Bridegrooms by Surname Letter H
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Aug. 20, 1909, page unknown:
JEROME's Aide and Bride Flee Before Merciless Rice Attack
Pelted by ten pounds of rice, tangled in 500 yards of colored tape and covered by a bushel or more of confetti, Leo MacKee HUTCHINS, head of the stenographic bureau in the District Attorney's office, and his bride are today aboard the liner Hamburg on their honeymoon trip.
The chief directors of the attack on the honeymooners were Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. BURCHINAL of Pittsburg, who had an old-time score with the bride to settle. The conspirators found pliable assistants, which was evidenced in the placarding
[sic] of baggage and printed suggestions hung about the steamer advising fellow passengers what to do with newly wedded couples at sea.
One printed card profusely thrown about in conspicuous places read: "I love my wife, but oh! you Leo!" Many of the cards were worn by the tormenters on hats and clothing.
The bride was Miss Janette ABRAHAM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ABRAHAM of No. 165 West Eightieth street. Dr. Houghton performed the ceremony Saturday noon, at the Little Church Around the Corner, with the parents of both bride and bridegroom present and a few chosen friends. A taxicab whirled the couple away from the church and they were not seen again until just before the steamer sailed.
Among those who saw the honeymooners away, besides the parents, were Miss Ted ABRAHAM, sister of the bride and maid of honor; Bert HUTCHINS, brother of the bridegroom and best man; Mr. and Mrs. BOLSHOT of the Ansonia Hotel; Mrs.
H. B. LEESE[?] of Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. BURCHINAL and son Herbert of Pittsburgh and
Mr. and Mrs. HUTCHINS will be away almost three months, traveling in Great Britain and the Continent. They land at Naples and do Italy first.
[ Leo MacKee HUTCHINS to Janette M. Abraham, 14 Aug 1909 ] hutchins_abraham_08-20-1909_rec
* |

* See second article below
From The McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of August
11, 1927,
page unknown:
[ HUTCHINSON is the groom. ]
One of the very pretty home weddings was on Tuesday at noon, August
10*, 1927, when Miss Goldena SANDERSON, daughter of Mrs. H. G. SANDERSON, of Fayette street, became the bride of Henry Ford HUTCHINSON, son of Mr. HUTCHINSON, of East End, Pittsburgh. The home was very artistic with baskets of flowers. The bride wore a gown of rose chiffon and carried pink rosebuds. The ceremony was performed by Dr. J. D. DETWEILER, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. W. KUHN, of Pittsburgh, and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. SANDERSON were the attendants. Mrs. KUHN wore a gown of Alice blue crepe and Mrs. SANDERSON was dressed in black satin and ecru lace. Mrs. SANDERSON, mother of the bride, wore a gown of blue crepe de chine. Miss SANDERSON is in the employ of the First National bank of Oakdale and Mr. HUTCHINSON is connected with the Manufacturers Light and Heat company at Bellaire, Ohio. A wedding dinner followed the marriage ceremony with covers laid for sixteen. A beautiful wedding cake served as a centerpiece and was cut by the bride. Those present were Mrs. H. G. SANDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. SANDERSON and children Ethel and Frank, Rev. J. E. DETWEILER, D. D., Mr. HUTCHINSON, father of the groom, of East End, Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs. W. KUHN, of Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. R. CAMPBELL, of Marietta, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. FREEMAN, of Dormont; Mrs. Ida LEECH, of Corliss. n the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. H. F. HUTCHINSON were driven to Pittsburgh by the bride's brother, F. R. SANDERSON, when they left for a wedding trip to Atlantic City and other eastern places. On their return they will be at home with the bride's mother, Mrs. H. G. SANDERSON, of Fayette street.
* August 9th, not 10th - see next notice
[ Henry Ford HUTCHINSON to Goldena Sanderson, 9 Aug 1927 ] hutchinson_sanderson_08-11-1927
Parts 1&2 (LN)
* |
* Per an online perpetual calendar, the wedding date
would have been Tuesday, August 9, 1927 (not the 10th).
From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of August 12,
page unknown:
[ HUTCHINSON is the groom. ]
A pretty home wedding took place at noon Tuesday, August 9, 1927, when Miss Goldena SANDERSON, daughter of Mrs. H. G. SANDERSON of Fayette street, became the bride of Henry Ford HUTCHINSON, son of Mr. HUTCHINSON of Pittsburgh. The SANDERSON home was very artistic with baskets of lowers. The bride wore a gown of rose chiffon and carried pink rosebuds. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. J. E.
DETWEILER, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. W. KUHN of Pittsburgh and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. SANDERSON were the attendants. Mrs. KUHN wore a gown of Alice Blue crepe and Mrs. SANDERSON was gowned in black satin and ecru lace. Mrs. SANDERSON, mother of the bride, wore a gown of blue crepe de chine. Mrs. HUTCHINSON was employed by the First National Bank of Oakdale and Mr. HUTCHINSON is employed by the Manufacturers Light & Heat Co. in Bellaire, Ohio. A wedding dinner followed the ceremony, covers being laid for sixteen. The centerpiece, a wedding cake, was cut by the bride. Present at the ceremony and dinner were Mrs. H. G. SANDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. SANDERSON and children Ethel and Frank, the Rev. Dr. J. E.
DETWEILER, Mr. HUTCHINSON of the Eastend, Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. W. KUHN of Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. CAMPBELL of Marietta, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. FREEMAN of
Dormont, Mrs. Ida LEECH of Corliss.
Mr. and Mrs. HUTCHINSON left Pittsburgh in the after noon for Atlantic City and other Eastern cities. On their return they will ----- with the bride's
mother, ------------ SANDERSON.
[ Henry Ford HUTCHINSON to Goldena Sanderson, 9 Aug 1927 ]
hutchinson_sanderson_08-12-1927-rec (S)
* |
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
J. E. HUTCHISON to Mary J. Bigger, no date, in 9-1-1894 paper
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of June 12, 1936, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. STEFFEN of Valley street, McDonald, announce the marriage of their daughter Anna Wilma to Chris W.
HYSER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris HYSER
of North McDonald street, McDonald, which took place Saturday, June 6, 1936, at noon in Wheeling, W.Va., the Reverend Louis A. BERIG officiating. Mr. and Mrs. John
GAMONDE of Fannie street were the attendants. Joseph REHAK also witnessed the ceremony. The bride was attired in a white traveling suit with white picture hat and
matching accessories and a corsage of roses. Mrs. GAMONDE was attired in a gown of blue crepe with matching accessories and a corsage of roses. A beautiful
wedding dinner was served in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. COTTON of Carrick where Mr. and Mrs. Chris HYSER and Mr. and Mrs. John GAMONDE were weekend
guests. Mr. HYSER is a graduate of McDonald high school and Mrs. HYSER is a graduate of the Hickory Vocational high school. The newlyweds will make their home
in Dormont [Pa].
[ Chris W. HYSER to Anna Wilma Steffen, 6 Jun 1936 ] hyser_steffen_06-12-1936
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Leo MacKee HUTCHENS to Janette M. Abraham, 14 Aug 1909
Henry Ford HUTCHINSON to Goldena Sanderson, 9 Aug 1927
J. E. HUTCHISON to Mary J. Bigger, no date, in 9-1-1894 paper
Chris W. HYSER to Anna Wilma Steffen, 6 Jun 1936
This page was added June 24, 2007 ; updated
Sept. 27, 2007 ; updated May 26, 2009
; updated June 12, 2009 ; updated Oct. 24, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023