Bridegrooms by Surname Letter G
From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper
of May 12, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Wilma C. DUMAS, daughter of E. A. DUMAS, Jr., of Kay street, McDonald, and JAMES P.
GEISLER, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis GEISLER of Sturgeon, were united in marriage at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, May 10, 1939,
in the parsonage of the First Presbyterian church, McDonald, the pastor, the Rev. O. E. GARDINER, D. D. officiating. The
bride was attired in blue with white accessories and wore a corsage of
sweetpeas. The bridesmaid, Miss
Edith Marie
DUMAS, sister of the bride, wore blue print with white accessories. Mr.
Paul PHILLIPS of Sturgeon served as bestman. A dinner was served to fifty guests. A dance was held
in the evening with 150 guests in attendance. Mrs. GEISLER is a 1933 graduate of McDonald high school. The young
couple will reside in Sturgeon where Mr. GEISLER owns a store.
[ James P. GEISLER to Wilma C. Dumas, 10 May 1939 ]
geisler_dumas_05-12-1939 (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug.
30, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Betty Jean HEATHCOTE, daugther of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. HEATHCOTE of Midland avenue,
Carnegie [Pa], formerly of McDonald [Pa], and Mr. James Stanley GELSTON of
Beechview, formerly of Noblestown [Pa], were united in marriage August 20 1940, in the Carnegie United
Presbyterian church, the Rev. James C. McQUILKIN performing the ceremony.
The bride chose a gown of light blue colored silk, designed with a basque waist and full
skirt. The short puffed sleeves and the yoke of the gown were of lace and the bride
wore lace mitts. With her gown she wore a Quaker bonnet and carried roses and lilies
of the valley. She was attended by Mrs. Richard MILLER of Crafton [Pa], who was attired
in rose corded silk, styled similar to the bride's gown, and she carried matching roses.
Mr. Williams WELLS of Beechview [Pa] served as bestman and the ushers were Mr. Richard Miller
and Mr. Charles TREVASKIS of Turtle Creek [Pa]. Mrs. Ethel CONRAD sang several numbers,
accompanied by Mrs. Mabel BURKHART of Turtle Creek [Pa].
Following the ceremony, a dinner and reception was held at the Chartiers Heights
Country club. The young couple took an Eastern honeymoon trip and are now at home
on Dwight avenue, Dormont [Pa].
Out-of-town guests at the wedding and reception were the bride's grandmother,
Mrs. Margaret E. BROWN, and daughter, Mrs. Margaret JAMES, of Sheraden [Pa]; her grandfather,
W. W. Heathcote, and Mrs. R. R. DUNKLE and daughter Miss Florence [DUNKLE], and
Miss Hazel HEATHCOTE of McDonald [Pa], and Miss Mary YOUNG of Brookline [Pa].
[ Edward I. GELLER to Margaret Jean Scott, 26 May 1938 ] gelston_heathcote_08-30-1940-ro
parts 1 and 2 (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Aug. 30, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Betty Jean HEATHCOTE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. HEATHCOTE of Midland avenue, Carnegie, formerly of McDonald, and Mr. James Stanley GELSTON of Beechview,
formerly of Noblestown, were united in marriage August 20 1940, in the Carnegie United Presbyterian church, the Rev. James C. McQUILKIN performing the ceremony.
The bride chose a gown of light blue colored silk, designed with a basque waist and full skirt. The short puffed sleeves and the yoke of the gown were of lace and the bride
wore lace mitts. With her gown she wore a Quaker bonnet and carried roses and lilies of the valley. She was attended by Mrs. Richard MILLER of Crafton, who was attired
in rose corded silk, styled similar to the bride's gown, and she carried matching roses. Mr. Williams WELLS of Beechview served as bestman and the ushers were Mr. Richard MILLER
and Mr. Charles TREVASKIS of Turtle Creek. Mrs. Ethel CONRAD sang several numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Mabel BURKHART of Turtle Creek.
Following the ceremony, a dinner and reception was held at the Chartiers Heights Country club. The young couple took an Eastern honeymoon trip and are now at home
on Dwight avenue, Dormont.
Out-of-town guests at the wedding and reception were the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Margaret E. BROWN, and daughter, Mrs. Margaret JAMES, of Sheraden; her grandfather,
W. W. HEATHCOTE, and Mrs. R. R. DUNKLE and daughter Miss Florence [DUNKLE], and Miss Hazel HEATHCOTE of McDonald, and Miss Mary YOUNG of Brookline.
[ James Stanley GELSTON to Betty Jean Heathcote, 20 Aug 1940 ]
gelston_heathcote_08-30-1940_ro (AD)
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Left as larger size. Can just make out the
bottom of
The letters for "Venice" in Pennsylvania.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Feb. 13, 1897, page unknown:
On the 10th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
HARPER, Venice, Mr. GEORGE, of Blairsville, Pa., and Miss Mamie HARPER.
[ (No given name) GEORGE to Mamie Harper, 10 Feb 1897 ]
george_harper_02-13-1897_outlook (S)
The right family *might* be this one???
1900 United States Federal Census
about Wm A George
Name: Wm A George
Home in 1900: Blairsville, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Age: 38
Birth Date: May 1862
Birthplace: Penna
Race: Colored (Black)
Ethnicity: American
Gender: Male
Relationship to Head of House: Head
Father's Birthplace: Penna
Mother's Birthplace: Penna
Spouse's Name: Mary C
Marriage year: 1897
Marital Status: Married
Years Married: 3
Residence : Blairsville Borough, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Wm A George 38
Mary C George 23
Eleanor G George 1
I couldn't find a John Harper in Blairsville or in Washington County
before 1900.
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Wm. D. GEORGE to Margaret Wilson, 9 Nov 1892
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
This page includes: James P. GEISLER to Wilma C. Dumas, 10 May 1939
Edward I. GELLER to Margaret Jean Scott, 26 May 1938
James Stanley GELSTON to Betty Jean Heathcote, 20 Aug 1940
(No given name) GEORGE to Mamie Harper, 10 Feb 1897
Wm. D. GEORGE to Margaret Wilson, 9 Nov 1892
This page was added June 5, 2007 ; Updated March 22, 2009 ; updated Aug. 10, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023