
McCAFFREY of Steubenville, Ohio, a cousin of the bridegroom, also wore a blue costume with hat to match, and a corsage of pink roses. Lawurence
McCAFFREY, a brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mr.
McCAFFREY's sister, Mrs. James REA, in North avenue. Mr. and Mrs. MCCAFFREY left on the 2:37 train for Carnegie where their new home was ready for occupancy. The bride attended the McDonald high school and for the past five years had
been employed with the Pennsylvania railroad in Pittsburgh. Mc. [sic]
McCAFFREY served with the A.E.F. in France until May of 1920. At present he is employed with the Walker Chemical company in Pittsburgh.
[ Leo Patrick McCAFFREY to Nora Healy, 22 Nov 1922 ]
mccaffrey_healy_11-24-1922 (WD)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 27 Dec 1902:
Paddy McCAFFREY and Miss Hettie MANK were married at St. Patrick's R. C. church, Noblestown, on Christmas morning.
[ Paddy McCAFFREY to Hettie Mank, 25 Dec 1902 ] mc-caffrey_mank_12-27-1902-Outlook (S)
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (SF) = Some weddings typed by Susan Freer.
This page includes: James E. McCAFFREY to Ester Hatton, 19 Apr 1941
Leo Francis McCAFFREY to Alma Elizabeth Lutz, 4 Aug 1925
Leo Patrick McCAFFREY to Nora Healy, 22 Nov 1922
Paddy McCAFFREY to Hettie Mank, 25 Dec 1902
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated Aug. 21, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023