Bridegrooms by Surname Letter K
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of June 3, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Virginia DRAPEAU and Mr. Albert C. KUEHNERT were united in marriage
at four o'clock Saturday afternoon, May 28, 1938. The ceremony was performed
by the bride's pastor, the Rev. E.E. MUTSCHMANN, pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical
Lutheran church of Cleveland, Ohio in Mount Sinai hospital, Cleveland, where the
bride was a patient following an emergency appendectomy performed the Thursday
night previous. Miss DRAPEAU became ill Thursday evening immediately after a
rehearsal held in St. Paul's church where the ceremony was to be performed at eight
o'clock Saturday morning.
The brief but impressive ceremony was witnessed by the bridesmaid, Miss Blanche
STEINHAUER, and the bestman, Mr. Norman ROGERS, both of Cleveland, the bride's
mother, Mrs. DRAPEAU, the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. KUEHNERT
of McDonald, Pa, and his brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Merle JOYNT
and their young son Dickie of Norfolk, Va.
The newly married couple have taken a cottage on Lake Shore Drive near
Willoughy, Ohio,
for the summer, and will occupy it as soon as the bride can leave the hospital.
[ Albert C. KUEHNERT to Virginia Drapeau, 28 May 1938 ] kuehnert_drapeau_06-03-1938-r-o
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record- Outlook
newspaper of Feb. 10, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Amelia FORCUSHIE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony FORCUSHIE of the Westend, Pittsburgh, and Mr. Joseph KUGLMAIER, son of Mr. and Mrs. John KUGLMAIER of R.D. 1, Clinton, were united in marriage Friday evening, February 3, 1939. Mr. KUGLMAIER is employed in Imperial. They will reside with his parents.
[ Joseph KUGLMAIER to Amelia Forcushie, 3 Feb 1939 ]
kuglmaier_forcushie_02-10-1939 (LN)
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*Part missing.

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of July or Aug unknown date, 1940, page unknown: BRIDGES ? KUHN Nuptials July 30
[ KUHN is the Groom. ]
The marriage of Miss Mary Alice BRIDGES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. BRIDGES of Burgettstown, a nurse in the Allegheny General hospital, Pittsburgh, to Doctor Charles L. KUHN of Greensburg, affiliated with the Magee hospital, Pittsburgh, will be solemnized at 2:30
E.S.T. Tuesday, July 30, 1940 in Raccoon Presbyterian church, Candor. The ceremony is to be performed by the Rev. J. V. STEVENSON of Bulger and the Rev. James P. SHAW of Erie.
This will be the first marriage performed in the Raccoon church in its history of over 160 years. The first house of worship was built at Candor in 1789.
[Missing section...] ...marriage performed in this church in its history of over 160 years.
The bride, give in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white lace and marquisette with white accessories and a shoulder-length veil. This
was the same gown worn by her sister, Mrs. John WYKE, at her marriage. The Bride carried a bouquet of calla lilies. The matron of honor,
Mrs. Evelyn BRIDGES WYKE of McDonald, a sister of the bride, wore a
gown of blue taffeta with matching accessories and carried a bouquet of red roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Mae ROMES (?) of Raccoon, who wore
a gown of green organdy with pink accessories and carried a bouquet of
talisman roses, and Mrs. June MORGAN EVANS of Mercer, who wore a gown of pink organza with green accessories and carried a bouquet of red roses.
Dr. Gordon L. RENTON of the Magee hospital served as best man and the
ushers were Mr. James A. EVANS of near Canonsburg and Mr. Walter GETTENY
of Youngwood, Westmoreland county.
Miss Mary KERR of Oakdale played the wedding music and her sister, Miss Amy KERR, sang "At Dawning." Dr. Howard GROSKLOTZ of Pittsburgh
took moving pictures of the ceremony in technicolor.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the home of the bride's parents. There were thirty guests with ten seated at the bride's table.
