Bridegrooms by Surname Letter K
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Dec. 4, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Margaret Louise FLAMMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. FLAMMAN of Crafton heights, became the bride of Raymond J. KENNEDY, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles D. KENNEDY of McDonald, on Thanksgiving day, November 26, 1942.
The ceremony took place at 9:00 a.m. in St. Phillip's church, Crafton, with the Rev. William C. KELLY officiating.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white velvaray [sic] gown, and tulle fingertip veil. She carried a prayer book arranged with a marker of white orchids and
Her maid of honor, Miss Kay FLAMMAN, chose raisin velvaray [sic] and she carried a bouquet of yellow mums. Aqua and pink taffeta were wore by the bridesmaids, Miss
Pat MCKEEVER and Miss Mildred CONLEY. They carried bouquets of yellow and pink mums.
Jerry KENNEDY, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman and George L.
FLAMMAN, Jr., brother of the bride, and Francis A. ZEIGLER were the ushers.
After their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. KENNEDY will reside in Lorain, Ohio.
[ Raymond J. KENNEDY to Margaret Louise Flamman, 26 Nov 1942 ] kennedy_flamman_12-04-1942_ro
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Walter KENNEDY to Nettie Phillips, 15 Sep 1925
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of July 2, 1926, page unknown:
[ KENNEWEG is Groom. ]
Miss Gladys Belle GRAHAM, daughter of Thomas F. GRAHAM of Esplanade street,
Northside, Pittsburgh, became the bride of Arthur Elsworth KENNEWEG, son of Mr. an Mrs. John
KENNEWEG of Laurel hill, at six o'clock Monday evening, June 28, 1926. The wedding took place in the
parsonage of the North Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, the Rev. John ALLISON officiating.
The bride wore a gown of peach- colored georgette crepe trimmed with ecru
lace and rosebuds, and a large picture hat. Miss Blanch Jones of the Eastend, Pittsburgh, was bridesmaid. She wore a gown of blue georgette crepe trimmed
in lace to match and wore a black hat. J. Oren KELLY of South McDonald street
was best man. A wedding dinner and reception at the Fort Pitt hotel, Pittsburgh,
followed the ceremony. A large vase of American Beauty roses was the centerpiece on
the bride's table, at which covers were laid for nine. Mr. and Mrs. KENNEWEG left that evening by auto for Erie, Buffalo, N.Y., Niagara Falls,
Crystal Beach, Canada, Chautauqua lake, and other points. Upon their return they will be at home in Fanny street. Mr. KENNEWEG is employed in the office
of the West Penn Power Co., in McDonald.
[ Arthur Elsworth KENNEWEG to Gladys Belle Graham, 28 Jun 1926 ] kenneweg_graham_07-02-1926
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Nov. 30, 1937, page unknown:
Miss Lucille MAWHINNEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Erwin MAWHINNEY of Bridgeville, was united in marriage with Gerald F. KENNEWEG of McDonald at 11 a.m. Tuesday, November 30, 1937, at the home of the bride's cousin and officiating minister, the Rev. W. A. HADDEN of New Sheffield.
Attendants to the couple were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. GRIFFITH of Oakdale, brother-in-law and sister of bridegroom; and Mr. and Mrs. Harold NEELY of Bridgeville, the latter being a cousin of the bride. Brown transparent velvet with brown accessories were worn by the bride, who carried yellow roses.
Mr. and Mrs. KENNEWEG will reside in Oakdale after they return from an Eastern wedding trip. The bride was formerly employed by the Pennsylvania Electric Repair Co., Pittsburgh, and Mr KENNEWEG is an employee of the National Mining Co. at Muse.
[ Gerald F. KENNEWEG to Lucille Mawhinney, 30 Nov 1937 ] kenneweg_mawhinney_12-10-1937-ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Apr. 28, 1944, page unknown:
Miss LaVerne Ruth FARNAN, daughter of Oliver J. FARNAN of Ingram, and Harold John
KENNEWEG, U.S. Navy, son of Mrs. Clara B. KENNEWEG of Laurel hill, McDonald, were united in marriage at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20, 1944, in St. Philip's rectory, Crafton by the Rev. Father
The attendants were Mrs. Rose Marie GARRETT of Ingram and Sgt. William Francis WALKER of McDonald.
Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner for ten guests was held in the FARNAN home. 1612 Steuben street, Ingram.
[ Harold John KENNEWEG to LaVerne Ruth Farnan, 20 Apr 1944 ]
* (KC) Some articles typed by Kay Chestnut.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: Raymond J. KENNEDY to Margaret Louise Flamman, 26 Nov 1942
Walter KENNEDY to Nettie Phillips, 15 Sep 1925
Arthur Elsworth KENNEWEG to Gladys Belle Graham, 28 Jun 1926
Gerald F. KENNEWEG to Lucille Mawhinney, 30 Nov 1937
Harold John KENNEWEG to LaVerne Ruth Farnan, 20 Apr 1944
This page was added July 4, 2007 ; Updated Apr. 26, 2009 ; updated May 31, 2009
; updated Aug. 12, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023