Bridegrooms by Surname Letter H
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of May 9, 1941, page unknown:
Miss Phyllis CHEESEBROUGH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark CHEESEBROUGH, Jr., of the Steubenville pike [sic]. and Elmer HANNAH, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John HANNAH of R. D. 1, Imperial, were united in marriage Friday, May 2, 1941, in the CHEESEBROUGH home by the
Rev. Clarence E. DAVISON.
The bride wore a powder blue dress with navy accessories and a corsage of red roses. Miss Hannah Fay
CHEESEBROUGH, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and wore a navy blue dress with yellow roses. The bridegroom's brother-in-law, Mr. Robert LOGAN of Crafton [Pa], was
A buffet supper was served to the immediate families. Other guests were the Rev. Clarence E. [DAVISON] and Mrs DAVISON, Mr. and Mrs. Mark
CHEESEBROUGH, Sr., and Mrs. Martha GRIFFIN, an aunt of the bride. The young couple are honeymooning on the Atlantic coast.
[ Elmer HANNAH to Phyllis Cheesebrough, 2 May 1941 ] hannah_cheesebrough_05-09-1941_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Sept.
24, 1909, page unknown:
Married by the Rev. W. J. SNYDER, September 15, 1909, at 2:30 p.m., John W. HANNAH of Brave, Pa., and Miss Mary KEHM of
Noblestown, Pa. The bride wore a blue suit and carried a white lily in her hand. The bridal couple was accompanied by Miss Lizzie, the bride's sister, and Wilson HANNAH, also Thomas COLE of Burgettstown, Pa. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the home of the groom's parents, where they were met and welcomed by Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. HANNAH. Regrets were offered on account of the unavoidable detention at Clifford, the groom's brother, who did not arrive for twenty-four hours after the wedding.
I. T. BURNS, being a close friend of the groom, accepted an invitation to take dinner with the party at 5:30 p.m. After a sumptuous dinner of six courses, the evening was spent with music until about 9 o'clock, when a hush came inside by mighty roars made by we could not tell what, but the noise was kept up for a long time, the longer the
louder, until the door was opened and the party was ushered by Mr. BURNS to the parlor, where Mr. and Mrs. HANNAH met their many friends, about sixty in number. After congratulations the boys were treated to cigars and girls to candy, and later all to ice cream and cake. The evening was spent in music and dancing until 11:30, when the jolly crowed bade the happy couple good night. Mr. and Mrs. HANNAH left for a two weeks honeymoon in Brooklyn, N.Y., after which they will make their home at Brave, Pa., where Mr. HANNAH has a position with the Peoples Gas Company.
[ John W. HANNAH to Mary Kehm, 15 Sep 1909 ] hannah_kehm_09-24-1909_record
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of May 24, 1940 page unknown:
Miss Rena Jeanne DeVALKENEER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
DeVALKENEER of Raccoon [Pa], and Alexander HANNIQUANT, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander HANNIQUANT of Hastings, Cambria county, were united in marriage at
9:30 p.m. Thursday, May 16, 1940, in the J. W. GUMMO home in Ingram
[Pa], the Rev. A. E. TIECHART of Crafton [Pa] performing the ceremony.
The bride wore a rose gown with matching accessories and a corsage of
rosebuds. The bridesmaid, Miss Emma DIDIOT of Bulger [Pa], cousin
of the bride, wore an orchid gown with red accessories. Mr.
Florent HANNIQUANT of Indiana [Pa] served as his brother's bestman.
After the ceremony, a dinner was served to fourteen guests in the
GUMMO home.
Mrs. HANNIQUANT is a 1938 graduate of Union high school, Burgettstown
[Pa]. Mr. HANNIQUANT is a mechanic in the J. W. GUMMO repair shop
in the Westend, Pittsburgh. They will reside in Carnegie [Pa].
[ Alexander HANNIQUANT, Jr. to Rena Jeanne DeValkeneer, 16 May 1940 ]
hanniquant_devalkeneer_05-24-1940_ro (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper
of June 9, 1922, page unknown:
[ HANNON is the Groom. ]
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. GILLESPIE of McKee Place, east of town, announce the marriage of their niece, Miss
Kathleen Agnes GILLESPIE, of the East end, Pittsburgh, daughter of C. P. GILLESPIE
of Center avenue, McDonald, and Charles J. HANNON, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. HANNON of the North side, Pittsburgh. The
wedding took place in the Church of the Assumption, Bellevue, a 7:45 o'clock Thursday morning, June 8, 1922, the Father
James HALEY officiating. The bride wore a traveling suit of light tan with a hat to match
and carried a bouquet of brides roses showered with lilies of the valley. Miss
Mabel GILLESPIE of McDonald, a cousin of the bride, as
bridesmaid, wore a frock of Alice blue with hat to match and carried pink roses. The bridegroom was attended by his brother,
Lawrence HANNON. A reception and wedding breakfast at the home of the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. P. H. CASEY, in Bellevue, supplemented the
ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. HANNON left Thursday evening for Buffalo,
N.Y., and Cleveland, and after June 15th will be at home at Dawson avenue, North side, Pittsburgh.
[ Charles J. HANNON to Kathleen Agnes Gillespie, 8 Jun 1922 ] hannon_gillespie_06-09-1922_record
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
This page includes: Elmer HANNAH to Phyllis
Cheesebrough, 2 May 1941
John W. HANNAH to Mary Kehm, 15 Sep 1909
Alexander HANNIQUANT, Jr. to Rena Jeanne DeValkeneer, 16 May 1940
Charles J. HANNON to Kathleen Agnes Gillespie, 8 Jun 1922
This page was added June 8, 2007 ; updated June 12, 2009 ; update Aug. 6, 2009 ; updated Aug. 10, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023