Bridegrooms by Surname Letter J
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of from Nov. 8, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Susan Emma FARKAS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. FARKAS of
Imperial [Pa], and Mr. Albert JOSLYN of Coraopolis [Pa] were united in marriage at 6:30 o'clock Friday evening, October 25, 1940, in the Clinton United Presbyterian church. The pastor, the Rev. Ross S. WILSON, performed the ceremony.
Miss Helen FARKAS, sister of the bride was the bridesmaid and Mr. Howard PRATT served as
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
D. L. MCVAY, Coraopolis [Pa]. After an Eastern trip the young couple will reside in
Wireton [Pa], Allegheny county.
[ Albert JOSLYN to Susan Emma Farkas, 25 Oct 1940 ] joslyn_farkas_11-8-1940-r-o
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook of March 16,
1901, page unknown:
JOURET - PIRMIZ - Charles L. JOURET and Romaine PIRMIZ, both of McDonald [Pa].
[ Charles JOURET to Romaine Pirmiz, no date, in 3-16-1901 paper ] jouret_pirmiz_3-16-1901_outlook.jpg
33K (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of Dec. 11, 1936, page unknown:
A quiet wedding took place at high noon Friday, December 4, 1936, in the Robinson's Run parsonage when William David JOY of Aliquippa was united in marriage with Mary
Elizabeth MILLER, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. MCWILLIAMS of East Lincoln avenue. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Ross T. CAMPBELL, D.D., pastor
of the Robinson's Run U. P. church. The wedding guests were Mr. and Mrs. William JOY, parents of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. MCWILLIAMS, grandparents of the
bride, Mr. and Mrs. Jack MCWILLIAMS of Aliquippa, Mrs. Marshall BRUCE and Miss Margaret BRUCE of Langeloth, Mrs. Margaret FESQ of New York, grandmother of the
bridegroom, and Elmer and James ALLISON. Mr. JOY is employed as an electrician in the mills in Aliquippa. The young couple will reside at present with Mr. JOY's
parents in Aliquippa. The bride is well known in McDonald.
[ William David JOY to Mary Elizabeth Miller, 4 Dec 1936 ] joy_miller_12-11-1936
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From a McDonald, PA newspaper of June 15, 1934, page
(Pittsburgh Press)
An Eastern trip followed the marriage last Saturday of Miss
Helen KUEHNERT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George C. KUEHNERT of McDonald [Pa], to
Hugh Merle JOYNT of Baltimore [Md], son of Mrs. Hugh A. JOYNT and the late Mr. JOYNT
of Akron, Ohio.
The ceremony took place in the First United Presbyterian church
of McDonald, where the Rev. Scott Aiken McCOLLAM ? read the ring service before
the altar banked with palms and cibotium ferns.
The bride, who was escorted to the altar by her father [Note:
must be a step-father, above it says the late Mr. JOYNT], was attired in a gown
of ivory satin fashioned with yoke of aleneon ? lace designed high in front,
with a low V-line at the back. The sleeves were puffed to the elbows, from
which points they were tight to the wrists. Her long train was covered by a
toile ? veil which fell from a cap of aleneon ? lace fastened with a row of
orange blossoms at the back. She carried a white satin covered prayer book
from which fell a shower of white streamers decorated with valley lilies.
Miss Elizabeth Anne RIDALL of Mcdonald, a bridesmaid, wore a
creation of dusky pink with train which she contrasted with a large blue hair
braid hat, slippers, and lace gloves. She carried a bouquet of pink roses
and blue delphinium.
A similarly designed ensemble, only with poudre blue
predominating the dusky pink, was worn by the other bridesmaid.
Miss Louise SHANE, also of McDonald.
Homer JOYNT of Akron was his brother's best man, and
ushers were Albert C. KUEHNERT of Cleveland, Ohio, a brother of the
bride, Walter PETTIT and Lorin C. BROWN of McDonald.
After the ceremony a reception was held in the home of
the bride's parents. Places were reserved at the bridal table for
fourteen guests. Roses and blue delphinium were decorations.
After the reception the couple left on their motor trip. Their future
address will be 4402 White avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Among out-of-town guests here for the ceremony were Mrs.
William M. NEVIUS of Denver, Colo.; Mrs William H. POTTER of Ponca City,
Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Jones, Mrs. R. J. FOSTER, and Miss Grace
JONES of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Hugh A. JOYNT and daughter Miss Mabel [JOYNT
] of Akron, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Frank BOYD of Steubenville, Ohio, and
James LITZENBURG of Philadelphia.
The bride, who was a teacher in the McDonald high
school, was graduated from Cornell University and attended the
University of Grenoble, in Grenoble, France. Her husband attended the
University of Pittsburgh, specializing in Aeronautics.
[ Hugh Merle JOYNT to Helen Kuehnert, no date, in 6-15-1934 paper ] joynt_kuehnert_sept-22-1894
parts 1, 2, 3 (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
May 7, 1943, page unknown:
May 7, 1943
Miss Della COLVES and B. H. COLWES of Hickory announce the marriage of their niece, Miss Mabel Virginia
STITT, to Robert Noble JUSTUS, son of the N. L. JUSTUSES
of Pittsburgh. The ceremony was performed at 9:00 p.m. Saturday, April 24, 1943, in the Barton Heights Methodist church, Richmond, Va., by Dr. John W. PEARSON.
Mrs. JUSTUS, a graduate of Hickory high school, is employed by the Peoples Pittsburgh Trust Co. Mr. JUSTUS is a graduate of Perry high school, Business college, and
attended the University of Pittsburgh. At present he is stationed at Camp Lee, Va. Mrs JUSTUS will reside for the duration at 431 Royce avenue, Mt. Lebanon.[
Robert Noble JUSTUS to Mabel Virginia Stitt, 24 Apr 1943 ]
justus_stitt_05-07-1943_ro (CT-L)
* (R-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Albert JOSLYN to Susan Emma Farkas, 25 Oct 1940
Charles JOURET to Romaine Pirmiz, no date, in 3-16-1901 paper
William David JOY to Mary Elizabeth Miller, 4 Dec 1936
Hugh Merle JOYNT to Helen Kuehnert, no date, in 6-15-1934 paper
Robert Noble JUSTUS to Mabel Virginia Stitt, 24 Apr 1943
This page was added July 4, 2007 ; updated May 30, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023