Bridegrooms by Surname Letter H
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 17, 1918, page unknown:
[ HAMMERLY is the Groom. ]
Miss Ruth ADAMS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton ADAMS of Valley St., and George HAMMERLY, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George HAMMERLY of Third St., were quietly married in Wellsburg, W. Va., on Saturday, August 10th. Mrs. HAMMERLY will make her home with her parents for the present. George HAMMERLY has enlisted as a gas engine man in the Engineering Department and is awaiting his call to service.
[ George HAMMERLY, Jr. to Ruth Adams, 10 Aug 1918 ] hammerly_adams_08-17-1918_outlook
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 29, 1943, page unknown:
Sophie GOLESKI of Burgettstown and Harrry W. HAMPSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. HAMPSON of Steubenville pike, were united in marriage at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, October 23, 1943, in the home of the Rev. R. L. BIDDLE in Florence.
[ Harry W. HAMPSON to Sophie Goleski, 23 Oct 1943 ]
hampson_goleski_10-29-1943_ro (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
March 28, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Betty A. DEMPE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DEMPE of McDonald, and James
HAMPSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel HAMPSON of McDonald, were united in marriage at 3:45 o?clock Monday evening, March 10, 1947, in the home of the bride?s parents. The Rev. Charles F. TAME performed the single ring ceremony.
The bride wore a brown gabardine suit with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Miss Levia
FACCHINI, the bridesmaid, wore a turquoise suit with black accessories and a corsage of red roses. James T. WALKER of Muse served as
bestman. The bride?s mother wore a navy blue dress and the bridegroom?s mother wore a black dress. Each wore a corsage of mixed colors.
Attending the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. HAMPSON and daughter Ann, Mrs. Elizabeth DEMPE, grandmother of the bride, Mrs. Clara KENNEWEG and son Floyd, all of McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Edward SIMILICK and son Eric, Mrs. William DEMPE and Miss Irene RICHARDSON of Carnegie, Cpl. Joseph P. DEMPE of Scott field, Ill., and Mrs. Alvin
Following the ceremony, a dinner was served with nine seated at the bride?s table. Open house was held that evening for friends and relatives of the couple.
[ James HAMPSON to Betty A. Dempe, 10 Mar 1947 ]
hampson_dempe_03-28-1947_ro (LD)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook
newspaper, March 25, 1920, page unknown:
[ HAMPSON is the GROOM. ]
On Wednesday evening, March 17, at seven o'clock, at the Presbyterian parsonage, the marriage
of Miss Margaret PARKISON to Samuel HAMPSON was solemized. Rev. B. B. HARRISON performed the
The couple were attended by a brother of the bride and Miss Goldie [sic=Miss
Goldie] KNEPSHIELD. Mr. and Mrs. HAMPSON will reside at 426 Valley Street.
[ Samuel HAMPSON to Miss Margaret PARKISON, Wednesday evening, March 17,
1920 ] hampson_parkison_3-25-1920_outlook (F)
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From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 19 January
1915, page unknown:
W. H. HAMPSON and Miss Martha ROSHON were married Christmas Eve at the home of the bride's parents in Grant street. The Rev. J. B. CAVITT performed the ceremony in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the young couple.
[ W. H. HAMPSON to Martha Roshon, no date, in 1-19-1915 paper ] hampson_roshon_01-19-1915-rec
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Nov. 24, 1922, page unknown:
[ HANCOCK is the Groom. ]
Miss Sylvia BEST of McDonald and Mr. Clyde HANCOCK of Sturgeon were united in marriage in Pittsburgh Wednesday, November 22, 1922, at noon, the Rev. J. H.
DEBOLT, pastor of the McDonald M. E. church, officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BEST of Valley street. The young couple will reside in Sturgeon.
[ Clyde HANCOCK to Sylvia Best, 22 Nov 1922 ] hancock_best_11-24-1922 (CB)
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: George HAMMERLY, Jr. to Ruth Adams, 10 Aug 1918
Harry W. HAMPSON to Sophie Goleski, 23 Oct 1943
James HAMPSON to Betty A. Dempe, 10 Mar 1947
W. H. HAMPSON to Martha Roshon, no date, in 1-19-1915 paper
Clyde HANCOCK to Sylvia Best, 22 Nov 1922
This page was added June 8, 2007 ; updated
Aug 4, 2008 ; updated July 29, 2009 ; updated July 31, 2009 ; update Aug. 6, 2009 ; updated Oct. 17, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023