Bridegrooms by Surname Letter H
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July
5, 1940, page unknown:
Mrs. A. B. COCHRAN, son of Alex [COCHRAN], Jr., daughters, Miss Georgia
[COCHRAN], of Coal street, and Mrs. Russell BERNARD of Hollidays Cove, and grandson, Robert
North McDonald street attended the wedding of their granddaughter and niece,
Miss Charlotte LaVerne PUTMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard PUTMAN of Mingo Junction,
Ohio, to Homer HUPP of Clarton which took place June 25 in the First Presbyterian
church, Youngstown, Ohio. After a Southern honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. HUPP will
reside in their newly furnished home in Clairton. Mrs. Richard PUTMAN was Jean
[ Homer HUPP to Charlotte LaVerne Putnam, 25 Jun 1940 ] hupp_putnam_07-05-1940_ro
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper
of March 17, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Alice DAVIDSON, daughter of Mrs. Olga DAVIDSON and the late William DAVIDSON
of Detroit, Mich., and Allen HURLBUT, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott
of Detroit, were united in marriage at 11:27 a.m. Tuesday, March 7, 1939.
The bride's parents are former residents of McDonald and Midway. The
young couple will reside in Detroit.
[ Allen or Allin HURLBUT to Alice Davidson, 7 Mar 1939 ] hurlbut_davidson_03-17-1939 (AD)
Since the article seemed confusing, I checked the Census:
1930 United States Federal Census
Name: Allin Hurlbut
Home in 1930: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
Age: 9
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1921
Birthplace: Canada
Relation to Head of House: Stepson
Mother's Name: Hilda
Race: White
Household Members:
George Elliott 41
Hilda Elliott 39
Herbert Huff 30
Helen Huff 24
Allin Hurlbut 9
(So Allin must have been 18 to 19 years old when he married in 1939.)
US Census Elliott Huff Hurlbut part 1
US Census Elliott Huff Hurlbut part 2
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper
of March 2, 1928, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. James J. LINGAN and children of West Lincoln avenue attended
the marriage of Miss Helen F. QUINLAN of the Northside, Pittsburgh, and Mr. James R.
HURLEY, also of the Northside, which was solemnized on Monday morning, February 20, 1928, at 9:30 o'clock in St. Peter's church, the
Rev. Fr. Thomas DEVLIN officiating. The bride wore a frock of beige crepe with
hat to match and carried a bouquet of pink tea roses. Miss Catherine
FLAHERTY was the bride's attendant. She wore a frock of rose crepe and carried a bouquet of
columbia roses. After an Eastern trip they will reside in the Northside,
Pittsburgh. Mr. HURLEY is a brother of Mrs. James J. LINGAN.
[ James R. HURLEY to Helen F. Quinlan, 20 Feb 1928 ]
hurley_quinlan_03-02-1928 (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 31 May
1928, page unknown:
[ HUSSEY is the groom.]
The wedding of Miss Frances McKEE, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George L. McKEE, of Burgettstown, and Maurice L. HUSSEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison HUSSEY, of Mars Hill, Maine, and Boston, Mass., took place Saturday morning at 12 o'clock in "The Little Church Around the Corner," New York. Rev. Randolph RAY, pastor of the church, officiated. The bride, who was not attended, wore a traveling costume of navy blue georgette. She wore a small blue hat to correspond and a corsage of sweet peas and tea roses. Following the wedding a breakfast was served in the Hotel Biltmore. Spring flowers and blue delpheniums decorated the bridal table. Miss McKEE is a graduate of the Sargent school of Boston and Mr. HUSSEY is an alumnus of Bowdoin and Harvard Law school. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. HUSSEY will be at home at Gray Manor, Grey street, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
[ Maurice L. HUSSEY to Frances McKee, no date in 5-31-1928 paper ] Hussey_McKee_5-31-1928-outlook
* |
* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper
of Jan. 11, 1923, page unknown:
[ HUSTON is the Groom. ]
Miss Mary Elizabeth WOODS of Oakdale and Mr. William Elliott HUSTON of Pittsburgh were united in marriage at the parsonage by the Rev. W. R. McMUNN on Wednesday evening, January 3rd, 1923 at 8 o'clock. After an eastern trip they will return to Oakdale where they will make their home.
Miss Mary Elizabeth WOODS of Oakdale and Mr. William Elliot HUSTON of Pittsburgh were united in marriage by the Rev. W. R. McMUNN on Wednesday evening, January 3, 1923, at 8 o'clock. After an Eastern trip they will return to Oakdale, where they will make their home. [ William Elliott HUSTON to Mary Elizabeth Woods, 3 Jan 1923 ]
huston_woods_01-11-1923 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper
of Jan. 12, 1923, page unknown:
Miss Mary Elizabeth WOODS of Oakdale and Mr. William Elliot HUSTON of Pittsburgh were united in marriage by the Rev. W. R. McMUNN on Wednesday evening, January 3, 1923, at 8 o'clock. After an Eastern trip they will return to Oakdale, where they will make their home.
[ William Elliott HUSTON to Mary Elizabeth Woods, 3 Jan 1923 ]
huston_woods_01-12-1923_record (DG)
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Homer HUPP to Charlotte LaVerne Putnam, 25 Jun 1940
Allen HURLBUT to Alice Davidson, 7 Mar 1939
James R. HURLEY to Helen F. Quinlan, 20 Feb 1928
Maurice L. HUSSEY to Frances McKee, no date in 5-31-1928 paper
William Elliott HUSTON to Mary Elizabeth Woods, 3 Jan 1923
This page was added June 24, 2007 ; updated July 22, 2009 ; updated Sept. 19, 2009
; updated Oct. 16, 2009 ; updated Oct. 24, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023