Bridegrooms by Surname Letter G
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper
of June 23, 1905 page unknown:
Benjamin GLASS, who formerly taught in Imperial academy, was united in marriage to Miss Clara HAMILTON of Tennessee on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. GLASS and his sister Ethel are guests at the Crooks home above town this
[ Benjamin GLASS to Clara Hamilton, no date, in 6-23-1905 paper
] glass_hamilton_06-23-1905_rec (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper
of June 29, 1917, page unknown:
[ GLASS is the Groom. ]
In the William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, the wedding of Miss Eurilda M. DUNBAR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. DUNBAR of Oakdale, and Edward E. GLASS, son of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. S. J. GLASS of California avenue, Pittsburgh, took place Wednesday evening, June 27, 1917. The groom?s father performed the ceremony, assisted by the Rev. George A. FRANTZ, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Oakdale. Miss Frances Louise HENDERSON of Pittsburgh was maid of honor and the bride?s only attendant. Dr. S. J. GLASS was his brother?s best man. A reception and dinner followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. GLASS left for an Eastern trip and after September first will be at home in the North Side, Pittsburgh.
[ Edward E. GLASS to Eurilda M. Dunbar, 27 Jun 1917 ]
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-
Outlook newspaper of July 14, 1939, page unknown:
Mrs. Ella Carl of Station street, McDonald, announces the ,marriage of her granddaughter,
Miss Geneava MILLIRON to Mr. John Kay GLASS of Imperial [Pa]. The ceremony was performed at
6:30 p.m. Monday, July 3, 1939, in the parsonage of the West Washington Methodist church, the
pastor, the Rev. J. H. DebOLT, officiating. The bride wore a black and white crepe traveling
suit with matching accessories and a corsage of gardenias.
Mrs. GLASS graduated from McDonald high school in 1936, and from the Pittsburgh Business school in
1937. Mr. GLASS graduated from Findlay Vocational school, Imperial [Pa], in 1936 and from the Pittsburgh
Academy Business school in 1937. The young couple will reside in Imperial [Pa] where Mr. GLASS
is in business with his father.
[ John Kay GLASS to Geneva Milliron, 3 Jul 1939 ] glass_milliron_07-14-1939 (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Feb. 6, 1908, page unknown:
On Thursday, February 6, 1908, at high noon at the home of Mrs. Mary A.
CRAWFORD of Bulger, R. D. No. 1, occurred the marriage of her daughter, Miss Anna Elder CRAWFORD, and Mr. Samuel
James GLASS. The pastor of Robinson U. P. Church, Rev. Thomas A. GIBSON, performed the ceremony.
The bride wore a beautiful gown of white and carried white carnations and roses. Miss Cassie
CRAWFORD, a sister of the bride, played the wedding march. After congratulations the
company was invited to the dining room where amid the pink and white [decorations? flowers?]
was served a most bountiful and delicious dinner. The bride received a number of beautiful
and useful presents beside the many received at the recent showers given in her honor. Mr.
and Mrs. GLASS left on the evening train on a short wedding trip. After a brief visit
among their relatives they will be at home in the groom's new house on Fairview farm.
[ Samuel James GLASS to Anna Elder Crawford, 6 Feb 1908 ]
glass_crawford_02-14-08 (F)
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From The McDonald PA Record newspaper of 27 March 1914, page unknown:
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Willison was the scene of a very pretty wedding Thursday afternoon, March 19, at 1 o'clock in which their daughter, Miss Mary Eleanor, became the bride of Samuel Lee GLASS of McDonald. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Charles STUNKARD, pastor of the Mt. Pleasant United Presbyterian Church, and was witnessed by about thirty invited guests besides the immediate members of the families. The WILLISON home was tastefully decorated, ferns and carnations being used effectively in a color scheme of pink and white. The wedding march was played by Miss Nellie DeVASSIE of Carnegie. The bride is well known and for the past three or four years has been a school teacher. Mr. GLASS is a young farmer and they will reside on a farm on the Hickory and McDonald road near McDonald.
[ Samuel Lee GLASS to Mary Eleanor Willison, 19 Mar 1914 ] glass_willison_03-27-1914-rec
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of June 11, 1937, page unknown:
The bridal veil of her mother was worn by Sara Ellen HUTCHINSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William M. HUTCHINSON of Cecil, when she became the bride of William
McDill GLASS, son of the Rev. W. M. GLASS and the late Mrs. Allie GLASS of Rex Mills, Ohio, which was solemnized at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, June 2, 1937,
in the Venice United Presbyterian church. The single ring ceremony was performed by the bridegroom's father, assisted by the Rev. C. T. LITTELL, D. D., pastor of
the Venice U. P. church.
While the guest assembles in the church auditorium, Mrs. G. M. QUIVEY played a short recital of wedding airs, concluding with the Lohengrin wedding march. Preceding the ceremony, Nelson LAMBING sang, "Because" and "I Love You Truly." The nuptial service was read on the pulpit platform before an embankment of ferns. Tall
standards of white snowballs flanked either side of the piano. The Menedelssohn wedding march was used for the recessional.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor-length gown of white rose point lace over white satin and her veil of tulle, formerly worn by her mother on her
wedding day, cassaded [sic= cascaded] from a Battenburg lace cap. She carried a white leather-bound Bible with marker of lilies of the valley.
Her sister, Martha HUTCHINSON, as bridesmaid, appeared in floral chiffon and carried an arm bouquet of gladioli and blue larkspur. Little Jean QUIVEY, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. QUIVEY, as the flower girl, was charming in white marquisette over pink, carrying a basket of snapdragons.
Charles Leroy LAMBING, a close friend of the bridegroom, served as best man, and the ushers were William L. HUTCHINSON, Jr., of Brightwood, Pa., brother of the
bride, and Herbert, Ray and Samuel GLASS, brothers of the bridegroom.
An outdoor reception at the home of the bride's parents, supplemented the ceremony with covers laid for 50 guests. Later Mr. and Mrs. GLASS left on an Eastern
motor trip and upon their return will reside in Cecil.
Miss HUTCHINSON, following her graduation from the Cecil township high school, enrolled at Pennsylvania State college where she majored in home economics,
graduating in 1930. She served as supervisor in home economics at the Cecil township high school for a year and a half, since which time she has held a similar
position in the Canonsburg high school.
Mr. GLASS was graduated from Muskingum college in 1930 and will be enrolled at California State Teachers' college the coming year where he will specialize in
study of manual arts.
[ William McDill GLASS to Sara Ellen Hutchinson, 2 Jun 1937 ]
glass-hutchinson_06-11-1937 (CT-L)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: Benjamin GLASS to Clara Hamilton, no date, in 6-23-1905 paper
Edward E. GLASS to Eurilda M. Dunbar, 27 Jun 1917
John Kay GLASS to Geneva Milliron, 3 Jul 1939
Samuel James GLASS to Anna Elder Crawford, 6 Feb 1908
Samuel Lee GLASS to Mary Eleanor Willison, 19 Mar 1914
William McDill GLASS to Sara Ellen Hutchinson, 2 Jun 1937
This page was added June 6, 2007 ; updated
Feb. 5, 2009 ; updated May 31, 2009
; updated Oct. 17, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023