Bridegrooms by Surname Letter L
*Note the difference in name: Grace Ethel SEIBERT
/ Ethel Grace Seibert.
* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 9 Aug 1928, page unknown:
Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Grace Ethel SEIBERT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph SEIBERT, of Coraopolis, formerly of Oakdale, to Robert Brown LOWE, son of Mr. and Mrs. John William LOWE of Coraopolis. The announcement was made at a bridge luncheon given by Miss Margaret DRYNAN, of Dunedin, Fla., in the home of her aunt, Mrs. M. S. LIEDNER of Sewickley. No date has been set for the wedding.
[Robert Brown LOWE engaged to Grace Ethel SEIBERT, 1928]
lowe_siebert_engage_8-9-28 out (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of March 14,
1929, page unknown:
[ LOWE is the Groom. ]
The wedding of Miss Ethel Grace SEIBERT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. SEIBERT, and Robert Brown LOWE, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. LOWE, both of Coraopolis, was solemnized last Saturday evening in the home of the bride. Rev. B. F. LLOYD, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated in the presence of the immediate families. The attendants were Miss Florian SEIBERT, sister of the bride, and Roy MEANOR of
Carnot. Out-of-town members of the family present were Miss Rhoda LOWE of New Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SEIBERT of Brentwood, Mrs. William SEIBERT and sons William and Harvey of
Northside, Pittsburgh, and Mr. and Mrs. James B. JOHNSTON and daughter Betty of Morningside, Pittsburgh. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. LOWE left for a southern trip and upon their return will live on Ridge avenue, Coraopolis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph SEIBERT and family were former residents of Oakdale.
Robert Brown LOWE to Ethel Grace Seibert, no date, in 3-14-1929 paper ]
lowe_seibert_03-14-1929 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
May 5, 1917, page unknown:
F. M. LOWREY and Miss Mary LOYD, of New York, were quietly married at the Linton hotel, Cincinnati, Monday, April 30. Mr. LOWREY is well known to McDonald people as he made his home here for several years, being the leading factor in the Harkaway Hunt club, with stables on the Miller farm, east of town. Mr. and Mrs. LOWREY will make their home in New York city.
[ F. M. LOWREY to Mary Loyd, 30 Apr 1917 ]
lowrey_loyd_05-05-1917 (SF)
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Nov. 3, 1922, page unknown:
[ LOWRY is the Groom. ]
A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. HUNT in Railroad street, McDonald, on Wednesday, November 1, 1922,
when Miss Emma Charlotte LOHMAN of McDonald became the bride of Mr. D. A. LOWRY of Avella.
The beautiful ring service was read by the bride's pastor, the Rev. B. B. HARRISON of the First Presbyterian church of McDonald. The guest
list included the bride's immediate family.
The bride wore a gown of cocoa brown canton crepe with a corsage of pink roses.
The HUNT home was beautifully decorated with yellow chrysanthemums. After congratulations a wedding luncheon was served.
The bride is a former teacher in the McDonald schools and the past two years taught in the McKees Rocks schools. The groom is a prosperous
farmer in Avella.
Mr. and Mrs. LOWRY will be at home to their many friends after November fifteenth at Avella, Pa.
[ D. A. LOWRY to Emma Charlotte Lohman, 1 Nov 1922 ]
lowry_lohman_11-03-1922_record (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 9, 1922, page unknown:
[ LOWRY is the Groom. ]
A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. HUNT in Railroad street, McDonald, on Wednesday, November 1, 1922, when Miss Emma Charlotte LOHMAN of McDonald became the bride of Mr. D. A. LOWRY of Avella.
The beautiful ring service was read by the bride's pastor, the Rev. B. B. HARRISON of the First Presbyterian church of McDonald. Tre
[sic] guest list included the bride's immediate family.
The bride wore a gown of cocoa brown canton crepe with a corsage of pink roses. The HUNT home was beautiful decorated with yellow chrysanthemums. After congratulations a wedding luncheon was served.
The bride is a former teacher in the McDonald schools and the past two years taught in the McKees Rocks schools. The groom is a prosperous farmer in Avella. Mr. and Mrs. LOWRY will be at home to their many friends after November fifteenth at Avella, Pa.
