Bridegrooms by Surname Letter K
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of Nov. 26, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Lillian BRAUS of Philadelphia [Pa] and Joseph KORZINSKI, son of Mrs. Blanche KORZINSKI of
McDonald [Pa], were united in marriage Saturday, November 13, 1943, in
Philadelphia [Pa].
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore white satin with a fingertip veil. She carried a prayer book with an orchid in it. The bridesmaid, Miss Florence KORZINSKI of
McDonald [Pa], sister of the bridegroom, wore blue satin and carried a bouquet of tea roses and chrysanthemums. John DINDOR of
Philadelphia [Pa], brother-in-law of the bride, served as bestman. The bride's mother, Mrs. Rose
BRAUS, also attended the wedding.
[ Joseph KORZINSKI to Lillian Braus, 13 Nov 1943 ] korzinski_braus_11-26-1943-r-o
(WD) Also typed by (CT-L).
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook
newspaper of Apr. 23, 1923, unknown page:
On Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock in St. Alphonsus' Roman Catholic church in McDonald, Mr. Walter KORZINSKY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank KORZINSKY of Queen
street and Miss Stella NOVAK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley NOVAK of East Lincoln avenue, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at a very pretty wedding.
The bride wore a dress of white satin trimmed with Spanish lace and wore a veil of moline and she carried a bouquet of white rosebuds and was attended by the
groom's sisters, the Misses Camille and Anna KORZINSKY. The former attendant was attired in a dress of pea green canton crepe with hat to match and carried a
bouquet of white carnations and roses. The later was attired in a dress of pink canton crepe with hat to match and also carried a bouquet of white carnations and
rosebuds. The groom was attended by Mr. Joseph SANK of Armstrong, Wisconsin and Mr. Joseph GOLASKI of Cecil. A wedding breakfast and supper was served at the
home of the bride's parents in East Lincoln avenue and the guest list included some 200 people. Mr. and Mrs. KORZINSKY left Wednesday evening for
Philadelphia and other eastern points of interest for a two weeks' honeymoon after which they will be at home to their many friends in McDonald.
[ Walter KORZINSKY to Stella Novak, no date, in 4-23-1923 paper
] korzinsky_novak_04-23-1923
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of Jan. 26, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Frances B. BATISTA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank BATISTA of
Canonsburg, and Mr. Frank L. KOSEM of Midway, were united in
marriage with nuptial high mass at nine o'clock Saturday morning,
January 20, 1940, in St. Mary's Roman Catholic church, Butler street,
Pittsburgh. The ceremony was performed by the rector of the
church, the Rev. Father KEBE.
The bride wore a gray woolen frock with moss green accessories and a
shoulder corsage of white roses. Her attendant, Miss Hannah VOZEL of
Southview, wore royal blue with black accessories and a shoulder corsage
of talisman roses. Mr. John KOSEM served as his brother's
Following the ceremony, dinner was served in the BATISTA home with
covers laid for the immediate families. The young couple will reside in
[ Frank L. KOSEM to Frances B. Batista, 20 Jan 1940 ]
(WD) Also typed by (CT-L) .
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
April 17, 1914, page unknown:
Miss Grace A. THOMAS and R. R. KOGLIN of Carnegie were united in
marriage on Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents on the
South Side. The Rev. G. E. CABLE, pastor of the M. E. Church, performed
the ceremony.
[ Frank KOSEM to Polly Nagode, no date, in 11-27-1914 paper ]
Kosem_Nagode_11-27-1914-record (S)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper June 21, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Dorothy SAUERS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew SAUERS of Imperial [Pa], and Mr. Joseph KOSIK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam KIELEY of
Imperial [Pa], were united in marriage at nine o'clock Saturday morning, June 15, 1940, in St. Columbkille's church,
Imperial [Pa], the Rev. Fr. S. C. KUPIEC performing the ring ceremony.
