Bridegrooms by Surname Letter L
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of June 19, 1914, page
Cupid Gets Busy at Carnot
The home of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. IRONS at Carnot [Note: see Carnot-Moon,
PA] was the scene of a very pretty home wedding at noon Wednesday, June
3, 1914, when Mrs. IRON'S [sic=Irons' ] sister, Miss Emma Jane WYKE, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M.
WYKE, and
Sanford Crawford LINDSEY of Imperial [Pa] were united in marriage.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. M. MERCER of Sharon [Pa]
Presbyterian Church, pastor of the bride, assisted by the Rev. C. K.
McGEORGE of the Coraopolis United Presbyterian Church. The house
was tastefully decorated in mock orange blossoms and lilies.
James CAMPBELL officiated as best man and John M. WYKE, brother of
the bride, as usher. The bridesmaides were Miss Lida WYKE, sister of the
bride, and Miss Nellie BRADSHAW of New Brighton [Pa]. The wedding march
was played by Mrs. R. C. HAWTHORNE of Carnot [Pa]. After the
ceremony the guests marched to the bride's home nearby where the bridal
table was spread in the dining room with covers for fourteen. The center
piece consisted of bowl of red roses on a bed of ferns. The
other guests were served in other rooms. The guests were as follows: the
Rev. and Mrs. J. M. MERCER, the Rev. C. K. McGEORGE, Mr. and Mrs. John
M. WYKE [i.e. parents of the bride], Mr. and Mrs. LINDSEY, father and
mother of the groom, Mrs. F. H. CUPPS, A.R.E. SCOTT, and John WYKE of
Coraopolis [Pa], Miss Nellie BRADSHAW, Mrs. Charles WILKINSON and
daughter ASALIE of New Brighton, James CAMPBELL of S.S., Pittsburgh
[South Side], Mrs. F. J. MacWILLIAMS and Carl MacWILLIAMS of N. S.,
Pittsburgh, Miss Gertrude OESTERLING of Butler, [Pa], Mrs. McMichael and
son Everett, Mr. J. LINDSEY, Mrs. S. LINDSEY and daughter of Imperial
[Pa], Mr. and Mrs. A. H. WYKE, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. HOOD, Mr. and Mrs.
W.W. ROUZER, Mrs. William SCOTT, Mrs. R. C. HAWTHORNE, Wayne IRONS,
Lauretta IRONS, Donald IRONS, Jeanette IRONS and Mrs. Eliza IRONS of
Carnot [Pa], Mrs. BROWN and daughter of Cecil, Pa., Mr. Charles
McELHANEY and Mary BORN of Imperial [Pa].
Mr. and Mrs. LINDSEY departed later to spend a few days with his
parents at Imperial [Pa]. They will be at home to their friends
after June 15, at Carnot [Pa].
[ Sanford Crawford LINDSEY to Emma Jane WYKE, 3 Jun 1914 ]
lindsey_wyke_6-19-1914-record (F)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 21, 1924, page unknown:
[ LINN is the Groom. ]
John W. LINN and Miss Margaret E. SHEPLER, both of Burgettstown, were married at the residence of the Rev. W. M.
HAYES of the First Presbyterian church, Burgettstown, at 9:45 o'clock Wednesday morning, November 19, 1924.
Following the ceremony they left on a motor trip and will later go to Columbus, Ohio, where they will visit the bride's sister.
Mrs. LINN has been employed by the Pennsylvania railroad company in Pittsburgh and Mr. LINN is in the firm of LINN
Brothers Lumber company. They will make their home in Burgettstown.
[ John W. LINN to Margaret E. Shepler, 19 Nov 1924 ]
linn_shepler_11-21-1924 (DG)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Wm. R. LINN to Alice Betz, 14 Jan 1897
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 27, 1936, page unknown:
Before an altar of ferns and palms, the marriage of Miss Mary Louise ZIEGLER, daughter of Louis and the late Mary ZIEGLER of Canonsburg, and Raymer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. LINS of West Lincoln avenue, McDonald, was solemnized at 7:45 o'clock Thanksgiving evening, November 26, 1936, in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church,
Canonsburg. The Rev. F. S. EBERLE, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony, assisted by the Rev. Walter SCHMIDT of Columbus, Ohio, a cousin of the bride.
