Bridegrooms by Surname Letter K
* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of April 7, 1921, page unknown:
[ KELSO is the Groom. ]
Mr. Harry W. KELSO of Fifth street and Miss Martha G. KENDALL were married at the home of the bride's mother near McConnellsburg, Pa.,
on Tuesday afternoon, April 5th, at 3:00 o'clock by the bride's pastor, Rev. W. V. GROVE, of the United Presbyterian church of that place. Owing to the recent death of the bride's father, the wedding was a very quiet affair, witnessed only by the member of the immediate families.
Mr. KELSO's sister, Mrs. John L. COOK of McDonald was present at the ceremony. Immediately after the wedding the bridal party left for an
auto trip to Eastern cities. Cards have been issued announcing, at home after April 20th at 139 Fifth street, McDonald, Pa.
For three years the bride was the principal of the Cecil Township High school, and under her successful leadership the high school
increased very greatly in efficiency.
[ Harry W. KELSO to Martha G. Kendall, 5 Apr 1921 ]
kelso_kendall_04-07-1921 Article 1 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of April 8, 1921, page unknown:
Miss Martha G. KENDALL and Harry W. KELSO of Fifth street were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother near
Pa., on Tuesday afternoon, April 5, 1921, at three o'clock by the bride's pastor, the Rev. W. V. GROVE, of the United Presbyterian church
of McConnellsburg. Owing to the recent death of the bride's father, the wedding was very quiet, witnessed only by the members of the immediate
families. Mr. KELSO's sister, Mrs. John L. COOK, of McDonald was present at the ceremony. Immediately after the wedding the bridal party
left for an auto trip to Eastern cities. Cards have been issued announcing at home afer
[sic] April 20th, at 139 Fifth street, McDonald. For three years the bride was the principal of the Cecil township high school, and under her successful leadership the high school increased greatly
in efficiency.
[ Harry W. KELSO to Martha G. Kendall, 5 Apr 1921 ]
kelso_kendall_04-08-1921 Article 2 (CT-L)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Jas. A. KELSO to Willa Ware, 29 Jun 1898
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From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper of
May 13, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Myrtle M. BOYLE, daughter of Mrs. Gertrude BOYLE of 521 Fairywood avenue
[sic], Pittsburgh [Pa], and Mr. John R. KELSO, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry WALLACE KELSO of R.D. 1,
McDonald [Pa], were united in marriage at 10:45 o'clock Thursday morning, May 11, 1938, in the home of the officiating minister, the Rev.
S. A. McCOLLAM, Station street [sic], McDonald [Pa], in the presence of the immediate families and close friends. Mr. and Mrs. Colin SCHREIBER of McDonald
[Pa] were the attendants. The bride wore a blue ensemble with blue accessories and a
corsage of white gardenias. The young couple left by automobile for points east and will be at home on the KELSO farm after next Monday. Mrs. KELSO has been librarian at one of the branches of the Carnegie library in
Pittsburgh [Pa]. She is a graduate of Langley high school [sic].
[ John R. KELSO to Myrtle M. Boyle, 11 May 1938 ]
kelso_boyle_05-13-1938 (R-K)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 13, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Sarah Ann BALL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George BALL of North McDonald street, and Mark L. KELSO, son of Mrs. Annie KELSO of
Gladden Heights, were united in marriage at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, June 7, 1947, in the McDonald Methodist church, the pastor, the Rev. Charles
F. TAME, performing the ceremony.
The bride wore a white suit with matching accessories and a corsage of red roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. Charlotte GILES of McDonald,
sister of the bride, wore a pink suit with brown accessories and a corsage of talisman roses. William BODER of Gladden Heights served as
bestman. The bride's mother wore a blue dress with brown accessories and the bridegroom's mother wore a black dress and each wore a
corsage of white roses. The wedding music was played by Mrs. F. L. THOMAS and Gordon BOGGS sang.
Following the ceremony a reception for 45 guests was held in the Woman's club house, McDonald. Upon their return from a trip to the East
coast, the newlyweds will be at home in Gladden Heights.
Mrs. KELSO is a graduate of Union high school, Burgettstown, and of Boyd's Business college, Pittsburgh. She has been employed in the
real estate department of the Commonwealth Trust Co., Pittsburgh. Mr. KELSO is a graduate of Cecil high school and the University of
Pittsburgh, and is principal of the Muse school in Cecil township.
[ Mark L. KELSO to Sarah Ann Ball, 7 Jun 1947 ]
kelso_ball_06-13-1947_ro (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper of
June 17, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Mary G. MOORE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. MOORE of Lawrence, became the bride of Robert B. KELSO, son of
B. M. KELSO of Canonsburg [Pa], in the garden at the home of the bride's parents. The Rev.
L. K. BARNES of Weirton, W.Va., performed the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, James D. MOORE. Mrs. Carl A. HAST, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Dr. Paul B. WILKISON of Canonsburg
[Pa] served as bestman. A wedding supper followed the ceremony. Upon their return from a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. KELSO will reside at 66 West Pike street
Canonsburg [Pa]. The bridegroom's father was reared on a farm southeast of McDonald, and moved to Canonsburg
[Pa] 40 years ago.
[ Robert B. KELSO to Mary G. Moore, no date, in 6-17-1938 paper ] kelso_moore_06-17-1938
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Badly damaged copy. No Image.
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Dec. 10, 1892, page unknown:
At Midway on Wednesday evening, Nov. ... by 'Squire EATON, Mr. W... KELSO and Miss Sarah M. TAYLOR.
W. KELSO to Sarah M. Taylor, no date, in 12-10-1892 paper ] No image file.
* (R-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Harry W. KELSO to Martha G. Kendall, 5 Apr 1921
Jas. A. KELSO to Willa Ware, 29 Jun 1898
John R. KELSO to Myrtle M. Boyle, 11 May 1938
Mark L. KELSO to Sarah Ann Ball, 7 Jun 1947
Robert B. KELSO to Mary G. Moore, no date, in 6-17-1938 paper
W. KELSO to Sarah M. Taylor, no date, in 12-10-1892 paper
This page was added July 4, 2007 ; updated Feb. 15, 2009 ; updated Aug. 27, 2009
; updated Aug. 29, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023