Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
Image never received.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Elmer McBURNEY to Miss Scott, no date, in 12-29-1894 paper
* |
Image never received.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
J. K. McBURNEY to Lillie Sarver, no date, in 11-28-1893 paper
* |
Image never received.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
James H. McBURNEY to Sadie B. Scott, 2 Aug 1894
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
June 14, 1912, page unknown:
McBURNEY - TIBBENS Wedding Next Week
One of the prettiest romances that is to be celebrated with a June
wedding will be the marriage of Miss Mabel TIBBENS of Oakland,
Pittsburgh [Pa], for a number of years a teacher in the McDonald
schools, to Deputy United States Marshall
Robert Hammond McBURNEY. The ceremony will be performed in the First U. P.
Church of McDonald [Pa], Wednesday of next week, by the Rev. W. D.
IRONS, D. D., the pastor, and an intimate friend of the happy couple.
Miss TIBBENS was formerly a school pupil of the deputy marshal [sic]
in Mount Pleasant township, where the romance had its origin. As time
rolled on the friendship of pupil and teacher developed into a strong
affection and about a year ago Deputy Marshall McBURNEY laid
violent siege to the heart and hand of his favorite pupil.
The couple will make their residence at Hickory [Pa]. In August they
will take a European trip. Miss TIBBENS' sister, Bessie, a teacher in
the Bridgeville schools, will be bridesmaid. Miss TIBBENS is at
present residing with her sister in Oakland [Pa]. She is the daughter of
John TIBBENS, formerly an oil operator of Franklin, Pa., but now of Los
Angeles, Calif.
[ Robert Hammond McBURNEY to Mabel A. TIBBENS, 19 Jun 1912 ] McBurney_Tibbens_6-14-1912 rec
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of June 21, 1912, page
Miss Mabel A. TIBBENS and Mr.
Robert H. McBURNEY were united in marriage at the home of the officiating
minister, the Rev. W. D. IRONS, D. D., on Wednesday morning, June 19
[1912], at nine o'clock. There were no attendants. They went at
once to Mr. McBURNEY's home in Hickory, where they will reside.
McBurney_Tibbens_6-21-1912 -record (F)
This page includes: Elmer McBURNEY to Miss Scott, no date, in 12-29-1894 paper
J. K. McBURNEY to Lillie Sarver, no date, in 11-28-1893 paper
James H. McBURNEY to Sadie B. Scott, 2 Aug 1894
Robert H. (Hammond) McBURNEY to Mabel A. Tibbens, 19 Jun 1912
Robert Hammond McBURNEY to Mabel Tibbens, no date in 6-12-1912 paper
(Note date of "in 6-12-1912 paper" must be wrong since they didn't
marry until June 19th.)
This page was added July 14, 2007

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023