Bridegrooms by Surname Letter L
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of Aug. 16, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Rose BONARDI of Carnegie [Pa], formerly of Primrose [Pa], and Glenn
LIEBERT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LIEBERT of Primrose [Pa], were united in marriage at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 14, 1940, in the office of the officiating magistrate, Squire A. B. COCHRAN, McDonald [Pa].
The bride wore a white gown with matching accessories. A wedding dinner was served in the LIEBERT home and a wedding supper in the BONARDI home. Mr. LIEBERT is employed by the
CHALLIS Construction Co., Pittsburgh [Pa]. They will reside in Primrose [Pa].
[ Glenn LIEBERT to Rose Bonardi, 14 Aug 1940 ] liebert_bonardi_08-16-1940-r-o
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From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook
newspaper of Aug. 6, 1937, page unknown:
Miss Margaret STRAIN, daughter of Mrs. Annie STRAIN and the late James STRAIN of Primrose [Pa], and Harry
LIEBERT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LIEBERT, also of Primrose [Pa], were united in marriage at 11:15 o'clock Monday, August 2, 1937, in Pittsburgh [Pa], the Rev. A. M. Maloney officiating. The bride was attired in a pink sheer chiffon gown. Her bouquet, which was tied with a rarge white ribbon, consisted of lilies of the valley,
babybreath, and red roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Dorothy STRAIN, sister of the bride, was attired in a yellow organza gown. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mr. Glenn
LIEBERT, brother of the bridegroom, was the best man. A dinner for the members of the wedding party was held in the diningroom of Hotel
Schenley. Mr. and Mrs. LIEBERT will leave Friday for the Great Lakes Exposition in Cleveland [Oh]. The young couple will reside in Sturgeon [Pa].
[ Harry LIEBERT to Margaret Strain, 2 Aug 1937 ]
liebert_strain_08-06-1937 (WD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of Aug. 23, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Emma Wanda CASS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George CASS of R. D. 1, McDonald [Pa], and Joseph Charles
LIEBERT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LIEBERT of R. D. 4, McDonald [Pa], were united in marriage at one o'clock Saturday afternoon, August 17, 1940, in the Center United Presbyterian manse, Midway [Pa]. The Rev. Alfred HUBBARD performed the ceremony. The bride wore a black and white ensemble with a corsage of pink and yellow roses. She was attended by Mrs. Harry
LIEBERT, who wore an ensemble of dusty rose crepe. Mr. Harry LIEBERT of Sturgeon [Pa] was his brother's best man.
A reception was held in the home of the bride's parents, where the young couple will reside.
[ Joseph Charles LIEBERT to Emma Wanda Cass, 17 Aug 1940 ]
liebert_cass_08-23-1940-r-o (WD)
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
This page includes: Glenn LIEBERT to Rose Bonardi, 14 Aug 1940
Harry LIEBERT to Margaret Strain, 2 Aug 1937
Joseph Charles LIEBERT to Emma Wanda Cass, 17 Aug 1940
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated Feb. 20, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023