Bridegrooms by Surname Letter L
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Feb.
26, 1932:
Mrs. E. O. KRAEER of Arabella street and Mrs. James LEACH of
Pittsburgh were married in Cleveland, Ohio, Wednesday, February 10,
1932. They will reside in Pittsburgh.
[ James LEACH to Mrs. E. O. Kraeer, 10 Feb 1932 ] leach_kraeer_2-26-1932-record
(F) Also typed by (CR-K).
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 22, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Mary ENNIS and Mr. Donald LEAKE, both of Bethel, were united in marriage Saturday, November 2, 1940, in the ENNIS home. The Rev. Murray REITER, pastor of the Bethel Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony, following which a reception was held in the ENNIS home with forty-five guests in attendance.
Mrs. LEAKE, a graduate of Bethel high school and of the Robert Morris business school, is employed by the Norge Co., Pittsburgh. Mr. LEAKE, a 1935 graduate of McDonald high school and of Pitt university, is employed by the Mesta Machine Co., Homestead. While in McDonald, he made his home with his uncle and aunt, the Earl MAXWELLS, in Railroad street. The young couple are residing in Brentwood.
[ Donald LEAKE to Mary Ennis, 2 Nov 1940 ]
leake_ennis_11-22-1940_ro (CR-K)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 3, 1943, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. L.W. MUMBOWER of 206 Queen street, McDonald, formerly of Washington, announce the marriage of their daughter Lucille to Theodore LEBON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore LEBON, Sr., of Stugeon. The couple were married Tuesday, November 16, 1943, in the courthouse, Pittsburgh, by Justice of the Peace Dale GAMBLE of Oakdale.
The bride's father and the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Ray DELAMONTAGUE of Sturgeon, were the only attendants. A reception was held Saturday, November 20, at the Belgian club, Sturgeon. About 45 were present. The young couple will reside with the bridegroom's parents in Sturgeon.
[ Theodore LEBON to Lucille Mumbower, 16 Nov 1943 ]
lebon_mumbower_12-03-1943_ro (CR-K)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Oct. 8, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Ida FEZZA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John FEZZA of Pittsburgh, and Guy LeDONNE, son of Antoni
LeDONNE, also of Pittsburgh, were united in marriage Saturday, September 25, 1943, in the Immaculate Conception church, Pittsburgh.
The bride wore a white satin gown and carried white roses, lilies of the valley, and chrysanthemums. Miss Angelina CUSUMANO of McDonald, maid of honor, wore pink brocade. Mrs. Joseph CIERO of Pittsburgh, matron of honor, wore blue brocade. The bridesmaids, Miss Mary
LeDONNE, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Robert CARLINI of Hazelwood wore acquamarine
[sic]. All the attendants carried pink roses.
John DEMANN of Pittsburgh served as bestman and the ushers were Joseph CIERO and Oscar ULMER, also of Pittsburgh.
The wedding breakfast was served in the home of the bride's parents, and a wedding dinner was given in the Villa
D'ESTA restaurant, Pittsburgh, and a reception was held in the Veterans of Foreign Wars club, Pittsburgh. About 200 guests were present with 22 seated at the bride's table.
The young couple reside at 357 Cedarville street, Pittsburgh. Mr.
LeDONNE is a nephew of Mrs. Jack CUSUMANO of Third street and is well known in McDonald.
[ Guy LeDONNE to Ida Fezza, 25 Sep 1943 ]
ledonne_fezza_10-08-1943_ro (CR-K)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Feb. 11, 1944, page unknown:
Miss Helen R. SMARODA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles SMARODA of Imperial, and S/Sgt. Harold B. LEE, son of Mr. and Mrs. William LEE, also of Imperial, were united in marriage Monday, January 24, 1944. They spent their honeymoon in New York.
[ Harold B. LEE to Helen R. Smaroda, 24 Jan 1944 ] lee_smaroda_02-11-1944_ro
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
John S. LEE to Dora Monigar, no date, in 12-23-1893 paper
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
This page includes: James LEACH to Mrs. E. O. Kraeer, 10 Feb 1932
Donald LEAKE to Mary Ennis, 2 Nov 1940
Theodore LEBON to Lucille Mumbower, 16 Nov 1943
Guy LeDONNE to Ida Fezza, 25 Sep 1943
Harold B. LEE to Helen R. Smaroda, 24 Jan 1944
John S. LEE to Dora Monigar, no date, in 12-23-1893 paper
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated Aug. 31, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023