A large wedding cake formed the table centerpiece and a miniature bride and groom were placed at the plate of the bride and groom. The house was
decorated in flowers of the season.
Dr. and Mrs. KUHN left for a Northern trip and upon their return will
reside in Pittsburgh to continue their work. Mrs. KUHN is a graduate of
Union high school, Burgettstown, and of the Allegheny General hospital school of nursing. Dr. KUHN graduated from Pitt medical school.
*Bold added by the webmaster
[ Dr. Charles L. KUHN to Mary Alice Bridges, 30 Jul 1940 ]
kuhn_bridges_unknown-1940-r-o (PV) Part 1?
(SF)Part 2
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From the McDonald, PA Record- Outlook
newspaper of Jan. 25, 1935, page unknown:
KUHN - YOUNG Nuptials
The wedding of Miss Ferna Jean YOUNG, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert YOUNG of McDonald, and Norman KUHN, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. KUHN of Crafton, took place at 5:30 o'clock, Tuesday evening, January 22, 1935, in the bride's home.
The bride, who was unattended, wore a princess style madcap blue velvet dress with train, and carried American Beauty roses. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Oscar E. GARDNER, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, before an embankment of ferns and yellow jonquils. A four-
course dinner was served, with covers laid for twelve at the bride's table, which was adorned with roses and wedding cake.
Later Mr. and Mrs. KUHN left for a wedding trip to New York City. Both Mr. KUHN and his bride are graduates of the School of Fine Arts of Carnegie Tech. Mr. KUHN is an architect with the firm of McCandless, Crooks & Hop of Pittsburgh.
The KUHN family formerly resided in Third street, McDonald.
[ Norman KUHN to Ferna Jean Young, 22 Jan 1935 ] kuhn_young_01-25-1935_ro (CT-L)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record- Outlook
newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Bert KUHNS to Ida Smith, 22 Sep 1898
* |
Wed in Ceremony in Noblestown Church
Mrs. Theodore KULAK
From the McDonald, PA Record- Outlook
newspaper of Nov. 7, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Mary Ann TROPECK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James TROPECK of Sturgeon, and Theodore KULAK, son of Mr. and Mrs. John KULAK, Sr., of McDonald, were united in marriage at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 21, 1947, in St. Patrick's church, Noblestown. The Rev. Fr. Martin FLAHERTY performed the double ring ceremony. The wedding music was played by Mrs. McLAUGHLIN of
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown with long train. Her long veil was held in place by a crown of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white cala lilies and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Gerry TROPECK of Sturgeon, sister of the bride, wore a blue satin gown with a bustle and a matching sweetheart hat. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Stanley BUYDASZ of Oakdale, cousin of the bridegroom served as
A wedding breakfast for the immediate families and friends of the young couple was served in the home of the bride's parents following the ceremony. In the evening a reception for 65 guests was held in Van's Tavern. Forty guests were seated at the bride's table.
Upon their return from a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, the newlyweds will make their home with the bride's parents.
Mrs. KULAK is employed at the MASQUELIER's store in Sturgeon and Mr. KULAK is employed at the Pittsburgh Forging Mill, Coraopolis.
[ Theodore
KULAK to Mary Ann Tropeck, 21 Oct 1947 ] kulak_tropeck_11-07-1947_ro (LN)
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Pamela Villafuerte.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Albert C. KUEHNERT to Virginia Drapeau, 28 May 1938
Joseph KUGLMAIER to Amelia Forcushie, 3 Feb 1939
Charles L. KUHN to Mary Alice Bridges, 30 Jul 1940
Norman KUHN to Ferna Jean Young, 22 Jan 1935
Bert KUHNS to Ida Smith, 22 Sep 1898
KULAK to Mary Ann Tropeck, 21 Oct 1947
This page was added July 5, 2007 ; updated Feb. 26, 2009 ; updated May 5, 2009 ; updated June 15, 2009 ; updated Sept. 18, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023