Preceding the ceremony, Miss Lillian WASSUM of Canonsburg played, "Because," "I Love You Truly", "Oh, Promise Me," "Lohengrin's Wedding March," and the
"Recessional" from Mendelssohn. The bride was attired in an ivory satin gown, empire style with a short court train. She carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums and
Easter lilies. Her only ornament was pearls. Miss Margaret WELSH of Canonsburg, a classmate of the bride, as maid of honor, was attired in a wine transparent velvet
gown and wore silver slippers. She carried bronze chrysanthemums. Miss Julia VERNET of McDonald, a cousin of the bride, and Miss Lois MCKERNEY of Canonsburg
were bridesmaids. Miss VERNET chose coronation blue and wore silver slippers. She carried yellow chrysanthemums. Miss MCKENERY chose American Beauty
transparent velvet and wore silver slippers. She carried lavender chrysanthemums. All three attendants wore pearls as their only ornaments. Mr. Joseph MCCABE of
Houston was the best man. The ushers were Mr. Milton HAMEL, Mr. John KELSO, and Mr. Ralph ALLISON, all of McDonald, and Mr. Emerson LOFFERT of Midway, a cousin of the bridegroom. The bridegroom's mother was attired in coronation blue crepe with matching accessories, and wore a shoulder
corsage of Johanna Hill roses. The bride's maternal aunt, Miss Bertha TRAUTMANN of McDonald, wore brown crepe with brown accessories. She wore a shoulder corsage of Johanna Hill roses.
A reception followed the ceremony in the Houston Coffee shop with covers laid for twenty-one. After a short wedding trip through the Shenandoah Valley, the young couple
will be at home to their friends at 201 Fifth street, McDonald.
The bride is a graduate of the Canonsburg high school class of 1933 and the Canonsburg General hospital class of 1936.
The bridegroom is a graduate of the McDonald high school class of 1928 and is employed as teller in the First National Bank, McDonald.
[ Raymer LINS to Mary Louise Ziegler, 26 Nov 1936 ] lins_ziegler_11-27-1936_ro
parts 1, 2, 3 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 30, 1946, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine MCKENSTRY of Youngstown, Ohio, annonuce [sic=announce] the marriage of their daughter Barbara Mae to Dr. Lancelot E.
Jr., on Thursday, August 8, 1946, in St. Joseph's Cathedral, San Diego, Calif.
Dr. LINSLEY is a graduate of W. & J. college, Washington, and of the Loyola University School of Medicine, Chicago. His bride is a graduate
nurse of Mercy hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Both served at the Naval hospital in San Diego, Calif. Dr. LINSLEY leaves for Guam in the Pacific, where his bride will join him later.
Dr. LINSLEY is a son of Mrs. J. E. LINSLEY of San Diego, Calif., and the late L. E.
LINSLEY, Sr., of California, Pa. He is a nephew of Mrs. P.
J. MILLIGAN and Mrs. Celia BENGES of Fannie street.
[ Lancelot E. LINSLEY, Jr. to Barbara Mae McKenstry, 8 Aug 1946
] linsley_mckenstry_08-30-1946_ro (CT-L)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of July 14, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Gladys KUNKLE, daughter of Mrs. Clara O'BRYON of Canonsburg, formerly of
Cecil [Pa], and Mr. Frank LIPINSKI,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank LIPINSKI, also of Canonsburg [Pa], were united in marriage at 12:15 Sunday afternoon,
July 9, 1939, in St. Genevieve's church, Canonsburg [Pa], the Rev. Fr. Edward PIKULIK officiating. The bride,
given in marriage by her uncle Louis NONCLERG of Cecil [Pa], wore a gown of white marquisette with a fingertip veil draped from a tiara of orange blossoms. She carried
a bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaids, Miss Victoria and Miss Lucy LIPINSKI,
twin sisters of the bridegroom, wore pink chiffon gowns and carried pink roses. The maid-of-honor,
Miss Genevieve PRUSAK, wore blue marquisette and carried tea roses. Each wore a headdress of flowers.
Miss Lillian NONCLERG of Cecil [Pa], cousin of the bride, was the flower girl. Mr. Chester LIPINSKI of Canonsburg
served as bestman. The Bride's mother wore a black and gray dress with matching accessories and the bridegroom's
mother chose pink with matching accessories.
A reception was held at Falcons hall, Canonsburg [Pa]. There were 150 guests with 40 seated at the bride's table. The
young couple left for Canada and upon their return on July 15, will reside in Smith street,
Canonsburg [Pa]. Both
Mr. and Mrs. LIPINSKI are graduates of the Canonsburg [Pa]
high school [sic].
[ Frank LIPINSKI to Gladys Kunkle, 9 Jul 1939 ]
lipinski_kunkle_07-14-1939-r-o parts 1 & 2 (SF)
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
This page includes: Sanford Crawford LINDSEY to Emma Jane Wyke, 3 Jun 1914
John W. LINN to Margaret E. Shepler, 19 Nov 1924
Wm. R. LINN to Alice Betz, 14 Jan 1897
Raymer LINS to Mary Louise Ziegler, 26 Nov 1936
Lancelot E. LINSLEY, Jr. to Barbara Mae McKenstry, 8 Aug 1946
Frank LIPINSKI to Gladys Kunkle, 9 Jul 1939
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated Mar. 10, 2009 ; updated May 24, 2009
; updated Aug. 16, 2009 ; updated Oct. 30, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023