The bride wore a white satin gown trimmed in lace with a wing collar. She wore a fingertip veil and also a long lace veil with a wreath. Her accessories were white and she carried a bouquet of gardenias. The matron of honor, Mrs. Edward SAUERS, wore a gown of medium blue with white sandals and a halo of red roses. She carried a bouquet of red roses. The maid of honor, Miss Marge KIELEY, sister of the bridegroom, wore a light blue gown with white sandals and a halo of red roses. She carried a bouquet of red roses to match her halo. The bridesmaids were Miss Flora BUYDASH of
Imperial [Pa], who wore a pink gown, Miss Jeannette SAUERS of Imperial [Pa], who wore a gown of medium blue, Miss Margaret Jane SAUERS of
Imperial [Pa], who wore a peach gown, Miss Esther PITZUTTI of Santiago, who wore a gown of teal green, and Miss Cecelia PUSKAR of
Imperial [Pa], who wore a gown of yellow. Each of the bridesmaids wore white sandals and halos of red roses. They
carried bouquets of red roses. Mr. Herbert SAUERS of Imperial [Pa], brother of the bride, served as bestman and the ushers were Mr. John YENCIK, Mr. Elmer SAUERS, Mr. Frank MORFLAK, Mr. John YANKOVICH, and Mr. Edward SAUERS. Mr. Joseph KRANAK of Pittsburgh
[Pa] played the wedding music.
A reception followed at Sauers hall with 350 in attendance. The young couple left on a wedding trip and upon their return will reside in Imperial. Mrs. KOSIK is a 1938 graduate of North Fayette high
school [sic].
[ Joseph KOSIK to Dorothy Sauers, 15 Jun 1940 ]
kosik_sauers_06-21-1940_ro (WD) Also typed by (CT-L)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 19, 1946, page unknown:
[ KLOSTILICH is the Groom. ]
Miss Anna King MOODY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William MOODY of Muse, became the bride of Frank KOSTILICH, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. KOSTILICH of Cecil, on Friday, July 12, 1946, in the First Baptist church, Canonsburg, with the Rev. J. E. ROSNIGHT officiating.
The bride was attired in a street length dress of navy blue with white accessories. Her dress was cut with a sweetheart neckline. The only jewelry worn was a string of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. She also carried out the wedding tradition something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. White roses made up the bridal corsage.
Mrs. Marie ARCURI of Canonsburg served as matron of honor and was dressed in a navy blue street length dress with pink accessories. Her corsage was of red roses. John ARCURI served as
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the home of the bride in Muse for approximately 75 friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. KOSTILICH both attended Cecil high school. The bridegroom is now employed in the silk mill in Meadville, following his discharge from the army after three years of service.
After a brief honeymoon at Conneaut Lake, the couple plan to make their home in Meadville.
[ Frank KOSTILICH to Anna King Moody, 12 Jul 1946 ]
* |
* Researchers should check to make sure the marriage
actually took place.
From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 26 August
1927, page unknown:
A marriage license was issued on Tuesday in Pittsburgh to Frank KOSZNEA of Sturgeon and Katarznia OLESKA of Oakdale.
[ Frank KOSZNEA and Katarznia OLESKA, LICENSE only, in 26 August 1927 paper ] kosznea-oleska_license-08-26-1927-rec
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
This page includes: Joseph KORZINSKI to Lillian Braus, 13 Nov 1943
Walter KORZINSKY to Stella Novak, no date, in 4-23-1923 paper
Frank L. KOSEM to Frances B. Batista, 20 Jan 1940
Frank KOSEM to Polly Nagode, no date, in 11-27-1914 paper
Joseph KOSIK to Dorothy Sauers, 15 Jun 1940
Frank KOSTILICH to Anna King Moody, 12 Jul 1946
Frank KOSZNEA and Katarznia OLESKA, LICENSE only, in 26 August 1927 paper
This page was added July 5, 2007 ; updated Feb. 17, 2009 ; updated May 31, 2009 ; updated Sept 11, 2008
; updated July 11, 2009 ; updated July 20, 2009 ; updated Sept. 4, 2009 ; updated Oct. 30, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023