Bridegrooms by Surname Letter H

[Note: Parts of this clipping were torn and other parts were missing, but, based on the surviving parts,
one could surmise the missing parts.]
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 10, 1926, page unknown:
[ HEZLEP is the Groom. ]
One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized in the First Presbyterian church, Oakdale, Tuesday September 7, 1926, when Miss Wilma Rea
MARSHALL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. MARSHALL of Oakdale, became the bride of Donald Robb
HEZLEP, son of the Rev. Herbert HEZLEP
of Cincinnati, Ohio. The ceremony was performed in front of the alter, banked with ferns and palms,
b[y] the father of the bridegroom, the Re[v.] Mr. HEZLEP, who was assisted by
D[r.] James E. DETWEILER. The wedding mar[ch] was played by Mrs. F. G. Lillo, aunt [of] the bridegroom.
Mr. HEZLEPwas [at]tended by his brother, Lieut. James H[EZ]LEP, as best man. The bride, who [was] given in marriage by her father, [was] gowned in white duchess satin
trim[med] in real lace. She chose to wear a he[ad] band of orange blossoms instead of
t[he] usual bridal veil. She carried a showe[r] bouquet of lilies of the valley and bride?[s] roses. Miss Elizabeth
SHEARN of Canonsburg, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. She was gowned in pink georgette trimmed in silver lace and carried Killarney roses. Miss Florence Marshall, niece of the bride, and Miss Betty HEZLEP
of Cincinnati, Ohio, sister of the bridegroom, wore bouffant gowns of taffeta.
Miss MARSHALL wearing pink and Miss HEZLEP wearing orchid, both carried pink roses tied with orchid. The flower girls were little Hazel Jeanne
BISSONETTE of Johnstown, niece of the bride, and Gertrude Louise ROBB, cousin of the bridegroom, wore dainty dresses of chiffon voile and carried baskets of rose petals, which were strewn in the bride?s path.
The ushers were C. F. MARSHALL, brother of the bride, and H. E. HEZLEP, brother of the bridegroom. A reception was held immediately after the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
MARSHALL. A three-course luncheon was served to sixty-six guests with twelve seated at the bride?s table.
The centerpiece on the bride?s table was a large beautifully decorated bride?s cake surrounded with roses and ferns. The bride cut the cake with Lieut. HEZLEP?s
The favors were pieces of the [brid]e?s cake in small white boxes tied with [___ ] ribbon. After a wedding trip to
[Phila]delphia, Atlantic City, and New [York,] Mr. and Mrs. HEZLEP will be at [home] at Vincennes avenue, Oakdale.
[ Donald Robb HEZLEP to Wilma Rea Marshall, 7 Sep 1926 ]
hezlep_marshall_09-10-1926 Parts 1, 2, 3 (LD)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Herbert HEZLEP to Irene F. Robb, 23 Jun 1898
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
July 13, 1928, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Emile DEHOUX of McDonald announce the marriage of their daughter Mary Lucetta to Mr. Wilmer Manfred HIBBITS Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer HIBBITS of Steubenville, Ohio. The ceremony was performed by the Rev.
E.H. ALBRECHT in Steubenville, Ohio, at three o'clock July 3, 1928.
[ Wilmer Manfred HIBBITS, Jr. to Mary Lucetta Dehoux, 3 Jul 1928 ] hibbits_dehoux_07-13-1928
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From the McDonald, PA unknown newspaper of
Sept. 22, 1894, page unknown:
Miss Anna M. DAVIS, daughter of Mrs. Sophia DAVIS of 68 Thirteenth
street, Wheeling, W.Va., and Mr.
C. V. HICKINBOTHAM, also of Wheeling, were united in marriage May 31, 1934*, in
the First Christian church in Wheeling, W.Va. The Rev. Dr. W. H. FIELDS
officiated. Mrs. HICKINBOTHAM was secretary to United States
Marshall Harry H. [W__] of the Northern District of West Virginia, with
offices in Wheeling. Mr. HICKINBOTHAM is well known in this
locality, having resided in McDonald [Pa] for several years prior to
going to Wheeling more than six years ago. He is employed by the
Hi-Grade Food Products Co. of Wheeling. Mr. and Mrs. HICKINBOTHAM
have taken rooms in the home of Mrs. Lulu KNACK?? in Station street for
the present, but they intend to go to housekeeping in McDonald [Pa].
[ C. V. HICKINBOTHAM to Anna M. DAVIS, 31 May 1934 ]
hickinbotham_davis_sept-22-1934 (F)
*Note: I think the date is 1934.
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: Donald Robb HEZLEP to Wilma Rea Marshall, 7 Sep 1926
Herbert HEZLEP to Irene F. Robb, 23 Jun 1898
Wilmer Manfred HIBBITS, Jr. to Mary Lucetta Dehoux, 3 Jul 1928
C. V. HICKINBOTHAM to Anna M. Davis, 31 May 1934
This page was added June 13, 2007 ; updated
Aug 4, 2008 ; updated July 17, 2009
; updated Oct. 19, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023