Bridegrooms by Surname Letter J
From The McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper
of January 2, 1892, page unknown:
Married---On the 29th ult., by Rev. W. R. REED, D. D., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John
DONALDSON, near Candor, Rev. J. M. JAMISON, of Youngstown, Ohio, and Miss Essie DONALDSON.
Bride and groom left on Wednesday for their future home at Youngstown.
[ Rev. J. M. JAMISON to Essie Donaldson, 29 Dec 1891 ]
[ J. M. JAMISON to Essie Donaldson, 29 Dec 1891 ] jamison_donaldson_01-2-1892-rec-out
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of
May 5, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Evelyn Marie COUDERC, daughter of Harry COUDERC of 116 Terrace street, McDonald,
and John Elmer JAMISON, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John JAMISON of R. D. 2, McDonald,
were united in marriage at 5:15 o'clock Monday evening, May 1, 1939, in Aliquippa
by the Rev. Ralph CREIDER. The bride wore a royal blue lace dress with navy blue
accessories. The bridesmaid, Miss Isabelle Frances COUDERC, sister of the bride,
wore a lilac suit with black accessories. Mr. Harry BOWLAND of East Lincoln avenue,
McDonald, served as bestman. Mr. Harry COUDERC and Mrs. Ralph CREIDER also witnessed
the ceremony. A reception was held in the bride's home with forty-two guests,
twelve seated at the bride's table. Mr. Jamison is an automobile mechanic in
George JAMISON's garage, McDonald. The newlyweds will reside at 338 East Lincoln
avenue, McDonald.
[ John Elmer JAMISON, Jr. to Evelyn Marie Couderc, 1 May 1939 ]
jamison_couderc_05-05-1939 (AD)
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* Damaged article.
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Friday, 29 July 1927, page unknown:
[ JAMISON is the groom. ]
The marriage of Miss Helen McKENZIE, daughter of Mrs. Ida Swearingen McKENZIE of Prospect avenue, Ingram, to John H. JAMISON of Hartford, Conn., son of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. JAMISON of Eight-Four, Washington county, took place Tuesday evening, July 19, 1927, in the home of the bride's mother. The bridegroom's father performed the ceremony, assisted by the Rev. W. R. JAMISON, uncle of the bridegroom. The bride, who was given in marriage by her uncle, Judge J. M. SWEARINGEN, wore a white pussy willow taffeta gown and carried a shower of roses and lilies of the valley.
[There] were no attendants. A receptio[n] [followed] the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
[JAMISON], after a wedding trip, will make [their] home in Hartford, Conn. The
[father of] the bridegroom, the Rev. J. B. [JAMISON] is a former pastor of the Oakdale
[United?] Presbyterian church. His son [John attended] the Oakdale school.
He has [many?] friends here who send their best [wishes?].
[ John H. JAMISON to Helen McKenzie, 19 Jul 1927 ]
jamison-mckenzie-07-29-1927-rec Parts1&2 (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
[Nov. 10 ?], 1927, page unknown:
Note: Filename had 11-10-01-1927SIMS - JAMISON
[ JAMISON is the Groom. ]
In the manse of the Robinson's Run United Presbyterian church on Wednesday morning, November 9, occurred the wedding of Harriet Marie SIMS and William G. JAMISON. The pastor of the church officiated using the ring ceremony. The bride wore a gown of blue crepe and had for her traveling a costume of brown with a hat to match. The couple were unattended. they left immediately after the ceremony for an eastern trip, going by auto to places of interest in Virginia and elsewhere. The groom is a well-known mail carrier in McDonald, the son of Mrs. Annie JAMISON of near McDonald. The bride, who is the only daughter of Joseph SIMS of McDonald R. D. 2, is a graduate of the West Penn Training School for Nurses. Following their wedding trip they will reside at the home of the groom near McDonald.
[ William G. JAMISON to Harriet Marie Sims, 9 Nov 1927 ]
jamison_sims_11-10-1927 (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 24, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Jean SIMPSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley SIMPSON, Sr., of Noblestown, and Pfc. Wilson JAMISON, son of Mr. and Mrs. John JAMISON of Arlington
heights (McDonald R. D.), were united in marriage Saturday, July 17, 1942, in Temple, Texas. The Rev. Mr. LAPRADE of the Methodist church officiated.
The bride wore a biege [sic=beige] suit with army accessories.
Mrs. JAMISON, a graduate of the North Fayette high school, is employed by the Gulf Refining Co. Mr. JAMISON, a graduate of the South Fayette high school is
stationed in the Finance department of the U. S. army, Temple, Texas. Mr. JAMISON was a clerk in the office of the Pittsburgh & West Virginia railroad at Rook station,
Carnegie, before leaving for the army.
[ Wilson JAMISON to Jean Simpson, 17 Jul 1942 ]
jamison_simpson_07-24-1942_ro (CT-L)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: J. M. JAMISON to Essie Donaldson, 29 Dec 1891
J. M. JAMISON to Essie Donaldson, 29 Dec 1891
John Elmer JAMISON, Jr. to Evelyn Marie Couderc, 1 May 1939
John H. JAMISON to Helen McKenzie, 19 Jul 1927
William G. JAMISON to Harriet Marie Sims, 9 Nov 1927
Wilson JAMISON to Jean Simpson, 17 Jul 1942
This page was added July 2, 2007 ; updated
Sept 9, 2008; ; updated May 26, 2009
; updated Oct. 5, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023