Bridegrooms by Surname Letter L
From the McDonald, PA Outlook or Record
newspaper of Oct. 22, 1937, page unknown:
Miss Alice Henrietta TOURNAY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregor TOURNAY of 319 Roak street, McDonald, and Mr. Alphonse
LIENARD, also of McDonald, were united in marriage at 3:45 o'clock Saturday afternoon October 16, 1937, in the manse of the Irons Memorial French U. P. church. The Rev. Dr. Alexandre Mage, the officiating minister, performed the ring ceremony. The bride wore brown with matching accessories. Dinner was served at six o'clock to the immediate families in the bride's home. The young couple left for Chicago, Ill., where the bridegroom is employed.
[ Alphonse LIENARD to Alice Henrietta Tournay, 16 Oct 1937 ] lienard_tournay_10-22-1937
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
April 9, 1937, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Earl MAXWELL of McDonald announce the marriage of their daughter, Nellie B. MAXWELL, to Joseph Q.
LIETMAN, son of Mr. Edward N. LIETMAN of
Wilkinsburg. The ceremony which took place at noon Saturday, April 3, 1937, in the living room of the bride's home, was solemnized with simplicity by the Rev. Oscar
E. GARDNER, D.D., of the First Presbyterian church of McDonald, who was assisted by the Rev. Henry Orr LIETMAN of Chicago, a brother of the bridegroom. Mr.
Donald LEAKE of Library played the wedding music.
The bride was gowned in aqua blue Lohengrin and lace with blue and white accessories and carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley and
gardenias. Her only attendant,
Miss Mary G. LIETMAN of Wilkinsburg, wore peach-colored organdy with matching accessories and a bouquet of talisman roses. Mr. Ervin C. KOPP of Morganza
served as best man.
Immediately following the ceremony, a luncheon was served in the First Presbyterian church of McDonald. Covers were laid for twenty-eight. Following congratulations,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. LIETMAN left on a motor trip to New York. They will be at home at Morganza where Mr. LIETMAN is instructor of printing at the Pennsylvania
Training School.
Mrs. LIETMAN was graduated from McDonald high school and Duffs Iron City college. Mr. LIETMAN was graduated from Wilkinsburg high school and the department
of printing at the Carnegie Institute of Technology.
One of the guests at the wedding was the grandmother of the bride, Mrs. Isabelle MURRAY of
Suterville, who is in her eightieth year.
Other out-of-town guests were: Miss Margaret LIETMAN of Monmouth college, Illinois, Mrs. Henry O. LIETMAN and son Paul Stanley of Chicago, Mrs. Effie CUMMINGS
and Mr. George Conelly of Moundsville, W.Va.
[ Joseph Q. LIETMAN to Nellie B. Maxwell, 3 Apr 1937 ]
lietman_maxwell_4-9-1937_ro (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Miss Hazel Marie KAISER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John KAISER, and Fred V. LIGGETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray LIGGETT of Rea, were
married on Thanksgiving day in the bride's home by the Rev. C. W. GOE. Miss Edna KAISER was her sister's maid of honor and Leroy JANZ of
Canonsburg was best man. The young couple will be at home with the bride's parents.
[ Fred V. LIGGETT to Hazel Marie Kaiser, 24 Nov 1938 ]
liggett_kaiser_12-02-1938 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook-Record newspaper of
March 16, 1934, page unknown:
Miss Angeline E. DHANS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse DHANS of Hickory [Pa], and
Oliver E. LIGGETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin LIGGETT of Westland, were united in
marriage Saturday, March 10, 1934, at four o'clock, by the Rev. Evylen KEMPER in the South
Cannonsburg church. A wedding dinner was served in the home of the bride's parents for the immediate family. The room was decorated with roses and primroses and ferns. The
bride is a graduate of Hickory Vocational high school and the George Washington Commercial college
of Washington. The young couple will reside in Westland, where Mr. LIGGETT is employed.
[ Oliver E. LIGGETT to Angeline E. Dhans, 10 Mar 1934 ]
liggett_dhans_3-16-1934_ro (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept.
22, 1939 page unknown:
In the presence of both families and some close friends Miss Julia CHICARELLA of Canonsburg
[Pa] recently became the
bride of Willard LIGGETT of Westland [Pa]. The ceremony was performed in the Baptist church in
Canonsburg [Pa]. The bride
wore white and carried a beautiful bouquet. Miss Esther LIGGETT and Miss Helen CHICARELLA were the bridesmaids.
Jay ALLISON of Hickory [Pa] was bestman and John PINCHAK of Canonsburg
[Pa] was also an attendant. Emil RANEGAR of
Westland [Pa] was an usher and Miss Marlene CONNERS of Westland [Pa] was the flower girl. Following the ceremony a reception
was held in the bride's home. The young couple will reside in
Canonsburg [Pa].
[ Willard LIGGETT to Julia Chicarella, No date given; in 9-22-1939 paper
] liggett_chicarella_09-22-1939-r-o.jpg (SF)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
April 21, 1921, page unknown:
[ LILLO is the Groom. ]
Mrs. Frieda HENOPP and Mr. F. E. LILLO of Oakdale were married on Thursday, April 14th, in the First Presbyterian church, Pittsburgh. Mr. And Mrs. LILLO have gone to Atlantic City.
[ The same info appears in two different articles, with the omission of "of
Oakdale" in the second article)
[ F. E. LILLO to Mrs. Frieda Henopp, 14 Apr 1921 ] lillo_henopp_04-15-1921_outlook
lillo_henopp_04-21-1921_outlook (LD)
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: Alphonse LIENARD to Alice Henrietta
Tournay, 16 Oct 1937
Joseph Q. LIETMAN to Nellie B. Maxwell, 3 Apr 1937
Fred V. LIGGETT to Hazel Marie Kaiser, 24 Nov 1938
Oliver E. LIGGETT to Angeline E. Dhans, 10 Mar 1934
Willard LIGGETT to Julia Chicarella, No date given; in 9-22-1939 paper
F. E. LILLO to Mrs. Frieda Henopp, 14 Apr 1921
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated Feb. 20, 2009 ; updated Mar. 10, 2009 ; updated July 11, 2009 ; updated Aug. 16, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023