Bridegrooms by Surname Letter F
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 23, 1923, page unknown:
[ Fon DERSMITH is the Groom. ]
On Wednesday morning, August 22 at 10:45 o'clock in the Chamber-Wylie church on South Broad street, Philadelphia, Miss Rena A. WILLIAMS of McDonald, Pa. and Mr. Charles R. FON DERSMITH of Columbia, Pa. were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was simple and
was performed by the Rev. T. Rehr TAGGART an uncle of the groom. The only attendants were Mrs. T. B. O'STEEN of Lakeland, Florida, a sister of the bride, and Mrs. H. A. FON DERSMITH of Columbia, Pa., the groom's mother. After a three weeks trip to eastern shore resorts Mr. and Mrs.
Fon DERSMITH will reside in McDonald.
[ Charles R. Fon DERSMITH to Rena A. Williams, 22 Aug 1923 ]
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept.
10, 1937, page unknown:
Mrs. Andrew PUSKAR and sons Francis and Andrew of Imperial went to Columbus last
week to attend the wedding of their daughter and sister, Miss Margaret
PUSKAR and Mr. Edwin FORD. The wedding took place at 8 o'clock Saturday morning,
September 4. A reception followed the ceremony in the home of an uncle,
J. J. PUSKAR, in Columbus. After a wedding trip the young couple will make their home in their newly furnished apartment in Columbus.
[ Edwin FORD to Margaret Puskar, 4 Sep 1937 ]
ford_puskar_09-10-1937-ro parts 1 & 2 (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept.
24, 1937, page unknown:
At 8 o'clock on the morning of September 4 in St. Aloysius church, Columbus, Ohio,
Miss Margaret PUSKAR, formerly of Imperial [Pa], exchanged marriage vows with
Mr. Edwin FORD.
The bride wore a gown of white satin and Alencon lace. Tiny satin buttons
extended down the back below the waistline, the neck fell into a soft cowl, and the
long sleeves had a pointed band of lace at the elbow. A satin panel, which formed
the train of the gown, had wide insets of the lace ending in three large scallops.
A fingertip veil of bridal illusion was attached to a Juliet cap made of strips of
white satin, and caught at each side with clusters of orange blossoms. White
gladioli, centered with a corsage of gardenias, formed the fan-shaped bridal bouquet.
The bridesmade, Miss Alice FORD, and the junior bridesmaid, Miss Mary
PUSKAR, were in identical frocks of slipper satin in a copper shade, fashioned with long,
full skirts, tight bodices, and short puff sleeves. Their bouquets were of Talisman
roses, intermingled with tiny sprigs of delphinium. The haloes and the slippers
which they wore matched their gowns and their only jewelry was gold crosses and chains,
gifts from the bride.
Frank PUSKAR, brother of the bride, served as bestman for Mr. FORD. The ushers were
Paul Grimm, Robert GRIMM and Anthony TANKOVICH.
Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the Broadwin for the bridal
party and members of the immediate families. In the afternoon, the bride's uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. John J. PUSKAR, with whom she has made her home, were hosts at a
reception at their residence, 121 S. Burgess avenue, Columbus [Ohio].
The bride is a graduate of St. Joseph's academy and of the Mr. Carmel School of
Nursing. Mr. Ford was graduated from St. Mary's school and attended Ohio State
and Niagara universities [sic].
As the couple left for a honeymoon trip to northern Michigan, the bride wore
a three-piece suit of green wool with a brown fox collar and brown accessories.
Upon their return they will make their home at 108 S. Eureka avenue Columbus.
[ Edwin FORD to Margaret Puskar, 4 Sep 1937 ]
ford_puskar_09-10-1937-ro parts 1 & 2 (AD)
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* Researchers should check to make sure the marriage
actually took place.
From The McDonald, PA. Record newspaper of 31 March 1905, page unknown:
A marriage license was granted in Washington this week to L. C. FORINGER and Mae BRABSON, both of Burgettstown.
[ L. C. FORINGER and Mae BRABSON, marriage license, in 31 March 1905 paper ] foringer_brabson_license_3-31-05-rec
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept
6, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Lottie Mae BURNS of East McKeesport [Pa], formerly of Bulger, and a daughter
of Mrs. Sara BURNS of East Pittsburgh [Pa], and Joseph Earl FORMAN of East McKeesport
[Pa] were united in marriage at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, August 31, 1940, in St. Aloysious
church, East McKeesport [Pa], by the Ref. Father Flaherty.
The bride wore a gown of blue velvet. The bridemaid [sic], Miss Helen
McDonald [Pa], wore a blue crepe gown. John BURNS of Ambridge [Pa], brother of the bride, served
as bestman. A reception at which 100 were present was held in the home of the
bride's sister, Mrs. J. W. St. CLAIR, in East McKeesport [Pa].
Mrs. FORMAN attended Burgettstown high school and Mr. FORMAN East McKeeport (sic)
[Pa] high. After a trip to the New York World's fair they will reside in East
McKeesport [Pa], where the bridegroom is engaged in business as a building contractor.
[ Joseph Earl FORMAN to Lottie Mae Burns, 31 Aug 1940 ] forman_burns_09-06-1940_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of June [no date], 1896, page unknown:
Married, on June 1st, Mr. H. C. FORRESTER and Miss Annie LEPRO. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. A. H. DAVIES. The invited guests were Mr. Samuel SHERMAN, of Finleyville [Pa]; Miss Kate
ZEIGLER, of Pittsburg[h] [Pa]; Henry LEPRO and wife, of Carnegie; Misses Maude FORRESTER, Hopedale, O.,
Laura A. FORRESTER, O. R. TODD and Blanche McANANY, and Messrs. M. M. TODD, Willie and Louis
LEPRO, of Midway [Pa]. Bride and groom went to Wellsburg [WVA] where they took a boat for Cincinnati and other
southern points, to be absent about two weeks.
[ Mr. H. C. FORRESTER and Miss Annie LEPRO, June 1, 1896 ] forrester_lepro_june-no-date-1896
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Frank FOSTER to ---rzah Soles, no date, in 12-29-1894 paper
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
January 20, 1894, page unknown:
At Burgettstown, on the 10th, Mr. John FRANCE, of Burgettstown, and
Miss Lizzie Caldwell, of Hickory.
[ John FRANCE to Lizzie Caldwell, 10 Jan 1894
france_caldwell_1-20-1894-mcDonald-Outlook.jpg] (s)
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Charles R. FONDERSMITH to Rena A. Williams, 22 Aug 1923
Edwin FORD to Margaret Puskar, 4 Sep 1937
L. C. FORINGER and Mae BRABSON, marriage license, in 31 March 1905 paper
Joseph Earl FORMAN to Lottie Mae Burns, 31 Aug 1940
Mr. H. C. FORRESTER and Miss Annie LEPRO, June 1, 1896
Frank FOSTER to ---rzah Soles, no date, in 12-29-1894 paper
John FRANCE to Lizzie Caldwell, 10 Jan 1894
This page was added June 3, 2007 ; updated Aug 1, 2008
; Updated March 17, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023