Bridegrooms by Surname Letter K
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of April 30,
1926, page unknown:
[ KLIMAS is the Groom. ]
Nellie SMITH of the Westend, McDonald, and Anthony KLIMAS, also of the Westend, were united in marriage on Wednesday, April 28, 1926, in the Court house, Pittsburgh. They will go to housekeeping in Fanny street.
[ Anthony KLIMAS to Nellie Smith, 28 Apr 1926 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 19, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Viola Mae LEWIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben LEWIS of McDonald, and John A. KLIMAS of McDonald were unite
[sic] din [sic] marriage at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, September 13, 1947, in the parish house by the Rev. Fr. J. A.
The bride wore a poudre blue suit with dark blue and white accessories. She carried a corsage of white roses. The bridesmaid, Agnes
BROCKMAN of Midway, wore a brown dress with matching accessories and carried a corsage of yellow roses. The bestman was Louis MOTTE of
A dinner was served immediately following the ceremony for the immediate members of the families at Van's Tavern and later one hundred guests
attended a reception for the couple in the home of the bride's parents.
Mrs. KLIMAS is a graduate of McDonald high school and is employed by the Bell Telephone Co. in McDonald. The bridegroom works for the
National Electric Co. at Ambridge. They will make their home with the bride's parents.
[ John A. KLIMAS to Viola Mae Lewis 13 Sep 1947 ]
klimas_lewis_09-19-1947_ro (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Sept. 22, 1905, page unknown:
A quiet wedding at which Squire R. J. COOK officiated occurred at the residence of the bridge?s parents on Grant street on Wednesday evening when Miss Verona L.
JOHNS and Henry W. KLINGENSMITH were united in marriage. The groom, now a resident of Leechburg, was formerly employed by the Warner Glass Co. in McDonald.
[ Henry W. KLINGENSMITH to Verona L. Johns, no date, in 9-22-1905 paper ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 18, 1946, page unknown:
At a candlelight ceremony at 6:30 o'clock on Saturday evening, September 28, 1946, in the Valley Presbyterian church, Imperial, Miss Dorothy
J. CHEESEBROUGH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. CHEESEBROUGH, Jr., of R. D. 1, Oakdale, and William C. KLINK, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John KLINK of Champion Hill, Sturgeon, were united in marriage. The Rev. Calvin J. LOGAN, pastor of the church, officiated at the double ring
ceremony. The church was beautifully decorated with palms, ferns, and gladioli and lighted by tapered candles in
candlelabra [sic=candelabra].
The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose an embroidered faille gown fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, shirred bodice, three-quarter
length sleeves, and a full bouffant skirt trimmed with a bias band and two bows. Her finger-tip veil was held by a poke bonnet of tulle. She carried
an arm bouquet of white calla lilies centered with a white orchid. Her only jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom.
Mrs. Paul J. DESCUTNER of McDonald, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a pink gown of embroidered satin and carried an
arm bouquet of red roses. Miss Joanne McWILLIAMS of Pittsburgh, classmate of the bride at Shadyside
hospital, was bridesmaid and wore a blue gown of embroidered satin and carried an arm bouquet of pink roses.
Mr. Robert KLINK of Champion Hill, Sturgeon, served as his brother's bestman. Ushers were Mr. Elmer G. HANNAH of Ingram, Mr. Marcus W.
CHEESEBROUGH III, of R. D. 1, Oakdale, and Mr. Paul J. PHILLIPS of Castle Shannon.
The mothers of the bride and the bridegroom each wore a black dress with black accessories and a corsage of red roses.
Miss Ellen YOLTON of Imperial played the traditional wedding music and accompanied Mr. Robert LOGAN of Imperial singing "I Love You Truly"
and "Because" preceding the ceremony.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the home of the bride for many friends and relatives.
The bride is a graduate of North Fayette high school in 1943 and graduated September 3, 1946, from the Shadyside Hospital School of Nursing
and is employed as a graduate staff nurse at the hospital. Mr. KLINK attended North Fayette high school and is employed by Porcelain Metal
Products Co. in Carnegie.
