Bridegrooms by Surname Letter F
From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 25 Nov 1905:
Miss Stella A. BOEHME, daughter of H. E. BOEHME, and Eugene L. FABRE, one of McDonald's popular young business men, were married at Pittsburg Wednesday. They will go to housekeeping on Barr street. The OUTLOOK extends congratulations.
[ Eugene L. FABRE to Stella A. Boehme, no date, in 11-25-1928 paper ] Fabre_Boehme_11-25-05-out
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of July 7, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Kathryn Virginia Schollaert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schollaert of Sturgeon, and Mr. William A. Fagan, son of Mrs. John Fagan of Bridgeville, were united in marriage at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 4, 1940 in St. Patrick?s church,
Noblestown, the Rev. Fr. C. M. Keane performed the ring ceremony.
The bride wore a white chiffon gown with a finger-tip veil of tulle. She carried a bouquet of pink roses and lilies of the valley. The matron of honor, Mrs. Nellie Vechazone of Bridgeville, wore a gown of blue organdy with pink accessories and carried cream-colored roses and
babybreath. Her husband, Leo Vechazone, served as bestman.
A wedding breakfast was served in the Schollaert home. There were 12 guests seated at the bride?s table. A large wedding cake and flowers formed the table centerpiece. The young couple will reside with the bridegroom?s mother.
[ William A. FAGAN to Kathryn Virginia Schollaert, 4 Jul 1940 ] fagan_schollaert_07-12-1940-ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of ,,,, page unknown:
Miss Sittemia Altieri, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Altieri of Cecil, and Sgt. Sistino Faiella stationed this past
15 months at Ft. Hayes, Ohio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Concezio Faiella of Columbus, Ohio, were united in marriage at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, November 20, 1943, in St. Mary?s church, Cecil, by the Rev. Father Biller.
The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Joseph Altieri, wore an ivory satin gown, made princess style, with a veil and train and a sweetheart neckline of
seed pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and wore a single strand of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. The maid of honor, Miss Angeline Altieri of Cecil, sister
of the bride, wore a green dress and carried a bouquet of mums. The bridesmaids were Miss Velia Altieri of Cecil, cousin of the bride, Miss Alma Spinos of Cecil, niece of the bride, Miss Wilma
Faiella of Columbus, Ohio, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Joanna Faiella of Columbus, Ohio, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Marlene
Altieri, niece of the bride. Each wore faille taffeta gowns and a
strand of pearls and carried a bouquet of mums, large and small. Victor Santilli (soldier) of Brooklyn, N.Y., served as bestman and the ushers were Benjamin
Altieri, brother of the bride, Edward Canale, Herman
Spinosa of the coast guard, nephew of the bride, and Joseph Altieri. Miss Mary Quinn, the church organist, played the wedding music.
A reception was held in the Italian hall. There were 100 guests with 14 seated at the bride?s table.
Mrs. Faiella is a graduate of Cecil high school. Her husband is a graduate of Central high school, Columbus, Ohio. They will reside in Columbus.
[ Sistino FAIELLA to Sittemia Altieri, 20 Nov 1943 ] faiella_altieri_11-26-1943-ro
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook of May 25, 1907, page unknown:
Frank FAIR and Miss Bertha DURANTER were married in St. Alphonsus' church on Wednesday morning, May 22, 1907, by Rev. Joseph A.
BURGOON. Mr. FAIR is the popular young salesman at Wolk's store and his bride is a well known young lady of the East End. The happy
couple for the present will live with Mr. FAIR's mother on Coal street. The OUT-LOOK extends congratulations.
[ Frank FAIR to Bertha Duranter, 22 May 1907 ]
fair_duranter_05-25-1907_outlook (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of Aug. 13, 1937, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Englefield of Burgettstown announce the marriage of their daughter Bernice to Raymond Fair, son of
Mrs. Raymond Blanchard of McDonald. The ceremony was performed September 26, 1936, in the New York Avenue
Presbyterian church, Washington, D.C., with the Rev. Albert Evans, pastor of the church officiating. Miss Margaret
Remaley of Export attended the couple. Mrs. Fair has been a teacher in the Burgettstown schools for many years. Mr.
Fair is employed by the International Business Machine Co. of Pittsburgh. They will reside at 26 Tenan street,
[ Raymond FAIR to Bernice Englefield, 26 Sep 1936 ] fair_englefield_08-13-1937
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Eugene L. FABRE to Stella A.
Boehme, no date, in 11-25-1928 paper
William A. FAGAN to Kathryn Virginia Schollaert, 4 Jul 1940
Sistino FAIELLA to Sittemia Altieri, 20 Nov 1943
Frank FAIR to Bertha Duranter, 22 May 1907
Raymond FAIR to Bernice Englefield, 26 Sep 1936
This page was added June 1, 2007 ; updated
Sept 26 2007 ; updated Feb. 27, 2009
; updated Aug. 24, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023