Bridegrooms by Surname Letter L
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
May 19, 1929, page unknown:
Miss Leona SAURS of Beechview, and Robert B. LAND, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. LAND of Center avenue, were married April 23, 1929, in the St. Catherine's church,
Beechview, by the Rev. Fr. R. HAYES. Mr. and Mrs. LAND will reside on Woodlawn avenue, Brookline.
[ Robert B. LAND to Leona Saurs, 23 Apr 1929 ]
land_saurs_05-16-1929 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 26, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Virginia LUTZ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad C. LUTZ of North Highland avenue, Oakdale, and William G. LAND, son of Mr. and Mrs. William LAND of Cedar avenue, Oakdale, were united in marriage at 2:20 p.m. Tuesday, July 18, 1946, in the manse of St. Patrick's church, Noblestown. Father Martin FLAHERTY performed the double ring ceremony.
The bride was attired in an American Beauty suit with white accessories and a corsage of orchids. The matron of honor, Mrs. Olga KARGLE, cousin of the bridegroom, wore an aqua suit with white accessories and a corsage of orchids. George KARGLE, cousin of the bridegroom served as bestman. The bride's mother wore a green dress with a corsage of tea roses and the bridegroom's mother wore a green and black dress with a corsage of red roses.
Attending the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Conrad C. LUTZ, Mrs. William LAND, Mrs. Charles H. LUTZ, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. LUTZ, Mrs. William WINDSHEIMER, Sr., Mrs. Carl WELLHAUSEN, and Miss Joan and Miss Carol LUTZ.
A wedding dinner was served at 6:00 p.m. at Club 22 for the immediate families. A reception was held in the evening for 150 guests in the Eagle's hall, Sturgeon.
Mrs. LAND, a 1938 graduate of the Oakdale high school and a Pittsburgh business training school, is employed by Attorney Lawrence BARNETT of Pittsburgh. Mr. LAND, a 1936 graduate of Oakdale high school, was in service four years, 34, months of which were spent with the Second Armored Division overseas. He is employed at the Woodville County hospital, Woodville. Following a brief honeymoon to Niagara Falls and Canada, the young couple will make their home in Oakdale.
[ William G. LAND to Virginia Lutz, 18 Jul 1946 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 8, 1925, page unknown:
[ LANDER is the Groom. ]
Miss Rhoda O. STEWART, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James STEWART of the McKEE farm on the north branch, and Francis F. LANDER of McDonald, were united in marriage at 5:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, September 30th, at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. W. D. IRONS, D. D., pastor of the First United Presbyterian church of McDonald. The young couple were attended by Mrs. John O. KAUFMANN, a sister of the bridegroom, and William A. STEWART, a brother of the bride. After a motor trip to the lakes Mr. and Mrs. LANDER will be at home in Grant street, McDonald.
[ Francis F. LANDER to Rhoda O. Stewart, 30 Sep 1925 ]
lander_stewart_10-08-1925 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 1, 1943, page unknown:
Dr. and Mrs. F. H. CAMPBELL of Canonsburg announce the marriage of their daughter, Jane Drennan CAMPBELL, to Sgt. Clair LANE, son of the
G. W. LANES [i.e. son of G. W. LANE] of Canonsburg. The wedding took place Tuesday evening, December 22, 1942, in the Coffeyville, Kans., Presbyterian church. Sgt. LANE is a radio technician at the U.S. army air
base at Coffeyville, Kans.
The Rev. Robert W. SCOTT, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony and the wedding music was by Mrs. J. H. BENFIELD with Mrs. Fred VANHORN soloist. The
red candles in the walnut candelabra were lighted by Sgt. Keller E. STAMHY of Hickory.
The bride's street-length wedding dress was a poudre blue embroidered in small silver
Both Sergeant and Mrs. LANE were graduated from the Canonsburg high school. Mrs. LANE attended Westminster college, and later received a degree from the school of
dental hygiene at the University of Pennsylvania. Following a year's interneship
[sic] at the Allegheny General hospital, Pittsburgh, she accepted a position as school
hygienist in the Canonsburg public schools, which work she intends to continue.
Sergeant LANE was enrolled in the course in interior decorating at the Pittsburgh Art institute at the time of his induction into the army 17 months ago. His first post was
at Foster field, Texas.
The bride is a granddaughter of Mrs. DICKSON of West Lincoln avenue and the late Dr. W. R. DICKSON.
[ Clair LANE to Jane Drennan Campbell, 22 Dec 1942 ] lane_campbell_1-1-1943_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 14, 1905, page unknown:
A tastily appointed wedding was that of Rev. John W. LANGDALE, of Meyersdale, Pa., and Miss Alice
Belle [BARNETT], daughter of Abram Garrison BARNETT, at Crafton, Tuesday, Rev. Bradford P. Raymond, D. D., president of Wesleyan university, Middletown, Conn., of which Mr.
LANGDALE is a graduate, performed the ceremony. The groom is one of the youngest ministers of the McKeesport district. He was recently ordained, after which he filled several temporary appointments, among which was the First Methodist Episcopal church of Crafton, Pa., during the absence of its pastor last summer. The bride is a Crafton society woman. She has devoted considerable time to travel, and prior to her marriage had completed an extensive European tour. They will be ?at home? in February, at Meyersdale.
Mrs. J. Wilkinson LANGDALE, mother of the groom, and C. M. BEACH, of this place, attended the wedding.
John W. LANGDALE to Alice Belle Barnett, no date, in 1-14-1905 paper ]
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Robert B. LAND to Leona Saurs, 23 Apr 1929
William G. LAND to Virginia Lutz, 18 Jul 1946
Francis F. LANDER to Rhoda O. Stewart, 30 Sep 1925
Clair LANE to Jane Drennan Campbell, 22 Dec 1942
John W. LANGDALE to Alice Belle Barnett, no date, in 1-14-1905 paper
This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated July 9, 2009 ; updated July 23, 2009
; updated Sept. 10, 2009 ; updated Sept. 19, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023