After a wedding trip to Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., Mr. and Mrs. KLINK are residing in their home at 87 Baldwick Road, Crafton.
Pre-nuptial events included a miscellaneous shower held September 25 for the bride by her sister, Mr. Paul J. DESCUTNER, in her home in
Johns avenue, McDonald.
[ William C. KLINK to Dorothy J. Cheesebrough, 28 Sep 1946 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 18, 1943, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KRESE of Westland announce the marriage of their daughter Mary to Cpl. Thomas KLOPACK, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KLOPACK of North
Strabane township. The marriage took place at nuptial high mass solemnized at 7:15 a.m. Saturday, June 12, 1943, in St. Patrick's Catholic church, Canonsburg, with
the Rev. Father J. Edward ISTOCIN, pastor, officiating.
The bride wore a white satin gown with train trimmed with lace butterflies. She carried bride's roses. Her long veil of tulle was caught with orange blossoms. Miss Helen
KRESE, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, and Mrs. James KRESE, sister-in-law of the bride, each wore pastel taffeta and marquisette frocks with flowered headbands
and carried arm bouquets of talisman roses. Clarence KLOPACK, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman, and James KRESE, brother of the bride, ushered.
Mrs. KRESE, mother of the bride, wore navy blue with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. KLOPACK, mother of the bridegroom, chose royal blue with
navy accessories and a corsage of red roses.
A reception for the immediate families was held in the bride's home with covers laid for twenty. The bridegroom left Monday morning for Glasgow, Mont., where he is in
military service. He was accompanied by his wife.
The bride graduated from the Mt. Pleasant Vocational high school and had been an employee of the Westland office of the Pittsburgh Coal Co. Her husband graduated
from Trinity high school and prior to entering the service was employed at the Canonsburg Iron & Steel Works.
[ Thomas KLOPACK, Jr. to Mary Krese, 12 Jun 1943 ] klopack_krese_6-18-1943_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Feb. 11, 1944, page unknown:
From Miami, Fla., comes announcement of the marriage of Virginia Belle REED, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. REED, Beacon
street [sic], Pittsburgh, to Lt. John R. KLOPFER, liason pilot with the U. S. field artillery, son of Mrs. Albert KLOPFER of Wayne, near
Philadelphia [Pa].
The ceremony was performed Wednesday, February 2, 1944, at 4:30 o'clock at the LaGorce Island
[Pa] home of the Reeds in Miami Beach and was followed by a reception at the Surf club.
Miss Katherine TAPPEN, Nutley, N.J., a Bryn Mawr classmate of the bride, was her only attendant. Earl F. REED, Jr., was bestman.
The bride wore ivory satin embroidered in seed pearls and her long veil of illusion was secured with a Juliet cap. She carried a bouquet of Eucharist lilies.
Only the immediate families and house guests attended the ceremony including D. W. EBBERT, a law associate of the bride's father, and Mrs. EBBERT of Mt. Lebanon.
The bride, who is a graduate of Winchester Thurston, is a senior at Bryn Mawr
college [sic], and Lieutenant KLOPFER was graduated from Shadyside academy [sic]
and Princeton university.
Lieutenant and Mrs. KLOPFER left on a wedding trip to Palm Beach [Fla].
The bride's father is a 1911 graduate of McDonald [Pa] high school and the family is well known in this community.
[ John R. KLOPFER to Virginia Belle Reed, 2 Feb 1944 ] klopfer_reed_02-11-1944-r-o
(WD) Also typed by (CT-L).
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: Anthony KLIMAS to Nellie Smith, 28 Apr 1926
John A. KLIMAS to Viola Mae Lewis 13 Sep 1947
Henry W. KLINGENSMITH to Verona L. Johns, no date, in 9-22-1905 paper
William C. KLINK to Dorothy J. Cheesebrough, 28 Sep 1946
Thomas KLOPACK, Jr. to Mary Krese, 12 Jun 1943
John R. KLOPFER to Virginia Belle Reed, 2 Feb 1944
This page was added July 5, 2007 ; updated Feb 14, 2009 ; updated June 10, 2009
; updated July 23, 2009 ; updated Sept. 18, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023