Bridegrooms by Surname Letter F
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 10, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Marion Bogotay, daughter of Mrs. George BOGOTAY of Moon Run, and Quartermaster Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Fred
FINI, stationed at Ft. McHenry, Baltimore, Md., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
FINI of McDonald, were united in marriage at nine o?clock Wednesday morning, September 8, 1943, in the Holy Trinity church, Moon Run, by the Rev. Father
DIETTERICH. The altar was decorated with ferns and gladioli.
The bride wore a white satin gown with matching accessories, a fingertip veil, and a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white lilies. The matron of honor, Mrs. Angeline BOGOTAY of Moon Run, sister-in-law of the bride, wore a russet-colored velvet gown with matching accessories and carried a bouquet of mixed flowers.
FINI of McDonald, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman.
Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the Pike hotel to the immediate families.
The young couple left for a brief motor trip. Upon their return, Mr. FINI will leave for his station. Mrs.
FINI will remain with her mother for the present. She was employed at the G. C. Murphy Co. store in McDonald before being transferred to the McKees Rocks store.
[ Fred FINI to Marion Bogotay, 8 Sep 1943 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 4, 1947, page unknown:
St. Bernard's church, Mt. Lebanon, was the setting Saturday morning, June 28, at 10:00 o'clock for the marriage of Mary Margaret
LINGAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. LINGAN of Gaylord avenue, Dormont, and Edwin Hoy FINISTER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. FINISTER of
Balboa, Calif. Father William P. WIERAUCH officiated at the ceremony.
The bride was given in marriage by her father and chose a gown of traditional white slipper satin with sweetheart neckline, fitted bodice, and
long tightly fitted sleeves. The full bouffant skirt ended in a long full court train. Her full-length illusion veil fell from a seed pearl tiara and she
carried a white prayer book with a white orchid and stephanatis shower. She wore a strand of pearls her gift from the bridegroom.
Bridal attendants were dressed identically in white dotted marquisette with high round neckline, ruffled cap sleeves, and fitted bodice. Their full bouffant skirts had a ruffled tier finishing the hemline and they wore white horsehair picture hats. The matron of honor was the bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. William J. LINGAN of Harrisburg, who carried a bouquet of pink roses and blue delphinum. The
bridesmaids were her twin cousins,
Joann and Patricia HURLEY, and another cousin, Mary Lou HURLEY, who carried bouquets of talisman roses and blue
William J. LINGAN of Harrisburg, the bride's brother, served as bestman and ushers were William LUCUS, William WORTHY, and Dale
of Alliance, Ohio, a classmate of the bridegroom's at the University of California.
The bride's mother was attired in a blue crepe dress with brown accessories and wore an orchid. The bridegroom's mother wore a blue crepe
suit with gray alligator accessories and wore a corsage of pink rosebuds.
Immediately following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was held at the Hotel Schenley, followed by a reception at the bride's home in the
After a wedding trip to the various cities along the coast the couple will reside in Berkeley, Calif., where the bridegroom will resume his studies
at the University of California. He is a member of the Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity. The bride attended Carnegie Tech.
Out-of-town guest here for the wedding were from California, Washington, D.C., Oil City, and Harrisburg.
[ Edwin How FINISTER to Mary Margaret Lingan, 28 Jun 1947 ]
finister_lingan_07-04-1947_ro Parts 1&2
Blue Delphinum
Stephanatis, white
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Feb. 12, 1925, page unknown:
On Wednesday evening, February 4, 1925 at 7 o'clock occurred the marriage of Mr. John A. FINNEY, Jr. of Midway and Mrs. Edna M. PARKS of
Burgettstown at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. MALONE in Burgettstown. The Rev. J. S. HITE of Midway, uncle of the
groom, officiated. The bride wore a beautiful gown of light blue crepe de chine, trimmed in tan crepe de chine. The bride's table was decorated
with a centerpiece of chrysanthemums and places were laid for nine guests. Those present were the
members of the two immediate families, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. MALONE, parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert MALONE, Mrs. Etta PURDY and daughter
Frances [PURDY], all of Burgettstown. Mr. and Mrs. John FINNEY, Sr., parents of the groom, Rev. and Mrs. J. S. HITE and son Roy of Midway.
