Bridegrooms by Surname Letter H
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of Dec.
6, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Margaret CHRISTY, daughter of Mrs. Charles CHRISTY of Joffre [Pa],
and Mr. Anthony John HOMITZ, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony HOMITZ of
Bulger [Pa], were united in marriage at ten o'clock Thursday morning, November 28, 1940,
in Our Lady of Lourdes church, Burgettstown [Pa], by the Rev. Fr. W. J.
The bride wore a white satin gown with a sweetheart neckline and a fingertip
veil. She carried a prayer book with a marker of lilies of the valley and
an orchid. The bridesmaids were Miss Nell CHRISTY of Joffre [Pa], sister of the
bride, who wore pink chiffon with blue accessories, and Miss Jean
GILBERT, also of Joffre [Pa], who wore blue net with pink accessories. They both carried
an old-fashioned colonial bouquet of pompoms. Mr. Roman TREHALLA of Bulger
[Pa] served as bestman and Mr. Joseph ZOMBEK of McDonald [Pa] was the usher.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the CHRISTY home. There were
about fifty guests with eighteen seated at the bride's table. The couple
left for a wedding trip and upon their return will reside in Montgomery avenue,
Midway [Pa].
[ Anthony John HOMITZ to Margaret Christy, 28 Nov 1940 ]
homitz_christy_12-06-1940-r-o (AD)
* |

Note: WWSW was probably Pittsburgh's Radio Station,
which is now billed as "All Oldies 95" programming.
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 3, 1936, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Ann Elizabeth STEWART, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd STEWART of McDonald, and Joseph Robert HOOKEY, son of Mrs. Elizabeth HOOKEY of
North street, McDonald, took place at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday, July 1, 1936, in the home of the Rev. Tracey C. MILLER, pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
church, Northside, Pittsburgh.
The bride wore a dress of white lace with accessories of white and a corsage of red roses. She was attended by Miss Irene JAMISON as maid of honor. Miss JAMISON
was attired in a pink dress with pink accessories and her corsage was of tea roses.
A dinner was served in the bridegroom's home. Later they left for a motor trip to Niagara Falls.
They were chosen by WWSW's Blessed Events as the lucky couple.
[ Joseph Robert HOOKEY to Ann Elizabeth Stewart, 1 Jul 1936 ] hookey_stewart_07-03-1936
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 21, 1944, page unknown:
Miss Ethel M. ENGEL of Venture street, Pittsburgh [Pa], and Sgt. George A HOOP, Jr.,
of Hickory [Pa], were married recently at the post chapel at Lowry field, Denver, Colo. A reception followed the ceremony.
Sergeant HOOP is the eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. George A. HOOP of Hickory [Pa] and prior to entering service was graduated from the Hickory Vocational high school
and attended Washington and Jefferson college [sic; Pa]. He was popular in musical circles
in his home community.
[ George A. HOOP, Jr. to Ethel M. Engel, no date, in 1-21-1944 paper ] hoop_engel_01-21-1944-r-o
* |
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Charles A. HOOPER, Jr. to Pearl Dickinson, 12 Apr 1917
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 27. 1947, page unknown:
Miss Jean A. VETTOREL of the Eastend, Pittsburgh, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. VETTOREL of Imperial, and Robert F. HOPE, son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. HOPE of Eureka, Calif., were united in marriage
June 21, 1947, in Point Breeze Presbyterian church. Escorted by her father, the
bride wore an ivory satin gown with Venetian lace berta. Her tulle veil fell from a headdress of Venetian lace and she
carried a Bible with orchid markers and a Venetian lace handkerchief.
Upon their return from a wedding trip to Canada, the young couple will make their home in the
Eastend, Pittsburgh.
[ Robert F. HOPE to Jean A. Vettorel, 21 Jun 1947 ]
hope_vettorel_06-27-1947_ro (AD)
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Anthony John HOMITZ to Margaret Christy, 28 Nov 1940
Joseph Robert HOOKEY to Ann Elizabeth Stewart, 1 Jul 1936
George A. HOOP, Jr. to Ethel M. Engel, no date, in 1-21-1944 paper
Charles A. HOOPER, Jr. to Pearl Dickinson, 12 Apr 1917
Robert F. HOPE to Jean A. Vettorel, 21 Jun 1947
This page was added June 13, 2007 ; ; updated Feb. 21, 2009 ; updated May 26, 2009
; updated Sept. 1, 2009 ; updated Oct. 8, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023