Bridegrooms by Surname Letter L
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of May
9, 1941, page unknown:
Miss Jean Elizabeth HAZLETT, youngest daughter
of Mrs. E.C. HAZLETT of Carnegie [Pa], formerly of Noblestown [Pa], and Mr. John M. LLOYD, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. LLOYD of Rennerdale
[Pa], were united in marriage at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 26, 1941, in the home of the bride's mother. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. John WISHART of the First Presbyterian church,
Carnegie [Pa]. Only the immediate families witnessed the ceremony.
The young couple took a Southern trip and are
now at home in Washington avenue, Carnegie [Pa].
[ John M. LLOYD to Jean Elizabeth Hazlett, 26 Apr 1941 ] lloyd_hazlett_05-09-1941-r-o
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Dec.
3, 1937, page unknown:
George Edwin LOCKHART, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. LOCKHART of
Houston [Pa], and Clara Blanche SCHOENFELD, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William A. SCHOENFELD of Bruin, Butler county [sic] [Pa], were united
in marriage at 10:30 o'clock on Thanksgiving morning in the home of the officiating minister at Bruin [Pa]. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Neil OSBURN of
Titusville [Pa]. The bride is a graduate of Allegheny college [sic], and Mr. LOCKHART is a graduate
of Canonsburg [Pa] high school [sic] and Robert Morris School of Business,
Pittsburgh [Pa], and is employed by the West Penn Power Co. at
Pittsburgh. They are at home at 318 West Pike street, Canonsburg [Pa].
[ George Edwin LOCKHART to Clara Blanche Schoenfeld, 25 Nov 1937 ] lockhart_schoenfeld_12-03-1937-r-o
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June
10, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Loretta AYRES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. AYRES of Gladden heights
[sic], McDonald [Pa], and Emerson N. LOFFERT, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. LOFFERT, of R.D. 4, McDonald, were united in marriage at 8:50 o'clock Thursday evening, June 2, 1939, in
the home of the bride's parents. Dr. A. A. LOVE of Mt. Washington [Pa],
Pittsburgh [Pa], an uncle of the bride, officiated. The bride was attired in white chiffon with white accessories. Her flowers were pink
rosebuds and sweet peas. Mrs. August E. VANDALE, as her sister's matron of honor, wore a printed sheer crepe with white accessories,
and a shoulder corsage of pink roses and yellow daisies. Miss Vana LOFFERT, a sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. She
wore a dusky pink lace dress with white accessories, and a
shoulder corsage of pink roses and yellow daisies. Mr. Robert LAMB was best man. Mrs.
A. A. LOVE played the wedding music.
[ Emerson N. LOFFERT to Loretta Ayres, 2 Jun 1938 ] loffert_ayres_06-10-1938-r-o
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of March 21, 1921, page unknown:
[ LOFFERT is the Groom. ]
Mr. and Mrs. William KASTE, of McDonald R. D. 4, announce the marriage of their daughter, Luetta
Freda [KASTE], to William E. LOFFERT, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. LOFFERT, of Midway. The marriage took place at eleven o'clock Thursday morning, March 14, at the home of the bride's pastor,
Rev. E. L. RALSTON of Midway. The bride was attired in a gown of blue silk crepe with hat to match. The bride is a teacher in the Smith
township schools. Following the ceremony, the young couple left on a motor trip to Washington City and other eastern places. They will reside
on a farm one-half mile south of Midway, recently purchased by the bridegroom.
[ William E. LOFFERT to Luetta Freda Kaste, 14 Mar 1929 ] loffert_kaste_03-21-1929
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July
12, 1940, page unknown: LOGAN - LIEBERT
Miss Flora LIEBERT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LIEBERT of the McDonald-Primrose
road [sic], and James LOGAN, son of R. M. LOGAN of Imperial [Pa], were united in marriage at 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 3, 1940, in the home of the bride, the Rev. Oscar E. Gardner,
D.D., pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, McDonald [Pa], performing the ring ceremony.
The bride wore white velura marquisette over white satin. Her head-dress was a crown of pearl orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet
of yellow roses and babybreath. The maid of honor, Miss Gloria LIEBERT, sister of the bride, wore pink net with lace and she carried
pink roses. Robert LOGAN of Crafton [Pa], brother of the bridegroom, served as
Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served in the LIEBERT home. There were eighteen guests with fourteen seated at the
bride's table. A large wedding cake formed the table centerpiece.
The home was decorated with garden flowers.
The young couple took a trip to Niagara Falls [Ny] and upon their return
will reside at 1710 Kimball avenue [sic], Arnold [Pa]. Mrs. LOGAN was an employee of Brody's store, McDonald [Pa]. Mr. LOGAN is employed in the Peoples Gas Co.'s New Kensington
office [in Pa].
Present at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. R. M. LOGAN and sons Russell and Robert Richey, Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. MANSON and daughter Donna Jean, and Shuler DRUGMAND, all of
Imperial [Pa], Mr. and Mrs. R.W. LOGAN of Crafton [Pa], Dr. and Mrs. O.
E. GARDNER of McDonald, Mrs. August CHIFF and Mrs. Laura CHIFF of
Primrose [Pa], Mr. and Mrs. Charles LIEBERT and daughter Miss Gloria, Miss Audrey MANSON, and
Mr. and Mrs. James LOGAN.
[ James LOGAN to Flora Liebert, 3 Jul 1940 ]
logan_liebert_07-12-1940-r-o parts 1 & 2 (SF)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Dec.
17, 1937, page unknown:
Miss Helen HANNAH and Mr. Robert LOGAN were united in marriage by their pastor, the Rev. Clarence DAVISON,
Monday evening, November 22, in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John HANNAH, in
Imperial [Pa]. Others
in the wedding party were the father of the bridegroom, Mack LOGAN, and wife, and two children, and James LOGAN,
the bridegroom's brother, Miss Hazel HANNAH, Mrs. Clarence
DAVISON, and Elmer HANNAH, and Miss Dorothy AYRES and Miss Flora LIEBERT of
McDonald [Pa]. After a wedding trip to Kentucky the newlyweds went to housekeeping in
Crafton [Pa].
[ Robert LOGAN to Helen Hannah, 22 Nov 1937 ] logan_hannah_12-17-1937-r-o (SF)
* |

* Researchers should check marriage returns to see if
the couple actually married.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper
from Feb. 1892:
Licensed to marry: William H. LOGAN, of North Fayette
township, and Ida E. Lundy, of Imperial [Pa].
[ William H. LOGAN and Ida E. Lundy, marriage license, in Feb. 1892 newspaper ]
Logan_Lundy_license 2-1892-outlook (F)
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: John M. LLOYD to Jean Elizabeth Hazlett, 26 Apr 1941
George Edwin LOCKHART to Clara Blanche Schoenfeld, 25 Nov 1937
Emerson N. LOFFERT to Loretta Ayres, 2 Jun 1938
William E. LOFFERT to Luetta Freda Kaste, 14 Mar 1929
James LOGAN to Flora Liebert, 3 Jul 1940
Robert LOGAN to Helen Hannah, 22 Nov 1937
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated Mar. 10, 2009 ; updated Aug. 23, 2009
; updated Aug. 27, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023