Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov. 15, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Sylvia ZITKO of Imperial and Charles MATIA of Moon run were united in marriage at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, October 26, 1946, in St. Columbkille church, Imperial.
The bride was attired in a long white lace gown and carried calla lilies. Her attendants were Miss Rose
KOKAL, maid of honor, who wore a
green net gown and carried red roses and Miss Edith AUGUSTINE and Miss Rose
MATIA, the bridesmaids, who wore orchid net and carried
pink roses. The ushers were Frank ZITKO, Louis KOKAL and Louis
The bridegroom was a lieutenant in the army.
A wedding breakfast was served in the bride's home. A reception for 150 guest was held in the Slovenian hall.
[ Charles MATIA to Sylvia Zitko, 26 Oct 1946 ]
matia_zitko_11-15-1946_ro (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
March 31, 1922, page unknown:
Double Wedding.
A double wedding took place in the M. E. church at Arnold, Pa., on Monday, March 27, 1922, when Miss Augustine BOHEY of Arnold became the bride of Mr. Fernal
TESSIER of McDonald, and Miss Rose BOHEY became the bride of Mr. Lynn MATTHEW of Arnold. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Clovis P.
Mr. and Mrs. TESSIER will reside in McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. MATTHEW will reside in Arnold after April first. The MIsses
BOHEY, before going to Arnold, resided
in Primrose and are well known in this locality.
[ Lynn MATTHEW to Rose Bohey, 27 Mar 1922 ]
matthew_bohey_03-31-1922_record (CT-L)
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* Color differences exist in the parts of the article.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 28, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Wanda ORTOSKI, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max ORTOSKI of Valley street, McDonald, and Enoch MATTHEWS, son of Mrs. Barbara
MATTHEWS of Valley street, McDonald, were united in marriage at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 25, 1946, in St.
Alphonsus' church, McDonald.
The Rev. Fr. J. A. BURGOON performed the double ring ceremony before an altar decorated with ferns and gladioli. Wedding music was
played by Mrs. Jeannette WILSON and Miss Madaline WHYTE and Miss Helen COLLINS sang.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white net gown with fingertip veil and a juliette cap of lace, and she carried a bouquet of
white carnations. The maid of honor, Miss Helen ORTOSKI, sister of the bride, wore a pink net gown and carried a colonial bouquet. Miss
Sue ZIRWAS was the bridesmaid and wore a blue net gown with matching hat and carried pink roses and Martha Jo
ORTOSKI, niece of the
bride, was the flower girl. Joseph KAULIUS, cousin of the bridegroom, served as bestman and Joseph MARCHESKY was the usher.
Following the ceremony, dinner was served to 40 guests in the American Legion home. In the evening a reception for 500 guests was held
in the Belgian club. The young couple will reside with the bride's parents.
Mrs. MATTHEWS, a graduate of McDonald high school, served 21 months in the W. A. C. and at the time of her marriage was employed at
the Pitt hotel. Mr. MATTHEWS served three years in the SeaBees in the Pacific area, and is at present a member of the McDonald Police
[ Enoch MATTHEWS to Wanda Ortoski, 25 Jun 1946 ]
matthews_ortoski_06-28-1946_ro Parts 1&2 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 13, 1946, page unknown:
At an informal home wedding solemnized at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, September 7, 1946, Norma Jean
MCKIBBEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
L. McKIBBEN, 333 North McDonald street, McDonald, became the bride of Malberto Dale MATTHEWS, son of Mrs. Louise GORDON of Oakdale. The Rev. Charles F. TAME, pastor of the First Methodist church, McDonald, officiated.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a royal blue wool suit with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Carrying out wedding
traditions, crystal beads, handed down from the bride's great-
grandmother, supplied the "something old." Blue earrings were the "something
blue," and her dainty hankie, borrowed for the occasion, was edged in blue lace. For luck she had a dime in her shoe.
The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Charles BETSCH, brother-in-law and sister of the bridegroom. The mothers each wore gray crepe dresses
with a corsage of red roses.
Following the ceremony a reception was held in the bride's home, for 150 guests. Those from out-of-town who attended were the Glenn D.
WHETSTONE family of Nashville, Ohio, H. T. MCKIBBEN, Miss Lucy MCKIBBEN, and Miss Margaret SITES of Alliance, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. O.
H. KIRSCH, Brecksville, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. John GUMBF, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MATTHEWS, Mr. and Mrs. Howard MATTHEWS, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson MATTHEWS, Mr. and Mrs. Harry MATTHEWS, and Mr. and Mrs. James MATTHEWS, all of Morgan.
The bride is a graduate of McDonald high school and attended the University of Pittsburgh for two years.
The bridegroom attended South
Fayette high school and is employed by the Pittsburgh Coal Co.
Mr. MATTHEWS served two years in the navy in the Pacific theater on the
USS. Borie D. D. 704, receiving his discharge in February.
The couple left for a honeymoon in Washington, D. C.
[ Malberto Dale MATTHEWS to Norma Jean McKibben, 7 Sep 1946 ]
matthews_mcKibben_9-13-1946_ro Parts 1&2 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper of June 22, 1928, page unknown:
Miss Matilda Vedel of Bulger and Mr. Robert Mauchline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mauchline of
Burgettstown [Pa], were united in marriage Wednesday morning, June 20,
1928 in Wellsburg, W.Va. Mrs. Mauchline has been employed the past four years in the bookkeeping department of Kaufmann?s,
Pittsburgh [Pa]. Mr. Mauchline is a freight clerk for the P. R. R. in Steubenville, Ohio. Following a wedding dinner in the bride?s home, the young couple left for a two-weeks trip to Kentucky.
[ Robert MAUCHLINE to Mathilda Vedel, 20 Jun 1928 ] mauchline_vedel_06-22-1928
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Charles MATIA to Sylvia Zitko, 26 Oct 1946
Lynn MATTHEW to Rose Bohey, 27 Mar 1922
Enoch MATTHEWS to Wanda Ortoski, 25 Jun 1946
Malberto Dale MATTHEWS to Norma Jean McKibben, 7 Sep 1946
Robert MAUCHLINE to Mathilda Vedel, 20 Jun 1928
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated Apr. 6, 2009 ; updated Aug. 24, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023