Dinner was served at 8 o'clock to 16
by the bride's mother, assisted by her sister, Mrs. PURDY. Mr. and Mrs. FINNEY will make their home in Dinsmore avenue, Burgettstown.
[ John A. FINNEY, Jr. to Mrs. Edna M. Parks, 4 Feb 1925 ]
finney_parks_2-12-1925 (CT-L)
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* Adjusting the contrast made part 1 too dark to read.
From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of
April 7, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Margaret Louella COWDEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. COWDEN of Venice, and Mr. James Ernest FISCHER, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest W. FISCHER of Pleasant Valley, were united in marriage at 6:45 o'clock Thursday evening, March 30, 1939 in the livingroom of the
COWDEN home in Venice, R. D. 4, McDonald, before an embankment of palms and ferns.
The Rev. C. T. LITTELL, D. D., pastor of the Venice U. P. church, performed the ceremony on the 29th anniversary of the marriage of the bride's
parents, the first couple married by him when he assumed the pastorate of the Venice church 29 years ago. Mrs. Martha Barbour ADAMSON
of Rea played a medley of wedding airs leading into the wedding march, after which Dr. LITTELL performed the ring ceremony. Master Skippy
FISCHER, young brother of the bridegroom, was the ringbearer. The bridal party entered the livingroom from the stairway through an aisle out-lined with white satin ribbons held by Shirley and Norma WESNER, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WESNER of Canonsburg.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore white tulle over white taffeta and her veil of tulle was draped from a head-dress of seed pearls
and orange blossoms. She carried a satin-covered Bible with marker of angel-skin ribbon and baby gardenias. The maid-of-honor, Miss
Amanda PHILLIPS, of Venice, wore pink taffeta with a wrist corsage of sweet peas and daisies. Mr. Robert FISCHER, brother of the
bridegroom, served as bestman. Marian FISCHER niece of the bridegroom, and Nancy COWDEN, cousin of the bride, were the flower girls. The
little girl attendants were similarly attired in pink organdie and the flower girls had wrist corsages of sweet peas and daisies. Mrs. COWDEN,
mother of the bride, wore light blue crepe, and Mrs. FISCHER, mother of the bridegroom, chose navy blue chiffon, each having a shoulder
corsage of sweet peas and talisman roses.
A reception and two-course luncheon supplemented the ceremony when covers were laid for forty, ten seated at the bride's table. Seven guests
were present who had attended the wedding ceremony of the bride's parents. The Rev. Dr. C. T. LITTELL, Earl COWDEN, Lawrence COWDEN,
S. H. HERRIOTT, and Margaret HERRIOTT LANNING of the Venice community, Miss Elizabeth THOMPSON of Canonsburg, and Mrs. J. A. GRAY
of Burgettstown.
The young couple left Friday night on an Eastern wedding trip which will include Washington D. C. Upon their return they will reside with the bride's
Mrs. FISCHER is a graduate of the Cecil Township high school and studied in the Sewickley Valley Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. FISCHER,
who attended Peters township high school, is employed by the Standard Tin Plate Co. of Canonsburg.
[ James Ernest FISCHER to Margaret Louella Cowden, 30 Mar 1939 ]
fischer_cowden_04-07-1939 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 24, 1934, page unknown:
Miss Xetha Swaney, formerly of McDonald, and Cornelius Fiscus of Marienville, were united in marriage Saturday, August 18, 1934, by Fr. Salmon of Marienville.
[ Cornelius FISCUS to Xetha Swaney, 18 Aug 1934 ]
fiscus_swaney_08-24-1934_ro (CB)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
This page includes: Fred FINI to Marion Bogotay, 8 Sep 1943
Edwin How FINISTER to Mary Margaret Lingan, 28 Jun 1947
John A. FINNEY, Jr. to Mrs. Edna M. Parks, 4 Feb 1925
James Ernest FISCHER to Margaret Louella Cowden, 30 Mar 1939
Cornelius FISCUS to Xetha Swaney, 18 Aug 1934
This page was added June 3, 2007 ; updated Aug. 24, 2009 ; updated Sept. 5, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023