Bridegrooms by Surname Letter J
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of June 27, 1941, page unknown:
Miss Rachel M. Jordan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil JORDAN of Midway, and
Mr. Floyd M. JENNETTE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester C. JENNETTE of McDonald, were
united in marriage at 4:45 o'clock Saturday afternoon, June 23, 1941, in the home
of the bride. The Rev. Alfred HUBBARD, pastor of the Center United Presbyterian
church, Midway, performed the ceremony before an improvised altar embanked with pink and
red roses and babybreath. Four lighted candles were placed on each side of the mantel.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white chiffon, made princess
style with a square neck line, long sleeves, and full skirt. Her tulle finger-tip veil
fell from a coronet of white flowers and she wore her grandmother's diamond ring and
a string of pearls. She carried a bouquet of American Bounty roses. The bridesmaid,
Miss Ruth JORDAN, sister of the bride, wore a gown of powder blue chiffon,
fashioned similar to that of the bride's. She carried a bouquet of pink roses.
Mr. Clude WALKER of McDonald, cousin of the bridegroom, served as
Mrs. Alfred HUBBARD played Lohengrin's wedding march.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the Jordan home. There were twenty-four
guests with nine seated at the bride's table. A large wedding cake and red roses were
used as the table decorations.
Mrs. JENNETTE is a 1936 graduate of Midway high school. Mr. JENNETTE is a 1937 graduate
of McDonald high school. Both are employed at the Federal Supply Co. store at
Montour No. 9.
The young couple took a short wedding trip and are now at home with the bride's parents.
[ Floyd M. JENNETTE to Rachel M. Jordan, 21 Jun 1941 ]
jennette_jordan_06-27-1941_ro (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct.
11, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Goldie Elizabeth HOOKER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. HOOKER of Laurel hill,
McDonald, and Mr. Henry Sylvester JENNETTE, son of Mr. an Mrs. Albert JENNETTE, also
of Laurel hill, McDonald, were united in marriage at 8:00 o'clock Saturday evening,
October 5, 1940, in the parsonage of the First United Presbyterian church, McDonald.
The ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. S. A. McCOLLAM, D.D.
The bride wore a navy blue suit with matching accessories. She was attended by her sister,
Mrs. Clyde C. WEIMER.
A dinner was served Sunday in the HOOKER home.
[ Henry Sylvester JENNETTE to Goldie Elizabeth Hooker, 5 Oct 1940 ] jennette_hooker_10-11-1940_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Sept. 9, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Ada Jean JERIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel PETRE of Valley street,
McDonald, and Mr. Joseph JERIN of Valley street, McDonald, were united in marriage
at 11:40 p.m. Saturday, September 2, 1939, by Justice of the Peace A. B.
COCHRAN, who performed the ceremony in his home in Fannie street, McDonald, in the presence
of a number of relatives and friends of the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. JERIN will
reside in McDonald.
[ Joseph JERIN to Ada Jean Petre, 2 Sep 1939 ]
jerin_petre_09-08-1939_ro (AD)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Thomas JEWETT to Alice Beard, 27 May 1897
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 7, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Germaine COLLARD and Mr. Eli J. JIANNINO, both of Sturgeon, were united
in marriage Saturday, October 1, 1938, in the parsonage of the Robinson's Run U. P.
church, McDonald, the pastor, the Rev. Ross T. CAMPBELL, D.D., officiating.
The young couple will reside in Sturgeon for the present.
[ Eli J. JIANNINO to Germaine Collard, 1 Oct 1938 ]
jiannino_collard_10-07-1938 (AD)
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: Floyd M. JENNETTE to Rachel M. Jordan, 21 Jun 1941
Henry Sylvester JENNETTE to Goldie Elizabeth Hooker, 5 Oct 1940
Joseph JERIN to Ada Jean Petre, 2 Sep 1939
Thomas JEWETT to Alice Beard, 27 May 1897
Eli J. JIANNINO to Germaine Collard, 1 Oct 1938
This page was added July 2, 2007 ; updated July 22, 2009 ; updated Oct. 5, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023