[ D. A. LOWRY to Emma Charlotte Lohman, 1 Nov 1922 ]
lowry_lohman_11-09-1922 (CT-L)
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 29, 1913, page unknown:
On Tuesday evening at the hour of 6:30, Miss Mary PEDICORD, only daughter of Mrs. Ann PEDICORD, of Spring avenue, Oakdale, Pa., was united in marriage to Mr. Jackson LOWTHER, of Woodsfield, Ohio. Rev. Dr. MOSSER read the ceremony and only the immediate members of the family and a few friends were present. The bride wore a dress of white silk mull trimmed in point lace and pearls and carried a bouquet of brides roses and
lilies of the valley. The parlor was decorated with potted ferns, bouquets of pink and white carnations, and a wedding bell of white carnations. After the ceremony the guests were
invited to the dining room where a five course dinner was served. Miniature candles with pink shades were at each place and the wedding cake, which was trimmed in silver candles, was surmounted and surrounded by pink shaded candles. Pink carnations tied with ribbons of the same color were the favors. The bride's mother wore a gown of pearl gray silk, trimmed in rose point lace. Mrs. William PEDICORD wore a robe of white chiffon trimmed in black velvet.
The two little nieces, Clara and Elsie were dressed in white lingerie trimmed in blue ribbons. The guests were Mrs. MOSSER, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. MOORE and daughter Myrtle of McDonald, James COVENTRY of Burgettstown, Mrs. Grant MCMURRAY, and Mrs. D.A. WOODS. The bride was the
recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. After a two weeks honeymoon in the Lake Region.
[ Jackson M. LOWTHER to Mary E. Pedicord, no date, in 11-29-1913 paper ]
lowther_pedicord_11-29-1913 (SF)
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Note: LOUTHER and LOWTHER names are used. The 1920 Census on
Ancestry is transcribed as LOWTHAR but someone posted the corrected name
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 6, 1913, page unknown:
On Tuesday evening at 6:30 a very quite [sic=quiet] wedding ceremony was performed at the home of Mrs. Anna PEDICORD which united Mary E. PEDICORD and Jackson M. LOUTHER
[sic=LOWTHER] in the holy bonds of matrimony.
Rev. MOSSER officiated. The happy bride and groom left on an extensive wedding trip.
[ Jackson M. LOWTHER to Mary E. Pedicord, no date, in 11-29-1913 paper ]
lowther_pedicord_12-06-1913_outlook (SF)
1910 United States Federal Census
Jackson M. listed as a single male, boarder, in Ohio.
1920 United States Federal Census
about Jackson M Lowthar
Name: Jackson M Lowthar
[Jackson M Lowther]
Home in 1920: Oakdale, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
Age: 24 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1896
[abt 1886]
Birthplace: Ohio
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Mary E
Father's Birth Place: Ohio
Mother's Birth Place: Ohio
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Sex: Male
Home owned: Rent
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Image: 241
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Jackson M Lowthar 24 [34]
Mary E Lowthar 31
Donald J Lowthar 5
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 25, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Mary YENCIK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John YENCIK of Imperial, and Lieut. George Albert LUCCI, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. LUCCI of McDonald, were united in
marriage at nine o'clock Tuesday morning, September 22, 1942, in St. Columbkille's church, Imperial, by the Rev. Fr. S. C.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown trimmed with all-over lace and a long white veil. Her bouquet was of large white pompoms and baby
mums, tied with a white ribbon. The bridesmaids, Miss Mary and Miss Angeline LUCCI, sisters of the bridegroom, also wore white satin gowns with lace yokes and
carried flowers. Michael YENCIK, brother of the bride, served as bestman.
The church was decorated in white by the Sodality Girls-of which society Miss YENCIK was an active member.
Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the North Star hotel on the Steubenville pike. Later the wedding party was entertained in the home of the
Mr. LUCCI will be called into the service the first week of October, having graduated at Pitt university school of dentistry in July 1942. He obtained the commission as
Mrs. LUCCI was formerly employed as a clerk in an Imperial confectionary store.
[ George Albert LUCCI to Mary Yencik, 22 Sep 1942 ]
lucci_yencik_09-25-1942_ro (CT-L)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (SF) = Some weddings typed by Susan Freer.
This page includes: Robert Brown LOWE engaged to Grace Ethel
Robert Brown LOWE to Ethel Grace Seibert, no date, in 3-14-1929 paper
F. M. LOWREY to Mary Loyd, 30 Apr 1917
D. A. LOWRY to Emma Charlotte Lohman, 1 Nov 1922
Jackson M. LOWTHER to Mary E. Pedicord, no date, in 11-29-1913 paper
George Albert LUCCI to Mary Yencik, 22 Sep 1942
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated July 7, 2009 ; updated Sept. 12, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023