Bridegrooms by Surname Letter K
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of Jan. 28, 1944, page unknown:
Miss Annette P. FERGUSON of Carrick and Lt. Burton W. KENNEDY, a motor maintenance officer stationed at Camp Croft, S.C. were united in marriage at 9:15 a.m. Sunday, September 12, 1943, in St. Paul the Apostle church, Spartanburg, S.C.
Mrs. KENNEDY is a graduate of Brentwood high school and a former student of Duff's Iron City
college [sic].
Lieutenant KENNEDY, a graduate of Greenbrier military school, is a brother of Mrs. Robert MILLER of Station
street [sic], McDonald [Pa].
The young couple reside in an apartment in Spartanburg [S.C.].
[ Burton W. KENNEDY to Annette P. Ferguson, 12 Sep 1943 ] kennedy_ferguson_01-28-1944-r-o
* |
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
July 31, 1897, page unknown:
Mr. J. H. KENNEDY, of Steubenville, and Mrs. Antha SAUTERS, of West Lincoln Avenue, McDonald.
[ J. H. KENNEDY to Mrs. Antha Sauters, no date, in 7-31-1897 paper ] kennedy_sauters_07-31-1897_outlook
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 8, 1922, page unknown:
Thanksgiving Day Wedding
The wedding of Miss Esther STEELE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James STEELE of Sturgeon, and John Paul KENNEDY, son of Mr. Thomas
KENNEDY of McDonald, was solemnized at the home of the bride on Thanksgiving evening at 5:45 o'clock with the Rev. J. H. DEBOLT,
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of McDonald, officiating. The home was decorated in pink and white. The bride who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a gown of rose taffeta and carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor, Miss
Ella Mae STEELE, a sister of the bride, wore jade green chiffon trimmed with pink satin rosebuds and carried ophelin roses. Mr. Herman
YOST of Harmorville served as Mr. KENNEDY's best man. Miss Etta GARBETT of Wilkinsburg played Lohegrin's wedding march during the
wedding. After the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served. Covers were laid for forty. The guests were Mr. Thomas KENNEDY, Mrs. H.
G. VERMILLION, Glenstien and Rozena PUTT, Mr. and Mrs. James CARUTHERS, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. PETERSON and daughter Mildred, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul LYTLE and children, the Rev. Mr. DEBOLT, Miss Delia NEVILLE and Jack MANDALE, all of McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. John
STEELE and children of Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter THOMASSY of Noblestown, Mr. G. M. PETERSON, Mrs. Eston HEIRONIMUS and
son Ross, all of Oakdale; Miss Freda YOST of Carnegie, Mr. Alfred HARDING and Miss Ruth STICKLE of McKees Rocks; Mrs. Charles
MYLEN of Homewood, Miss Etta GARBETT of Wilkinsburg, Mr. Herman YOST of Harmarville and Mrs. Beulah MAXWELL of Springdale. The
young couple will reside in Canton, Ohio, where the groom is employed.
[ John Paul KENNEDY to Esther Steele, "Thanksgiving evening", 1922 ]
kennedy_steele_12-08-1922 Parts 1&2 (CT-L)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 5, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Shirley GRIMES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer GRIMES of Sturgeon, and John Paul KENNEDY, Jr., son of Mrs. Esther KENNEDY
LEVEY of Pittsburgh, were united in marriage on Saturday evening in the First United Presbyterian church of McDonald. The Rev. S. A.
McCOLLAM, D.D., performed the double ring ceremony before an altar of palms and ferns with lighted
candlebra [sic=candelabra]. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Louis LAVIE of McDonald. Mr. C. W. KOCH of Crafton sang "I Love You Truly," "Because," and "O Promise Me."
The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Richard GRIMES, wore a white satin gown designed with a tight fitting bodice, long sleeves, full
skirt, and train. Her three-quarter-length veil was trimmed in pearls. She carried a white satin muff covered with gardenias. For something
new she wore a opal ring a gift of the bridegroom. Miss Marjorie KOCH of Crafton was maid of honor and wore a gown of marquisette in
fuschia shade with headdress to match. She carried an arm bouquet of mixed flowers. The bridesmaids, Miss Darlene and Miss Joan
GRIMES, sisters of the bride, and Miss Coleene [sic] and Miss Sarah DELOCHE of Monroe, Mich., cousins of the bride, all wore marquisette
gowns in royal blue shade with matching headdress and carried bouquets of mixed flowers.
Following the ceremony, a reception for one hundred guests was held in the Adonis room of the William Penn hotel, Pittsburgh.
The bride, a graduate of North Fayette high school, is employed at the Peoples Pittsburgh Trust. The bridegroom, a graduate of Morgan
high school, is employed at the Shaffer-Moss Chemical Co., Pittsburgh.
Guests from New York City, N.Y., Wheeling, W. Va., Mansfield, Ohio, Pittsburgh, Crafton, Ingram, Burgettstown, McDonald, Oakdale,
Springdale, Carnot, and Sturgeon attended the ceremony and reception.
The happy couple left by automobile for a trip to California.
[ John Paul KENNEDY, Jr. to Shirley Grimes, no date, in 7-5-1946 paper ]
kennedy_grimes_07-05-1946_ro Parts 1&2 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Miss Evelyn DESCUTNER of Fannie street, McDonald, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. P. E. DESCUTNER, and Cpl. Paul R. KENNEDY, stationed at Rome field,
N.Y., in the Air corps [sic], son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. KENNEDY of Monongahela
City, were united in marriage at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening, September 2,
1943, in the manse of the First Presbyterian church McDonald. The Rev.
O. E. GARDNER, D.D., performed the double ring ceremony.
The bride wore teal blue velveteen with wine accessories and a corsage of
American Beauty roses. Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Mildred
DESCUTNER, who wore wine velveteen with matching accessories and a corsage of
white rosebuds. T. Franklyn LEMON of McDonald, brother-in-law of the
bride, served as bestman.
Following the ceremony a reception was held in the DESCUTNER home.
About fifty were present.
Mrs. KENNEDY, a graduate of McDonald high school [sic] and the Wilfred
Beauty academy, Pittsburgh, is employed at the Nell REE's Beauty shoppe,
McDonald. She will reside at home for the present. Corporal
KENNEDY, a graduate of Monongahela high school [sic], returned Saturday
morning to New York.
[ Paul R. KENNEDY to Evelyn Descutner, 2 Sep 1943 ] kennedy_descutner_09-10-1943_ro_d.jpg
* (R-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Burton W. KENNEDY to Annette P. Ferguson, 12 Sep 1943
J. H. KENNEDY to Mrs. Antha Sauters, no date, in 7-31-1897 paper
John Paul KENNEDY to Esther Steele, "Thanksgiving evening", 1922
John Paul KENNEDY, Jr. to Shirley Grimes, no date, in 7-5-1946 paper
Paul R. KENNEDY to Evelyn Descutner, 2 Sep 1943
This page was added July 4, 2007 ; updated Feb. 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023